Beeson News
November 2021-2022
The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students did the walk-a-thon at Beeson Elementary and collected $282.00. This money benefits one meal for all the family and two wagons that will be used in several ways for the children at St. Jude. Thank you for the ones who walked or gave. Thank you! This will help others who are less fortunate. We are so proud of all the students at Beeson.
Beeson No School -Monday, Nov. 1st
Beeson Music Program 2nd/3rd Grade-Thursday, Nov. 4th 6:30 p.m.
Beeson Picture Retakes-Friday, Nov. 5th
Daylight Savings Time Ends-Sunday, Nov. 7th
Board of Education Reg. Mtg. 6:00 p.m. at Board Room-Monday, Nov. 8th
Beeson Site Council/Bulldog Club Mtg.-Thursday, Nov. 18th @ 3:30 p.m.
Board of Education Reg. Mtg. 12:00 p.m. at Northwest Elementary-Monday, Nov. 22nd
Thanksgiving Break-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Nov. 24th, Nov. 25th, & Nov. 26th.
Beeson Late Start-Wednesday 27th at 9:30 a.m.
I enjoy seeing everybody who watches Snuggle-Up Saturday on the Library facebook page. Every week it is a new book. If you miss a book just scroll down and you should find it. Remember reading is important every day.
Miss Lawrence, Librarian
This year we will have our first 2nd/3rd grade Music Program, Titled "Nature Baby" Thursday, November, 4th at 6:30 p.m.
Music Teachers
Amanda Lesser
Cheryl Shule
Required Information for Parents:
If you have questions regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher or paraprofessional, please contact the school principal to gain more information on teacher qualifications and observed teaching performance.
If you have questions regarding your student’s state assessment scores, please contact the school principal where your child is attending school.
Parents will be contacted by the school if their child (ren) is taught for four or more continuous weeks by a teacher that does not meet the appropriate state certification standards. Letters are mailed out in September and February of the school year.
All students/families served in Title 1 school wide buildings must complete a parent school compact agreement for Success.
- Monday, October 25th - Pajama and/or Sweats Day
- Tuesday, October 26th - Crazy Hair and Socks Day
- Wednesday, October 27th - Hat Day
- Thursday, October 28th - Pride Day or Wear Blue Day
- Friday, October 29th - Favorite Character Day
Courage is the character word of the month for November. To be courageous not only means to be brave, it also means:
To stand up for yourself and for others…
To do the right thing….
To make the correct choice, even when it’s hard….
To stand up for what’s right, even if you’re standing alone…..
Thank you for helping stamp out bullying behaviors!
Bundle Up Your Children for Winter RECESS
Colder days are upon us. Or students go outside every day for recess after lunch. Make sure your child brings a coat, hat, and gloves each day. Kansas weather can change rapidly and students need to be prepared. It might be a good idea for students to keep a sweater in their backpacks just in case the weather turns cold. Another good practice is to refrain from wearing shorts during the winter months. Also, the short miniskirts which are so popular today need to be worn with leggings or tights to keep the girls warm. We want students to be comfortable when they go out for fresh air and exercise each day. We go outside for recess every day that the temperature is above 20 degrees.