Sunnyside Elementary
January 2022
Sunnyside Parents and Families,
Schools in Kansas are required by law to hold practice drills to protect the safety of students and staff. So far this year we have held three fire drills, one tornado drill, an evacuation drill, and an armed intruder drill. Our staff has been trained in ALICE, a response method that is used by many schools to react to dangerous situations. If you have any concerns or questions about our plans to provide a safe school environment for your students, please communicate with me at your convenience.
Dr. John Montford
9:30am to let us know the reason.
learning focuses for January:
PK and K will compare and contrast personal experiences to experiences of characters in a story by interacting with different stories..
1st and 2nd grade will identify simple reference sources such as encyclopedias, maps, and bookmarked websites by exploring different resources.
3rd grade will identify and respond to characteristics of different genres by designing a flip book.
4th and 5th grade will make connections with materials that are read, heard, and viewed by designing an acrostic winter poem.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
PreK-5 students will continue reviewing and building on concepts such as beat, rhythm, pitch, movement and more! Kindergarten and 1st grade students will begin working on their music program this month. The performance will be Thursday February 24th at 7:00PM in the Sunnyside gym. Please put the date on your calendar and plan on having your student in attendance. More detailed information will be coming home closer to the date. Thank you to all of our families who attended our 4th and 5th grade music program “More Children of the World” December 9th. We were so excited to be able to have programs again and the students did an amazing job!
Musically yours,
Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. McGeeP.E.
Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas break, and hopefully you got some daily exercise during the break! Busy once again, starting off the new year basketball. Jump Rope will start up after basketball this month. Going to be a great second half of the year. We are looking forward to the second semester! Exercise and Eat healthy every day!
Coach Doan & Coach Randolph