Tornado Talk
May 2023
May Calendar
5th - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Field Trips
9th- PTO Meeting
10th - DCHS Choir Tour
12th - 3rd Grade Fitness Day
11th - Kindergarten Program @6:30
19th - Character Assembly
First Grade
Our first-grade students have been working so hard and are about ready to enter into 2nd grade.
Math- We have finished up with our module 5- sharpes and time. We are beginning to work on our unit 6, where we will be adding and subtracting numbers from 1-120. We will exploring many different strategies.
ELA- We have finished with Unit 5 and are starting Unit 6. During Unit 6, students will understand that the United States is a special country with many people from many different cultures. As readers, we will understand that both literary and information texts can teach us lessons about life. As writers, students will understand opinions are supported with one or more reasons.
There are so many fun and exciting things that we will be doing as our time in first grade begins to close. Make sure to ask your students of anything fun and exciting that happened that day!
Thank you
First Grade Teachers
Ms. Barrientos, Mrs. Doussa, Mrs. Falcon
Second Grade
Second grade has been learning about ways to help our Earth. We will be focusing on persuasive writing. In math, we will finish up measurement and data and start shapes, fractions, and telling time. Students are excited for our upcoming trip to Boothill Museum on May 5th!
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
We can’t believe May is already here! We had a great 2022-2023 school year! Math: We are finishing up Module 7: Exploring Measurement with Multiplication. Our topics included are: Topic A: Measurement Conversion Tables, Topic B: Problem solving with Measurement, Topic C: Investigation of Measurements Expressed as Mixed Numbers, and Topic D: Year in Review. Reading: We will be wrapping up Unit 4 Module B. In this module Readers will understand that both literary and informational texts can be analyzed for ideas and information. Writers understand that writing uses reasons and evidence to support ideas and information. Learners will understand how innovative ideas spark economic growth. Social Studies: In our unit this quarter, students will recognize and evaluate how limited resources require choices. They will analyze the concepts of opportunity cost and cost-benefit in the context of choices made in Kansas and another region and draw conclusions about these choices. Students will examine how natural, capital, and human resources are used in the production of goods and services. They will analyze the roles of consumer, producer, saver, investor, and entrepreneur. Students will examine the reasons for economic specialization and how that leads to trade between regions of the United States. They will trace the production, distribution, and consumption of a particular good in the state and regions. Students will describe how a market economy works in the United States and consider the role of the government in the market economy. Science: In our unit this month, our focus will be Energizing Everything. In this unit, students explore energy. Students investigate how energy is stored, how it can make objects move, and how collisions transfer energy between objects. Students also construct devices that convert energy from one form into another, such as heat into motion and electricity into light.
-4th grade team (Mrs. Egger, Miss Blankman, and Ms. Gleason)
Fifth Grade
It’s hard to believe that the end of the year is here! Our fifth graders have accomplished so much and we always get emotional seeing them move on to Dodge City Middle School, but we are also very excited for them. In this last month we have and will continue to cover lots of review in math as well as a few fun concepts such as the Fibonacci sequence. In reading we are still digging into exploration with texts that are both fiction and nonfiction. We have learned how exploration has shaped our perspective of the world as well as the fact that we are explorers too. In science we are having fun with chemical reactions. Watching how acids react and making things change color and fizz. In social studies we are finishing up how slavery came to be, and that there were people who fought for their rights and justices even if it meant being criminals. We will end the year learning about the Civil War. We hope these last few days together will be fun and memorable for them as they move on to new adventures. Now a Cardinal, forever a Tornado.
Mrs. Whelchel, Ms. Ochoa, and Mr. Struzik
In the library this month, the lower grades are working on non-fiction and fiction book similarities and differences. The upper grade students will be exploring coding and good summer authors. Final checkout will be May 12. Then students should have all books back by the next week of school.
Things are wrapping up for all grades, which I can hardly believe that we are in the month of May! All of the students have come so far and I have enjoyed teaching and working with each and every single one of them.
Kindergarten: Kindergarten has been working very hard preparing for their music program that will take place on May 11 at 6:30 p.m. They have also finished up their Peter and the Wolf unit.
1st grade: First grade is working on rhythms including quarter notes, eighth notes, half notes, and quarter rests. They are learning dances. There will be assessments in which they will identify the tempo of a song and the dynamics of a song.
2nd grade: Second grade is continuing to work on the Carnival of the Animals unit. They are also working on rhythms including quarter notes, eighth notes, half notes, quarter rests, and half rests. They will also be assessed on concepts that have learned in music.
5th grade: Fifth grade is working on their composition assessment and writing out 4 beat rhythms and then transferring them to the treble clef staff. They will also get to try out instruments this month and decide if they want to be in orchestra, band, or choir next year in middle school! We will also be working on recorders.