The Pulse Post
Vol. 1 Issue 12 | November 1st-5th
Congratulations, Ms. Kangas!
Teacher of the Year 2021-22: Gwinnett selects semifinalists for district’s top honor
November 5th: Fall Festival
- This event is open students and families.
- Attire: WHITE OUT: wear all white with gold accents
- When: Friday November 5th from 2:15 pm-4:00 pm
- Where: MHSHS Commons
- Main event: Pep Rally, Competitive, carnival & Electronic Games, food and concessions, booths hosted by clubs, canned food drive, thrift shop, photo booth, food trucks & more!
- Tickets: Tickets Sold on GoFan for $6. No cash at door as all tickets must be bought on GoFan. Please scan QR code and purchase your tickets today.(Tickets are non-refundable)
- Hosted by Student Council
November 5th: Fall Dance Show
November 9th: Digital Learning Day #3
Dates for the 2021 - 2022 School Year Digital Learning Days:
- November 9, 2021, Day #3.
- January 25, 2022, Day #4.
- March 2, 2022, Day #5.
- March 22, 2022, Day #6.
Device checkout for DLD #2 for students:
- Parents/guardians can come to check out devices on Friday, November 5th from 7:30AM to 11:30AM. A parent/guardian must be present in order to check out a device as the device distribution form has to have a parent/guardian signature.
- Devices must be returned on Wednesday, November 10th to Mrs. Noordoorn in the Media Center.
November 18th: Theater Performance
December 7th: Bank and Orchestra Winter Concert
December 14th-17th Final Exams
December 14th -1st Academic Final
December 15th-2nd and 3rd Academic Finals
December 16th 4th and 5th Academic Finals
December 17th-6th and 7th Academic Finals
MHSHS Family Action Items
- Free and Reduced Lunch Form
- Parent Portal Access Form
- 2021-2022 Junior & Senior Parking Form and Pay Parking Fee on My Payments Plus
- Pay School Fees
- Sign-off that you have read and reviewed the student/parent handbook.
- Sign-off that you have read and reviewed Title I documents.
Senior and Junior Dues
Class of 2022 Senior Dues are $200 and can be paid through Senior dues include Cap & Gown, the Official MHSHS Stole, Class of 2022 Tassel, Diploma, Diploma Cover, Senior t-shirt, Senior week activities, Senior Breakfast, Official 2022 Yearbook, and selected senior events. Dues must be in by October 1st. If dues are paid after October 1st the price will increase to $250.
Class of 2023 Junior Dues are $100 and can be paid through My Payments Plus. Junior dues include prom, class t-shirt, spirit week, and selected class events. Dues must be in by October 1st. If dues are paid after October 1st the price will increase to $150.
Empty Stocking Fund Holiday Help for Families:
Empty Stocking Fund Holiday Help for Families: Registration is now open. Please share with your families!
Step 1: Register
All children who are receiving any form of public assistance are eligible to receive gifts from The Empty Stocking Fund. There is no application process. Simply visit or click here to register. Proof of benefits is required.
Step 2: Shop
Within two weeks of submitting registration and acceptable proof of benefits, families will receive an email letting them know that their shopping link has been activated.
Step 3: Pick Up Your Gifts
Thanks to distribution partners like the YMCA of Metro Atlanta, ESF is able to get gifts closer to families! When families submit their order they will be given an opportunity to choose when and where to pick up the gifts.
English ZOOM Online Learning Class for Parents
Links to the Digital Resources on the GCPL Website
MHSHS PTA Interest Form
Clothing & Shoes Recycle Bin
GCPS Parent Resources
We know that families want easy access and one, go-to location for need-to-know information about their student's education— from records to resources. Just as important, you want an easy way to stay in touch with the school. The Updated Parent Portal gives parents access to grades, assignments, and communication with teachers. The Parent Portal gives families a direct line to the classroom, with 24/7 real-time information and anytime, anywhere access, with in-portal translation in multiple languages. And that's just the beginning...