Beeson Newsletter
March 2022 - Character Theme of the Month: Citizenship
Principal's Page
We are excited to be approaching spring!
This also means state assessments will begin soon.
State Assessments: March is a short month due to the number of days we will not be in school. As teachers prepare our students for state assessments; here are a few tips to keep in mind...We encourage all families to schedule vacations and appointments around the scheduled testing dates. We have minimal make-up days restricted to a specific window schedules for students who are ill or absent for unavoidable reasons. We encourage all students to get a good night's sleep the nights before each test and to eat a good breakfast. If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the tests mentioned below, please feel free to contact your child's teacher. Below you will find the assessment calendar for our students.
Spring Break-March 14th-March 18th
Last but certainly not least I would like to encourage you to hug your students and remind them that they are loved.
Happy March!
March Events
Date- Activity/Location -Time
Thursday, March 3rd -Beeson K/1st Gr. Music Program- 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 10th- PreK-12 No School-Staff Dev.
Friday, March 11th- PreK-12 No School-Staff Dev. Teacher Work Day-End of 3rd Quarter
Sunday, March 13th-Daylight Savings Time begins-Spring forward 1 hr.
Monday, March 14th-18th-Spring Break
Monday, March 21st-School Resumes
Monday, March 21st-Board of Education Mtg. -Board Room-6:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 24th-Beeson Awards Assemblies will be in the pods.
Wednesday, March 30th-Beeson Late Start-9:30 a.m.
Counselor's Corner
Citizenship is the character word for March. Citizenship implies that we not only have certain rights, but that we also have certain responsibilities to ourselves and to others. A good citizen cares and cooperates with others in order to take good care of our school, neighborhood, town, and earth. It is Important that as adults we serve as good role models for our children and the future of our planet.
Thank you for your support,
Counselor, Mr. Mark Kelley
Spring Break and No School for Students
Thursday, March 10th -PreK-12 No School, Staff Dev.
Friday, March 11th —PreK-12 No School/Staff Dev./Workday
Monday, March 14th through Friday, March 18th. Spring Break.
Monday, March 21st, School Resumes
Library Lines
Parents remind your students to read this month.
Thank you all for a Great Book Fair.
Miss Carolynn Lawrence, Librarian