From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
April 4, 2019
Why Schools Should Be Organized To Prioritize Relationships
Strong relationships can prime a person to learn. And for those we adverse childhood experiences, strong relationships can mitigate the negative effects of trauma. Schools organized with relationships as a priority can benefit children in many ways. In this Edutopia video, teachers share how they make time and mental space to connect with students.
How Learning Works: 10 Research Based Insights
Why We Really Need Social-Emotional Learning Now
TEACHERS: 4 Tools to Help Kids Develop Empathy and Cultural Humility
Cultural humility is when we recognize that we have biases and limitations to our knowledge regarding another’s culture. Whether they are seeking to relate to someone of a different race, age, or gender, kids who can better keep themselves in perspective and practice cultural humility are more likely to value the contributions of others to their lives -- a necessity when fostering truly collaborative, forward-thinking societies. Check out these picks to help kids reflect on their own views and work toward the welfare of others.
TEACHERS: Effective Teachers are Self-Reflective Teachers
TEACHERS: How to Promote Resilience in Your Students
How to promote resilience in students is a hot topic in education and health at the moment and for a good reason. Resilience is the ability to cope with negative life events and challenges. It has been described as the capacity to ‘bounce back’ from difficult situations and persist in the face of adversity. Developing resilience in young people is considered by many as the antidote to the epidemic of mental ill-health across our society today. Here are five ways teachers can promote resilience in their students.
TEACHERS: How Kids Learn Better By Taking Frequent Breaks Throughout The Day
TEACHERS: Changing How Educators See Negative Behavior in the Classroom
From Education Week
TEACHERS: 4 Things All Project-Based Learning Teachers Should Do
TEACHERS: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself About Unmotivated Students
TEACHERS: Yes, Over Parenting is a Problem, but Teachers Can Do Something About It
TEACHERS: Eighth Graders Learn Speaking Skills in TED-Ed class
TEACHERS: Top 20 Tech Tips for Teachers
PARENTS: Here’s the Best Things You Can Do For Your Kids, Parents
Parents worry about many things related to the development of their children. Some of these concerns are universal and shared by parents from time immemorial. These stresses about their children’s development can be consuming and almost suffocating. Parents, read this article and give yourself permission to breathe.
PARENTS: Parents are Losing Their Kids to Video Games
PARENTS: The ABC’s of Reading to Your Child
LEADERS: Districts Offer More Teacher-Driven PD
LEADERS: goLEAD: Becoming More Intentional About Student Leadership
LEADERS: A Practice That Doesn’t Exactly Feel Like Self-Care But Totally Is
LEADERS: The 2 Rare Skills You Need to Be A Great Leader
SEL and Principal Leadership, K-8
Tuesday, April 2, 4:00 PM EDT
Snapshots of Successful Diverse Classrooms
Wednesday, April 3, 3:00 PM EDT
The Whys and Hows of Implementing SEL
Thursday, April 4, 4:00 PM EDT
How to Lead Conversations About Healthy, Responsible Media Use
Tuesday, April 9, 4:00 PM EDT
How Early Literacy Impacts Reading to Learn
Wednesday, April 10, 4:00 PM EDT
Building Equity: Practices That Empower All Learners
Monday, April 15, 3:00 PM EDT
Learning in the 21st Century: What Teachers, Parents, and the Public Think Mattes
Tuesday, April 16, 5:00 PM EDT
Authentic Assessment in the Digital Age
Thursday, April 18, 5:00 PM EDT
Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning Classroom
Monday, April 22, 6:30 PM EDT
Engaging Children with Music and Movement
Tuesday, April 23, 4:00 PM EDT
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Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
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