The Rocket
October 2022
Required Information For Parents: Title I
If you have questions regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher or paraprofessional, please contact the school principal to gain more information on teacher qualifications and observed teaching performance. If you have questions regarding your student’s state assessment scores, please contact the school principal where your child is attending school.
Tip of the Month - Math!
Help your child with math fact fluency!
What is fact fluency? Fact fluency refers to a student's ability to identify the solution to basic math facts accurately and efficiently. Students need consistent, frequent opportunities to practice. The more students practice their facts, the more quickly they transfer from short-term to long-term memory.
Here are some digital resources that are FREE for practicing math fact at home:
Xtramath.org (sign up for a free account)
Math Fact Drill:
Here are some activities that aren’t online:
Grab a deck of cards:
· Using a deck of cards, flip over two cards and have your child add the two cards together to get the sum! You could also do this by multiplying the two cards together! Or, you can even have them subtract the small numbered card from the larger numbered card. This could also be done using two dice!
· Buy flashcards or download and print. Students could practice their facts for 10 minutes daily at home to improve their speed and accuracy
Here is a link to free, printable flashcards: http://www.k12mathworksheets.com/subject/flash-cards/Music Notes
Hi Central Families! In October, your students will continue to sing, play and move to music while working on their music listening and reading skills!
· Kindergarten is working on steady beat and incorporating a lot of movement and play; they are excellent at listening to motives and pretending to be bunnies!
· 1st grade has been playing and singing while learning our newest concepts “long,” “short-short,” “heartbeat (steady beat)” and “the way the words go (rhythm).” We will continue to practices these concepts while we play Orff Instruments (xylophones, metallophones, and glockenspiels).
· 2nd grade and 3rd grade students will being preparing for their program! Please mark your calendars for December 8th at 6:30 p.m.! We can’t wait to share our talents with you!
· 4th and 5th grade students are rehearsing for their upcoming program “Pirates! The Musical.” We will present this entertaining show on October 20th at 6:30 p.m. Please look out for notes and Talking Points messages regarding our show. Don’t forget to bring ye eye patches and treasure maps to our pirate gathering…beards are also encouraged.
Thank you so much for your support of music in our school! Your children are excellent musicians!
A note from Mrs. Amaro
As the month of October is quickly approaching; we will be focusing on Bully Prevention lessons and Red Ribbon Week. At Central Elementary we take “bullying” very seriously; and we take appropriate steps to try and stop this behavior. I would like to take a few moments and share with you some of what I will be sharing with the students.
What is bullying?
For a situation to be considered bullying it must include the following…
1. An Imbalance of power (an imbalance of power is most often mental/emotional.
2. Intent to cause harm (The aggressor does so to incite a reaction of some sort, and this makes them feel powerful)
3. The behavior is repeated over a period of time.
Bullying is about things that cause “subjective” harm; which are noncriminal behaviors that hurt someone's feelings.
By teaching our students how to improve their “Self-Esteem, and Self-Confidence” to overcome their daily social problems; we can hope they learn problem solving skills to apply for themselves.
How can I help my child?
Parents can help their children by doing the following things…..
Stay Calm
Listen, Empathize, and keep a level head.
Contact your child's school and express your concerns.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information. Please feel free to contact me at school at 620-471-2104, or email me at amaro.shelly@usd443.org.
Mrs. Amaro
School Counselor
Dates to Remember!
October 5th: 1:00 PM 2nd Grade Smokehouse Visit
October 6th: 5th Grade Field Trip to Ford County Lake
October 7th: 8:00 AM Site Council
October 10th: Pumpkin Patch Reading Challenge Begins
October 19th: Central Vision Screening
October 20th: 6:30 PM - 4th/5th Grade Music Program
October 21st: No School for Students - End of 1st Nine Weeks
October 27th: Picture Retakes
October 31st: Central Fall Parties - beginning at 2:00 PM
From the Library
This last month we have worked hard on making good book choices. Kinder and First graders are learning how the library works and where things are at. We have talked about finding a just right book using the 5 finger rule with 2nd-3rd. 4th and 5th graders talked about different genres to try out. Please continue to talk to your children about what they are choosing in the library. Ask about characters they like, or what they learned from those books.
This month we will be having the Pumpkin Patch Reading Challenge. This is a 2 week challenge for families and students. I am challenging Central students to read 5 books in two weeks. Every time you read a book then you complete the pumpkin form and turn it in to me. Prizes will be awarded! Look for the flyer with forms to come home soon.
Happy Reading!
- Mrs. Weil
-Pumpkin patch reading challenge– Oct. 10-20
-Book Blast Event– more information to come in Nov.
Nutrition Department Programs
Dodge City Public Schools - Nutrition Resources (usd443.org)
A Word from Mrs. Panzer:
Hi, Central Families! I cannot believe it’s already October! September went by very quickly. Our teachers and paraprofessionals are working hard to teach all of the students important things. Would you please partner with us in making sure they have good attendance and get good rest at night? That will help them so much in their learning.
We have a few events in October. Please be sure to check the Central Elementary Facebook page and check Talking Points for messages. We welcome family involvement!
I have been at Central for about 3 months now and I am so grateful to be here! Our staff, students, and families are amazing! I look forward to working with you all this school year. Mrs. Panzer
Check out these links to get information about our nutrition program at USD 443.