Sunnyside Elementary
Sunnyside Parents and Families:
On February 9 and 10, we will hold parent-teacher conferences. Conferences give us an opportunity to share student progress in a two-way conversation. Parents are encouraged to ask questions of the teachers during conferences to become more informed about their students. A few examples of questions you might ask are:
·How is my child doing socially and emotionally?
· What are my child’s academic strengths and weaknesses?
· Is my child performing on grade level?
· Does my child need any extra help?
· What can I do at home to support my child?
· What is the best way to communicate with the school and the teacher?
I hope you are looking forward to the time you can meet with staff and teachers at Sunnyside.
Dr. John Montford, Principal of Sunnyside Elementary
Music News
Dear Parents/Guardians,
PreK-5 students will continue reviewing and building on concepts such as beat, rhythm, pitch, movement and more! Kindergarten and 1st grade students will continue working on their music program this month. The performance will be Thursday February 24th at 7:00PM in the Sunnyside gym. 2nd and 3rd grade will begin working on their music program that is scheduled for Tuesday April 12th at 7:00PM in the Sunnyside gym. Please put the dates on your calendar and plan on having your student in attendance. More detailed information will be coming home closer to the date. 5th grade will also continue working on their dancing and movement as they prepare for their assessment. The assessment just shows us if the students can move through time and space.
Musically yours,
Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. McGee
Counselor’s Corner Mrs. Jones
Most “Fair” Students for the month of January
Pre-K: King – Jeremiah Gutierrez-Molina & Kimberly Ortiz Ramirez; Slattery – Kelly Lopez Moran & Ashlynn Larman; Baldwin- Arianni Castillo & David Rodriguez Treto- Leo Del Real & Mia Rios Garcia.
Kindergarten: Hoffman - Meilani Sanchez & Allison Ibarra; Apatiga – Micheal Saban Ortiz & Marta Zacarias Ajualip; Staats –
1st grade: Wines – Zander Spears & Samantha Romo; Northcutt – Manuela Ramos & Adrian Guevara; Leon – Ailyn Vital & Jonathan Ojeda.
2nd grade: Fry – Izariyah Ramirez & Oakland Blair; Goering – Jesus Garcia & Ilse Marquez Hernandez; Enriquez –Miguel Morales & Sophia del real.
3rd grade: Morton – Yosalin Gomez & Sammy Lopez; Hernandez – Lionel Del Real & Amae Ray; Rodela – Damian Ramirez & Aubrey Facio.
4th grade: Wondra – Joanna Leon & Jaydin Sanchez; Smith – Ivan Morales & Damian Castro.
5th grade: Solis – Angel Ramirez Quezada & Jose Nas Morales; Rosales – Yalessa Rodriguez & Giovanni Jimon; Brull-
The Library learning focuses for February:
PK, K, and 1st will compare and contrast story elements of two fiction stories.
2nd and 3rd grade will conduct a simple research project by gathering information from a variety of sources.
4th and 5th grade will conduct a research project by gathering information from a variety of sources.