Beeson News
May 2022-Character Theme of the Month: Review
Mrs. Teran's Page
Important Dates
Jump Start begins July 25-August 5th for Kindergarten-Third Grade students.
More information to come.
7:30 Breakfast
8:00-11:30 Class
11:30 Lunch
May Events
Monday-Friday-May 2nd-6th -Teacher/ Staff Appreciation Wk.
Thursday, May 5th- Cinco de Mayo
Sunday, May 8th-Mother's Day
Monday, May 9th- Board of Education Mtg.
Tuesday, May 10th-5-8:00 pm-McDonald's Night
Wednesday, May 11th - 9:30 am-Late Start
Friday, May 13th - 9:30-2:00 pm-Third Grade Fitness Day
Friday, May 20th - 10:45-2:15 pm-Kindergarten -Wright Park
Friday, May 20th - 8:30-2:30 pm - First Grade - Garden City Zoo
Monday. May 23rd-Beeson Fun Day
Tuesday, May 24th -Beeson Awards Assembly-Last Day of School for students-End of 2nd Semester
Safety has been the main topic of discussion during recent guidance lessons. We have talked about making good choices when dealing with strangers and rules to help keep you safe. We have also discussed answering the phone and door when home alone. Students have been given strategies to deal with each of these safety concerns, but have been instructed to talk with their parents in order to come up with a family plan.
During May guidance lessons, we will continue discussing safety, as well as reviewing all the topics covered this year.
Thank you for your help and support
Mr. Mark Kelley, Counselor
Library Lines
This month we will celebrate National Poetry Month. We will look at poetry. We will be celebrating the day of the Child/book on Thursday, April 28.
Remember to read everyday!
PE News
The third graders will be attending a fitness day on Friday, May 13th. We will be having a school wide fun day on Monday, May 23rd. Dates are subject to change. Thank you!
PE Teachers
Mr. Kemmerer
Mr. Olivares
Contact us!
Email: beeson@443mail.org
Website: usd443.org/Beeson
Location: 1700 W Beeson Rd, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-471-2113
Facebook: facebook.com/Facebook