Sunnyside Elementary
April Newsletter
Sunnyside Parents and Families,
In March and April our students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades take their state tests in ELA (reading), math, and science. Below is a graphic that shows the grades, subjects, and dates for the tests. You can use the chart as a calendar reminder to prepare your student for their tests days.
3rd--ELA April 5-6
Math March 29 and 31
4th-- ELA April 5-6
Math April 12-13
5th-- ELA April 5-6
Math April 12-13
Science March 29-30
A few helpful tips to prepare for the day are:
· Get a full night of sleep before the test.
· Wake up and arrive to school on time.
· Schedule your appointments on non-test days.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
PreK-5 students will continue building on concepts such as beat, rhythm, pitch, movement and more! 2nd and 3rd grade will continue working on their music program that is scheduled for Tuesday April 12th at 7:00PM in the Sunnyside gym. Please put the date on your calendar and plan on having your student in attendance. If you are unable to attend the evening performance you are invited to the dress rehearsal Tuesday April 12th at 8:15 AM in the Sunnyside gym. 4th Grade will begin reviewing for their Note Names Assessment. This assessment just shows if students can identify the notes on the treble clef staff. 5th grade will begin reviewing for their Composition Assessment. The Composition Assessment uses skills that students have learned during their music education in elementary school to write their own song using rhythm and melody.
Musically yours,
Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. McGee
The Library learning focuses for April:
PK, K, and 1st grade will explain fiction and nonfiction by sorting library books into fiction and nonfiction with understanding of characteristics.
2nd, 3rd, and 4th and 5th grades will identify and respond to poetry by writing their own poem.
FitnessGrams, and striking will be our objectives coming up next month. A lot of Focus will be put into the FitnessGrams. Students with the highest scores in their grade will get their name posted in the gym so everyone can see their name and score. We took a pre-test early in the year and with much practice and exercising done throughout the year, improvement is expected. This FitnessGram score will stay with the student until they graduate High School. I am very excited about what is coming up this month and as we come down the stretch for the school year. Remember to get 60 minutes of play a day!
Mr. Doan & Mr. Randolph