Mr. Maxwell's Cub Chat
A Look Inside of Marshall Junior High School
It's the Start of 2nd Quarter
Great Day Marshall Junior High School Families!
My, oh, my, how time did fly! Can you believe we already made it through the 1st 9 weeks of school?! We are finally getting settled, with our rituals and routines in place. Our scholars are learning how to conduct themselves in a scholarly manner. We are not only teaching them content knowledge, but we are teaching them to be emotionally competent and respectable young adults through our monthly Character Traits.
This being said, we ask that you have your scholar to school on time and that you do not check them out early unless it's an emergency. Students are considered tardy after 8:00 a.m. Studies show that when students are tardy they have lower achievement scores. If transportation is an issue, please reach out to let me know if I can be of assistance.
Thank you for your continued support. We cannot do this without YOU!
Mr. Maxwell
Attendance Procedures and Friendly Reminders
As the year continues, we continue facing our biggest issue to teaching, which is students not being in their seats to learn.
To view the full "Attendance Policy" please visit the JH School Website where you will find additional information on: Leaving, Vacations, Make-Up Policy, Excused Absences, Unexcused Absence, Truancy, School Code, and Residency
MJHS Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is so closely associated with good scholarship that parents and students who cooperate with the school in keeping a good attendance record will be amply repaid in the value received from the school.
· Students will be allowed two (2) parental excused absences PER QUARTER without penalty.
· Students who have more than two (2) unexcused absences per quarter be restricted to attend extracurricular activities. (Ex. sporting events, dances, etc.)
· Students may attend SATURDAY SCHOOL, when available, to make up their lost instruction time due to excessive absenteeism.
· Students MUST make up the time BEFORE attending activities / events.
*Absences with a note from a doctor or dentist excusing the student for the FULL day will be accepted.
Procedures for Absences
1. If a student is going to be absent from school due to illness or doctor’s appointment, a parent or guardian must call the junior high office (217) 826-2812 before 9:30am on the day of the absence.
2. Parents/Guardians must call the school office by 9:30am to request homework for their absent student. This ensures that teachers have ample amount of time to collect, copy, and complete student-absent forms.
3. Either a doctor’s note or a signed statement by the parent or guardian which includes: 1) the student’s name, 2) the dates missed, 3) reason for the absence must be presented to the office on the first day back following an illness.
**Reminder** under 7.01 MJHS Attendance Policy, a parent/guardian can only excuse their student(s) for two (2) absences per quarter. All other absences falling within that quarter must have a doctor’s note for excusal. If no doctor’s note is provided the absence will be unexcused.
4. Upon student returning, the student will report to the office to hand in any forms or excusal slips. The student will also check to see if during their absence there are class materials that were placed in the office by their teachers.
Please call the JH Office by 9:30AM if your student is going to be absent. 217-826-2812
Mark Your Calendars
Upcoming Events & Announcements
Red Ribbon Week- October 23-27
- Monday, October 23- Camo Day “You won’t see me making bad choices!”
- Tuesday, October 24- Adam Sandler Day “Act cool. Say NO to drugs.”
- Wednesday, October 25- Western Wednesday “Give Drugs the boot!”
- Thursday, October 26- Decade Day “Drugs are Old news”- 70s, 80s, 90s clothing
- Friday, October 27- School Colors Day “Red-y to live a drug free life!”- 7th Grade wear white, 8th Grade wear red.
*PAWS students have been busy in addition to the events for Red Ribbon Week as they have been doing radio interviews, writing/posting messages of kindness to student lockers, and setting up homework/organization buddies.
2nd Quarter Dates of Importance
- November 4th - MJHS Hayride 7:00PM to 9:00PM
- This will be for MJHS students only, hosted by the Booster Club at Mill Creek Soccer Field and Concession Stand with Free Food
- November 8th - 2:00 Dismissal - School Improvement
- November 17th - 2nd Quarter Mid-Term Progress Report
- November 21st - 2:00 Dismissal for Thanksgiving Break
- November 22nd - 26th - No School (Thanksgiving)
- December 19th - 11:30 Dismissal School Improvement
- December 19th - End of 2nd Quarter
- December 20th - January 3rd - No Student Attendance for Christmas Break
What's Happening in the Classroom!
Mrs. Allen's Science classes have recently completed 3D Cell Projects and are currently on display in the main hallway. The creativity and hard work students put into this project is a yearly joy to see!
Mrs. Hook's class has on full display a group project Author Study on Edgar Allen Poe. During this project's students were able to learn more about the famed author to include: Quotes, his passions, efforts, global connections, awards, obstacles, challenges, and basic historical facts. In addition, students learned to work as a team and how to properly research.
Shark Tank
Mrs. Allen's seventh grade Family Consumer Science class competed against one another in the quarterly Social Entrepreneurship and Shark Tank competition. Students were divided into groups and were asked to choose a need from the community that they would be able to help with as seventh graders. All of the groups had great discussions and wonderful ideas but only one group could be the Shark Tank winners. This year the winning group, consisting of Jaylee Howard, Lauren Richards, Garrett Pearce, and Brandon Guiterrez had the winning presentation. The name of their group was The Cubs Suppliers. Here at the junior high we have what we call "The Cubs Closet". It consists of an area for boys and an area for girls that is filled with clothing items and shoes for kids that have a need. The Cubs Suppliers had the idea to organize the spaces, get more donations, and better inform students of what is available in case they ever have a need. They would like to organize a fundraiser to purchase shelving and organization materials. They would also like to have students sign up to help organize the closets. Congratulations to The Cubs Suppliers on a great idea and a great presentation!
Staff and Scholar Highlights
Staff and Scholar Highlights
Congratulations to our September Staff Member of the Month
We are proud of all of our teachers and the hard work that they do each and every day! Through a Google Form, students submitted a vote and reason why they selected this teacher. This month, Mr. Tingley (Mr. T) was selected and received a gift card to the Silo.
September Students of the Month
- Caleb Barnett
- Olivia Strohm
- Emma Delp
- Brayden Shaw
*Students of the Month receive a plaque and will go out to eat with Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Ferris to recognize their achievements