From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
January 24, 2019
From a Nation at Risk to a Nation of Hope
3 Strategies to Build Resilience and Counteract the Anxiety Epidemic in Students
Digital Text is Changing How Kids Read—Just Not in the Way That You Think
TEACHERS: Why Are You a Teacher? Your Answer Should Change Over Time
It’s not uncommon for teachers to find themselves in professional-development sessions being asked: ”What is your philosophy of education?” or ”Why are you a teacher?” Teachers often shrug off this question and give generic run-of-the-mill answers like "I want students to learn" or “To inspire the youth.” But educators reflecting on their philosophy of education is an essential piece of becoming an effective educator.
TEACHERS: What's Going On In the Brain Of A Child Who Has Experienced Trauma
TEACHERS: Five Ways to Help Children with ADHD Develop Their Strengths
TEACHERS: Transforming Teaching with the Science of Learning - Retrieval Practice
When we think about learning, we typically focus on getting information into students’ heads. What if, instead, we focus on getting information out of students’ heads?
“Retrieval practice” is a learning strategy where we focus on getting information out. Through the act of retrieval, or calling information to mind, our memory for that information is strengthened and forgetting is less likely to occur. Retrieval practice is a powerful tool for improving learning without more technology, money, or class time.
TEACHERS: The Impact of Compassion Education
TEACHERS: 3 Ways to Re-imagine Small Group Instruction
Often, teachers combat time constraints by teaching more to the whole class, while interacting less through small groups or one-to-one. Yet doing so creates more teaching-to-the-middle and less individualization. So how can teachers move toward more individualized learning opportunities within our time constraints? Small-group reading experiences! Small-group reading allows us to harness proximity to design instruction around students’ curiosities, passions, habits, and needs.
PARENTS: What’s the Right Age to Give My Kid Social Media?
PARENTS: How to Help Tweens and Teens Manage Social Conflict
PARENTS: What Can Parents Do about Fortnite?
LEADERS: Creating a Growth Mindset Culture in Your School
LEADERS: 10 Things The Best Leaders Do To Get Even Better
Recently Kobe Brynat talked about how 2-time NBA Finals MVP and champion Kevin Durant can get event better. Whether you lead a church, business, non-profit, educational environment, or athletic organization, his insights have implications for you. Read here the 10 Things The Best Leaders Do To Get Even Better. All quotes are from Bryant himself.
LEADERS: Teachers’ Roles in School Decision Making and School Performance
LEADERS: 12 Research Based Instructional Leadership Strategies
LEADERS: 4 Steps Every School Leader Needs to Take
Excellent school leaders are those who are fiercely committed to learning and growing themselves. They know the importance to keep moving forward, one step at a time, taking the necessary steps to challenge themselves and to model what they want to see in students and staff. Check out these four steps to move forward as a leader.
Factulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think
Preparing Students with the Technology Skills They Need for High School
Thursday, January 24, 4:00 PM EST
Music-Making Experiences in the Early Childhood Inclusion Classroom
Friday, January 25, 2:0 PM EST
Getting Started with Google Forms
Saturday, January 26, 10:00 AM EST
Footprint Foothold: Helping Students Manage Their Online Reputations
Tuesday, January 29, 3:00 PM EST
Handwriting and Technology: Teaching Handwriting in the Digital Age
Tuesday, January 29, 4:00 PM EST
Transforming Student Achievement Through Common Instructional Knowledge, Language, and Tools
Wednesday, January 30, 2:00 PM EST
Promoting Belonging in Math Through Instructional Choices and Practices
Wednesday, January 30, 3:00 PM EST
Teaching for the 21st Century with Nearpod and Google
Wednesday, January 30, 4:00 PM EST
Leading Transformation: Personalize How Your School Learns
Thursday, January 31, 4:00 PM EST
Flexible Grouping and Collaborative Learning: Making It Work
Thursday, January 31, 1:00 PM EST
Monday, February 4, 6:30 PM EST
Demonstrating Student Mastery with Digital Badges and Portfolios
Tuesday, February 5, 3:00 PM EST
Early STEM Exposure Through Career-Focused PBL
Tuesday, February 5, 2:00 PM EST
What Kids are Reading (and Not Reading) in 2019: New Insights for Education Leaders
Thursday, February 7, 4:00 PM EST
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Young Children: Driving Change in Early Education
Thursday, February 7, 3:00 PM EST
Leading Learning Through Observation and Feedback
Monday, February 11, 6:30 PM EST
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Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 312-310-5617
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Twitter: @HJPotoka