The Rocket
December 2021
Dates to Remember
Dec. 17th: No School - End of 1st Semester
Dec. 20th: Winter Break Begins
Jan. 5th: School Resumes
Title I Math Activites
Above are some of our pictures that were shared with us on Facebook from our Fall Title I Math Activity. Thank you so much for participating, we love to see your families working together. We will do another Title I activity in the Spring for Reading.
Book Character Ornament Project in Library
Just a reminder that ornaments can be turned in to the library until Dec. 8th.
Cold Weather and Coats
Just a reminder we go outside when it is cold out. Please send your child with a coat every day! If you a missing a coat at home, please have your student look at the lost and found wall. We have quite the collection that is probably missing from home.