From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
November 28, 2017
16 Jobs That Will Disappear in the Next 20 Years
Understanding the Teenage Brain
Teenagers think differently than grownups – they are more likely to take risks, be sleepy, misread emotions, give in to peer-pressure and lack self-control. Thanks to advances in technology, we have been able to peer inside the teenage brain and see more clearly how it works. How can teachers use this information?
Five Strategies to Demystify the Learning Process for Struggling Students
In this article learn the key principles from neuroscience that teachers can use in the classroom and share with students to help them demystify the learning process and become more responsible for their own learning.
TECH TALK - 5 Ways Screencasting Improves Teaching and Learning
Screencasting is the use of a specialized tool to record a computer screen while performing or demonstrating specific tasks, usually accompanied by vocal narration. Easy-to-use, user-friendly apps and browser extensions like Screencastify, Quicktime, Camtasia, and Explain Everything have nw made screencasts simple enough for anyone to create, and teachers around the world are beginning to discover what an indispensable tool it can be.
TEACHERS: Engage Students Through Collaboration
In a nationwide survey. 6th-12th graders were asked one simple question: What engages you as learners? The results that came back could be categorized into 10 different strategies. But one request that came up over and over again, regardless of whether the students were from urban or rural areas, from private or public schools, was to let them collaborate. Read how to set up collaboration for success.
TEACHERS: 11 Things You May be Unintentionally Communicating to Your Students
Some things teachers communicate intentionally. And sometimes when teachers fail to communicate intentionally, they send a message that they didn't mean to send. Here are 11 things teachers might unintentionally be communicating to students
TEACHERS: More Talking in Math Class, Please
Providing elementary students with the opportunity to connect math and language benefits students and deepens their understanding of math concepts. In this article you will find three tips to get math conversations started.
TEACHERS: What About Memory
TEACHERS: Emotional Intelligence: Why It Matters and How To Teach It
TEACHERS: The 100 Word Challenge
The 100 Word Challenge is a free weekly creative writing challenge for children under 16 created by Julia Skinner. Each week a prompt is given, which can be a picture or a series of individual words and students can use up to 100 words to write a creative piece. You can learn more about the 100 Word Challenge here. Or check out these ideas from one teacher of how to use it with students.
PARENTS: 11 Tips for Instilling True Gratitude in Your Kids
FOR PARENTS: The Key to Avoiding Entitlement - Stop doing stuff for your kids that they can do for themselves!
FOR PARENTS: Raising Overcomers
SCHOOL LEADERS: A Solution for Student Disengagement
Schools in America are places where too many kids do not want to be. A Gallup study showed that 24 percent of fifth graders were disengaged. That percentage grew to 39 percent for middle school students and 56 percent for students in high school. Check out this suggestion for how to begin the work of engaging more students in school.
SCHOOL LEADERS: 5 Reasons to Prioritize Relationships Over Content
“It is the relationships that separates schools, not the content.”
What makes the above statement from George Couros true? What makes the quality of relationships within a school so defining? Why should relationships to given priority over content?
SCHOOL LEADERS: Courage to Change: What it takes to Shift to Restorative Discipline
Developing Fact Fluency with Understanding: Multiplication and Division
edWeb: James Burnett
Tuesday, November 28, 4:00 PM EST
Six Steps to Phenomenal Co-Teaching
ASCD: Wendy Lochner
November 28, 3:00 PM EST
Teaching for Transfer: Reaching and Applying Deeper Understanding
Corwin: Julie Stern
Monday, December 4, 6:30 PM
High-Yield Strategies for Students Success
edWeb: Gene Kerns
Tuesday, December 5, 3:00 PM EST
The Biggest Barriers to Learning Fractions
edWeb: Drew Corley
Tuesday, December 6, 4:00 PM EST
Harness the Power of the Curriculum Design Thinking Process
edWeb: Charlotte Cheng
Tuesday, December 5, 5:00 PM EST
New Science of Learning for Struggling Readers
Scientific Learning: Martha S. Burns, Ph.D.
Tuesday, December 5, 3:00 PM EST
Introducing Restorative Teacher-Student Mediation
edWeb: Ondine Gross
Wednesday, December 6, 4:00 PM EST
Online Security, Privacy and Risk: How To Avoid Becoming a Headline
edWeb: Bill Fitzgerald
Thursday, December 7, 4:00 PM EST
Raising Math Achievement Through Date-Informed Learning
Education Week: Dreambox Learning
Wednesday, December 6, 2:00 PM EST
Kick-Start Kindergarten Readiness: 52 Reproducible Letters and Activities for Parents
edWeb: Alison Pepper
Thursday, December 7, 3:00 PM EST
Education Week: New Teacher Center
Monday, December 11, 2:00 PM EST
Through the Hearts of Teachers Build the Minds of Children
edWeb: Steven Erwin
Monday, December 11, 2:00 PM EST
Using Dialogue to Develop a Language of Learning
Corwin: James Nottingham and Martin Renton
Monday, December 11, 6:30 PM EST
Building Capacity to Improve School Climate and Social-Emotional Learning
Education Week: Panorama Education
Tuesday, December 12, 2:00 PM EST
Helping Students Get Ahead with the Gradual Release of Responsibility
edWeb: Heather Anderson
Wednesday, December 13, 2:00 PM EST
Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 312-310-5617
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCUE-Chicago-567881706592903/?fref=photo
Twitter: @HJPotoka