From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
August 30, 2017
Today’s Classrooms Should be about Flexible Teaching - Not Furniture
Relationships Matter More Than Rules
Learning doesn’t happen without relationships. In the classroom, rules matter, but as many teachers have learned after a few years teaching, relationships matter much more. Community building in the classroom starts on day one. Try these strategies to begin forging strong relationships.
The New Preschool is Crushing Kids
Today’s young children are working more, but they are learning less. In many preschool classrooms greater portions of the day are spent on teacher-led activities or direct instruction and preschool is no longer a place of unhurried learning. What are the features of a good preschool program?
Canva is a simple drag and drop image graphic design platform that allows students to create beautiful info-graphics, magazine covers, post cards, facebook headers, book covers, etc. It has built in designs for text, and even has a design school for students to learn how to create better graphics.
Visit Canva for Education to get how-tos, lesson plans, and teacher-oriented advice. Or check this blog for 13 Ways to Use Canva in the Classroom.
Shifting the Lift in Math - Who Is Doing the Work?
Achieve the Core
Wednesday, Sept. 6, 7:00 pm EDT
Mitigating the Impact of a Disaster in Early Childhood Education
edWeb - Dr. Cathy Grace
Thursday, Sept. 7, 2:00 pm EDT
Text, Twitter, Email. Call - What do Parents Say About School Communications?
edWeb - Dr. Julie Evans
Monday, Sept. 11, 3:00 pm EDT
Visible Learning MIndframes: A Deeper Dive
Corwin: Kristin Anderson
Monday, Sept. 11. 6:30 pm EDT
School Culture Rewired: Proven Strategies From an Expert
edWeb - Steve Gruenert
Monday, Sept. 11, 4:00 pm EDT
Finally - A Guide to Parent Engagement That Works Every Time
edWeb - Sarah M Rich
Monday, Sept. 11, 5:00 pm EDT
Advocating for Play in the Early Childhood Classroom
edWeb - Brian Mowry
Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2:00 pm EDT
Engagement By Design: How to Create a Learning Environment Where Students Thrive
Corwin - Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Dominique Smith
Monday, Sept. 18, 6:30 EDT
Everyday Strategies to Build a Sustainable Culture of Kindness
edWeb - Christa M. Tinari
Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1:00 pm EDT
FOR TEACHERS: Why Gentleness is a Strong Classroom Management Strategy
FOR TEACHERS: 4 Approaches to Building Positive Community in Any Classroom
Building positive community starts with the first day of school and remains a priority throughout the school year. Here are four groups of ideas to help students feel welcomed and comfortable. They are not one-shot deals. Rather, they benefit from frequent (i.e. almost daily) repetition, particularly during the first six weeks of school, and then regularly thereafter as ongoing reminders.
FOR PRE-SCHOOL TEACHERS: Top 25 Educational Toys for Preschoolers
Here are the top 25 picks of toys that one preschool teacher suggests should be in every preschool classroom. When choosing the toys for preschool classrooms remember that simple is best. Children learn better in an environment that is not cluttered with toys, but instead in a space that is clean, simple, and with room for their imaginations. This list includes toys for every area of learning.
WEBSITE FOR TEACHERS: TeachThought: Tips for Teachers
TeachThought is a great website for practical information and thought pieces. Their mission “is to grow teachers,” and this is reflected in the site’s content. TeachThought organizes its content into four main categories—Critical Thinking, Learning, Teaching, and The Future of Learning—which offer everything from theoretical think pieces to practical tasks for application
FOR PARENTS: Teen Cell Phone Contract
FOR PARENTS: One Secret to Make Embarrassing Talks Easier for Kids
It’s no secret that many tweens and teens don’t talk to their parents about their struggles because of the shame and embarrassment they know they’ll feel. But that isolation and secrecy only keeps them in bondage to their addiction and sin, something all parents wish they could help their children understand. So how do we break down that barrier and help them find freedom? Take 3-5 to minutes to read the post and glean practical insight from a mom in the thick of it.
FOR SCHOOL LEADERS: Leadership Matters
Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood.
Here is a link to a review of the book and a podcast where the participants discuss the book.
Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 312-310-5617
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCUE-Chicago-567881706592903/?fref=photo
Twitter: @HJPotoka