15 November 2022

Here is a guide on how we communicate at WPS. All of the platforms hold important information for parents, and we hope this gives clarification of their use.
• Go to our website for:
- School and Department of Education information
- Events and activity information with online permission notes
- Make payments in school Bytes
- How to guides, eg. registration for Parent Portal
- Enrolment link
- Calendar of events including links to online notes
- Canteen online ordering link and menus
- Uniform shop online ordering and details
- P&C minutes/agendas
- Videos and photos
- And so much more!
• Go to our fortnightly newsletter for:
- Principal’s message
- Overview with photos on what has happened at school
- Information on future events and community news
• Go to Sentral Parent Portal for:
- Notifications/reminders on activities, excursions, reminders, cancellations, etc
- Parent calendar
- View student attendance
- Non-attendance text by 10am/Reply to non-attendance text
- Apply for future student absence
- Student reports available to view and print
- Parent-teacher interview online booking
- Locate relevant information from newsfeed, eg online permission form
• Go to School Bytes for:
• Go to Facebook:
- Posts from classes after events/activities, showcase of achievements and work created by students and classes
- Notifications/reminders to families on events and activities happening at school
• Go to SeeSaw for:
- Classroom and student focus on activities happening in class. Student work is uploaded on SeeSaw for parents to view. Parents can ‘like’ and ‘comment’ on student posts
Woonona Public School