Sunnyside Elementary
Sunnyside Parents and Families,
In the month of October, we began a positive behavior system to recognize the good work our students do while at school. School employees have been asked to look for students who show courage and kindness in their daily interactions. Students who have been selected will be recognized at the morning assembly, families will receive a notice through Talking Points, our messaging system, and there will be a weekly picture on out Facebook page.
Have a safe and happy November!
Dr. John Montford, Principal
Dates to Remember
Nov.7th: Daylight Savings Ends - Don't forget to move your clock back an hour!
Nov.19th- Picture Retake
Nov.24th-26th--NO SCHOOL
Office Announcements
School hours-7:50am-3:05pm
Doors open at 7:15, students need to be in class at 7:50 am. Please make sure your student is here on time.
Reminder that any NO BUS or any other message for students must be called in before 2:30 pm.