The Rocket
January 2022
Dates to Remember
January 5th: 1st Day of Spring Semester
January 5th: Report Cards mailed out, please make sure we have your correct address!
January 14th: SITE/PIE Meeting - 8:00 am
January 17th: No School
January 27th: 2nd Grade Music Program beginning at 6:00 PM
3rd Grade Music Program beginning at 7:00 PM
Event Information
2nd and 3rd Grade Music Program
Please be watching for information from Mrs. Harris!
Thursday, Jan 27, 2022, 06:00 PM
Central School Gym
Central Library Book Fair
We will be having our Central Book Fair, during conferences next month. Mrs. Weil will send information out closer to time.
It's Cold Outside!
Just a reminder to wear heavy coats and bundle up every day!
Student Illness
Please keep your student home if they are running a fever or vomiting. Winter is cold and flu season and we want to keep everyone as healthy as possible!