Miller News
August 2022
Welcome Back
We are excited to start this 2022-2023 school year. Make sure to be checking our monthly news letter as well as keeping up with our Miller facebook page. We share upcoming events, important dates, information you need to know as parents/guardians, and of course we love to share pictures.
This year will be full of learning and of course making memories. Lets get this school year started!
Dates to Remember
August 17th - Open house @ 5:00 pm
August 18th - Title 1 Kinder parent coffee at 8:15 am
August 23rd - Kinder Parent Mtg @ 5:30 pm
August 24th - 3rd grade parent mtg @ 5:30 pm
August 25th - 1st grade parent mtg @ 5:30 pm
August 26th - Character trait assembly
August 30th - 4th grade parent mtg @ 5:30 pm
August 31st - 2nd grade parent mtg @ 5:30 pm
September 1st - 5th grade parent mtg @ 5:30 pm
Event Information
Kinder coffee and donuts
Kindergarten parents please join us for coffee and donuts after you drop off your child in their classroom. We will be sharing some information to new kinder parents as well as answering any questions you may have. We hope to see you there.
Thursday, Aug 18, 2022, 08:15 AM
Miller Elementary Library
About us
Website: https://usd443.org/543282_3
Location: 1100 Avenue G, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: (620) 471-2102
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/millerelementarydodgecity/