The Rocket
November 2023
Dates to Remember
November 2nd: 5:30 PM Family Literacy Cafe at the Civic Center
November 9th: 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm Parent Teacher Conferences
November 10th: No School for Students
November 10th: 8:00 am - 11:40am Parent Teacher Conferences
November 16th: 6:00 PM - 5th Grade Music Program
November 17th: 8:00 am - SITE Council/PIE
November 21st: 9:00 am - Reader's Theater
November 21st: 1:10 PM Early Dismissal
November 22nd - 24th: No School - Thanksgiving Break
A note from Mrs. Panzer:
Hello, families! It’s hard to believe that our first semester is nearly over. Time has gone fast!
We have some important things coming up in the next several weeks. One of those is the FastBridge testing that we do three times a year. We do it in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. The FastBridge testing helps us determine where students are in their learning progression. We will do the Winter testing at the end of this month. Would you please help us in educating your children by making sure they get plenty of sleep and limit their screen time. These two things: adequate sleep and limited screen time are really simple but powerful ways families can help in the education of their children.
Another important event we have coming up in December is our Polar Express Day. But even before that we will have a Polar Express Work Night where we invite families to help us make the train replicas for Polar Express Day. We will be talking about this at our next SITE Council/PIE meeting on November 17. I encourage you to attend. We welcome all families in helping us make Polar Express Day magical for students!
Speaking of PIE…….we have received feedback that it would be helpful to have meetings at times other than Friday mornings. So we will be working on scheduling meetings for later afternoon/early evening. Our goal is to get as many families as possible involved in our PIE group.
Wishing you all a wonderful November!!
Weather Note and Dress Code
Just a reminder that November 1st until after Spring Break, students can no longer wear shorts. If shorts are worn during this time frame, parents will be called to bring up pants.
Along those lines, please make sure your child is dressed warm and has a coat every day. We usually go outside for recess unless there is inclement weather or a temp/wind chill of less than 20 degrees.
South Parking Lot
Due to traffic and safety concerns, we will no longer be allowing student drop offs in the south parking lot. You will be asked to park your car in the lot and then walk your student to the gym doors. If you are only wanting to drop your student off, you will be asked to use the drop off lane on Central. Your students can then either enter through the front doors or walk to the gym doors.
Librarian's Corner
This November I hope you are feeling as blessed as I am. November brings us some colder weather, and I hope your are taking some time to snuggle up and read with your family. I am really enjoying watching the love of reading grow in your children and I hope you are noticing it at home as well.
The Book Blast program starts this month. What I love about this program is that it gets books into your homes. I feel this is so important in the growing of a great reader and I hope your child is as excited about this program as I am.
I wanted to take a moment to thank all those who are helping make the library events wonderful and all the families for participating in them.
Happy Reading
- Mrs. Weil
Nov. 2nd– Family Literacy Café event
Nov. 6-17th– Book Blast event
Dec. 4-15th– Book Character Ornaments displayed