From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
July 20, 2017
Quiet, Still and Passive - A Formula to Keep Students From Learning
How to Set up A Makerspace in Your School
“You don’t need a large budget to pull off a makerspace,” teacher Teri Bauerly explains. “What you do need is space, materials for a few stations, and—most importantly—input from your learners.” She would know. After getting the maker itch, she went from a cart and donated LEGOs to a full-fledged, robot-dominant makespace. Here’s how she raised the money, along with a list of the best products that won’t break the bank.
Helping Introverts Get Heard in the Classroom
Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, if you’re a teacher, chances are you have both in your class. But many of our classroom activities are optimized for the outgoing: from group work to class presentations. In this article Chrissy Romano-Arrabito provides a reminder to pay attention to those quiet kids—and some tips to get their voices heard.
TECH TALK - 3 Free Map Creators
"Maps are a great way for students to navigate their understanding of different topics. While it is useful for geography (of course), students can also use mapping to increase their understanding of a story in English, a lesson in History, studies in Ecology, and more. Here are three FREE tools that allow students and teachers to create interactive maps, and they don’t require a login!” -Jennifer Carey
Mastering Formative Assessment Moves: 7 High-Leverage Practices to Advance Student Learning
ASCD - Brent Duckor and Carrie Holmberg,
Thursday, July 27, 3:00 pm (EDT)
Digital Portfolios in the Classroom
ASCD - Matt Renwick
Tuesday, August 8, 3:00 pm (EDT)
Get Your School Data Out of the Silos and into the Light
edWeb - Bobby Touran
Tuesday, August 8, 3:00 pm (EDT)
Rethinking Math Culture: Proven Ways to Develop a School-WIde Math Mindset
edWeb - David Woods
Wednesday, August 9, 3:00 pm (EDT)
Building a Community of Readers - Driving Student Engagement Through Collective Impact
Education Week - Donald, J. Boyd and Noelle Ellerson Ng
Thursday, August 10, 2:00 pm (EDT)
FOR TEACHERS: How Teachers Can Learn From One Another at Unconferences, Meet-ups, and Edcamps.
Unconferences are helping teachers meet one another to connect around needs not covered by traditional professional development. These informal sessions are most often organized by teachers and the participants propose the topics on the spot and drive the conversation. In this article, Micahel Godsey, discusses the purpose and format of unconferences along with suggestions on how to do an unconference, small, medium, or large.
FOR TEACHERS: Educational Blogs for Teachers
Recently I was asked to recommend four or five “too good to miss” blogs for a teacher just venturing into the world of educational blogs. Here are five that I recommended: blogs that I have used consistently in preparing the C-CUE newsletter and in sharing information with school leaders:
FOR PARENTS: Parenting in the Era of Addictive Electronics
The evidence is mounting that screen time and electronics function like hard drugs for kids. Screen time has also been correlated with higher rates of obesity, less time spent reading, less self-directed imaginative play, and less face-to-face social interaction. In this article Marika Lndbloom, Ph.D. outlines 12 steps to taming and living with the addiction.
FOR SCHOOL LEADERS: Providing Effective Feedback
FOR SCHOOL LEADERS: 6 Tips for Faculty Meetings Worth Going To
Podcasts, Articles and Books on Understanding & Helping Students in Poverty
Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach was the guest on the 10-Minute Teacher Podcast with Vicki Davis, where she talked about the best ways educators and schools can help children impacted by poverty. From personal experience as both a child in poverty and as a teacher who helps those in poverty, Sheryl shares what works to help kids in poverty succeed in life and learning.
PODCAST - Poverty and the Soft Bigoty of Low Expectations
In this podcast, Dr. Anael Alston talks about common misconceptions that educators have about students in poverty. He discuss how teachers should approach teaching students who are in high-poverty situations which is important because Anael argues that many thoughts about students in poverty are off-base.
BLOG POST - Leading Learning for Children From Poverty
In this blog post, Cynthia Johnson shares six effective practices that can help teachers help students from poverty succeed. Low-socioeconomic level does not equal low outcomes.
ARTICLE - How Growing Up in Poverty May Affect a Child’s Developing Brain
A mounting body of research shows that the circumstances and chronic stresses of poverty interrupt the development of the brain. Research suggests that growing up in difficult circumstances dictated by poverty can wreak damage to a child’s cognitive skills that last a lifetime.
ARTICLE - Is Your School Asking the Right Questions About Poverty?
High-performing, high-poverty schools are places of reflection and inquiry. Leaders in these schools focus on asking the right questions that provide them with valuable, insightful direction.
BOOK - Eric Jensen, author
Teaching With Poverty in Mind, What Being Poor Does to Kids’ Brains and What Schools Can Do About it
BOOK - Eric Jensen, author
Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind: Practical Strategies for Raising Achievement
BOOK - Eric Jensen, author
Poor Students, Rich Teaching: Mindsets for Change (Raising Achievement of Youth at Risk
BOOK - Anthony Muhammad, author
Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 708-293-4984
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCUE-Chicago-567881706592903/?fref=photo
Twitter: @HJPotoka