From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
December 14, 2017
How a School Ditched Awards and Assemblies to Refocus on Kids and Learning
Study Finds Reading Information Aloud to Yourself Improves Memory
A recent Waterloo study found that speaking text aloud helps to get words into long-term memory. Dubbed the "production effect," the study determined that it is the dual action of speaking and hearing oneself that has the most beneficial impact on memory. This study confirms that learning and memory benefit from active involvement.
TECH TALK - Interactive TimeLines
Intersted in having your high school students create interactive timelines? Here are two suggestions/tools for how your students can do this.
TEACHERS: Building Resilience, Preventing Burnout
Whether you’re a new teacher or a veteran, try these tips for taking care of yourself and staying energized throughout the school year.
TEACHERS: 26 Sentence Stems for Higher-Level Conversation in The Classroom
Meaningful conversation can make learning more personal, immediate, and emotional. During meaningful conversations, students are forced to be accountable for their positions, to listen, to analyze opposing perspectives, and to adapt their thinking on the fly. There are many popular strategies for these kinds of conversations and these sentence stems will prove useful in whichever strategy you use.
TEACHERS: The Secret of Effective Feedback
Here's how it goes: (1) A teacher looks at a piece of student work; (2) The teacher writes something on the work (sometimes a grade, sometimes a score, sometimes a comment); and (3) Later, the student looks at what the teacher has written. The only important thing about feedback is what students do with it. Read this ASCD article to gain a better understanding of feedback and practical ways to make it effective.
TEACHERS: Simple Ways to Help Young Kids Develop Self-Control
Aspects of executive function, including the ability to focus attention and working memory and to self-regulate actions, can be improved with explicit teaching, support, and practice, even among preschoolers. Here are ways you help your students build skills that are critical for regulating their emotions and behavior.
TEACHERS: 5 Ways to Make Classroom Discussions More Exciting
TEACHERS: 7 Characteristics of Teachers Who Effectively Use Technology
Using technology in the classroom–and using it effectively–might require some slight adjustments on the part of the teacher to sustain the effort, creative problem-solving, and innovation required to actually improve learning through the use of technology. This occurs at the belief level–what teachers believe about technology, education, and their own abilities to manage technology.
FOR PARENTS: Teenagers are Growing More Anxious and Depressed
PARENTS: Why Mentally Strong Parents Let Their Kids Fight Their Own Battles
FOR PARENTS: Mentally Strong Kids Have Parents Who Refuse to Do These 13 Things
SCHOOL LEADERS: 7 Easy Ways to Improve School-WIde Communication
Like businesses and relationships, schools live and die (or pass and fail) by communication. So what can they do to make it better? Here are just a few surprisingly simple ideas to improve communication, from informal teacher huddles to professional culture surveys.
SCHOOL LEADERS: What Marketing Can and Can’t Do for Your School
SCHOOL LEADERS: The Future of Coding in Schools
Mitch Resnick, one of the creators of Scratch, shares why he thinks coding should be taught in all schools—it's not the reason you’d expect.
SCHOOL LEADERS: Framing “Failure" as a Necessary Educational Experience
SCHOOL LEADERS: Responding with Care to Students Facing Trauma
Those of us in caregiving fields have long recognized that trauma is toxic to students' brains and spirits as well as their bodies. Most researchers now view trauma as resulting not only from catastrophic events, but also from ongoing stressors. Many K–12 students are experiencing ongoing life stresses and being sensitive to these students is a huge challenge. Teachers get mired down in the wreckage of the behavior a child is showing—or the bullet point they are trying to cover in the instruction plan. How can we maintain a thriving learning environment and respond to students who are experiencing ongoing trauma or short-term distress in ways that recognize their emotional needs?
Student-Centered Assessment: Strengthening Student Ownership Through Impact Teams
Monday, December 18, 6:30 PM EST
Preschool Children with Challenging Behaviors: What to Do When Nothing Else Works
Wednesday, January 10, 2:00 PM EST
Mixing Green Time with Screen Time
Thursday, January 11, 4:00 PM EST
Achieving Media Balance in a Tech-Immersed World
Tuesday, January 23, 3:00 PM EST
Google This! The Research Process Revisited
Wednesday, January 24, 5:00 PM EST
A listing of free webinars offered since 2010
Center for the Advancement of Christian Education (CACE)
Listing of available webinars including a four part series on diversity
Christian Schools International - administrative webinars
Christian Schools International - curriculum webinars
Christian Schools International - digital learning webinars
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Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 312-310-5617
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCUE-Chicago-567881706592903/?fref=photo
Twitter: @HJPotoka