The Blue Angel Weekly
October 16, 2023
Dear PCA Families,
There was a mistake on the original basketball schedules. Tonight's games are AWAY and not at home. We are sorry for any inconvenience. PLEASE NOTE: OUR VARSITY BOYS WILL BE IN THE QUARTER FINALS AT PCA ON WEDNESDAY AT 6:00 PM. We will have a PINK OUT for Breast Cancer Awareness. All PCA fans should come in PINK!
Parents, we are imploring you to follow the carline rules. It is getting very dangerous, and someone is going to get hurt. PLEASE pay attention to the carline, move as far forward as you can and stay off your cell phones! Also, please DO NOT attempt to make a left out of the lot. There is a NO LEFT TURN sign during the carline hours clearly posted as you leave the campus. Please go right and then turn around if you must in the Panera or Walgreens lot. PLEASE help us keep our families and students safe.
Attention, 8th grade Confirmation families, if you did not attend the Confirmation parent meeting yesterday, you MUST attend the one on Wednesday night at 7:15 PM. These meetings are scheduled and led by the Director of Religious Education at OLSS, Dr. Alex Groppe. Dates have been on the calendar since the summer. Parent attendance at one of the meetings is MANDATORY.
Next week is Red Ribbon Week. Please see below for the events for the week. If your child wants to enter the poster contest, posters are due on Thursday, October 19!
We hope you will join us for the Walking Rosary on Sunday, October 22 after the 11 AM Mass at OLSS!
***it's a pink out!***
***Join us for the blue angel open!***
Please join us for this fun event to raise money for critical building improvements at PCA!
Congratulations to our Flag Football Team!
Congratulations to our Cross Country Runners!
2k girl racers (grades 3-5) placed 3rd overall in the Diocese.
Lucas K. placed 7th overall of out all the middle school boys in the diocese (over 150), and Andrew D. placed 6th overall.
Phoebe L. placed 5th overall of out all the middle school girls in the diocese.
Congratulations to all our runners and their coaches, Mrs. Maguire and Mrs. Smith!
***Upcoming events***
October 18
OPTION 2 for MANDATORY parent Confirmation meeting at 7:15-8:15 in the Browning Center Room 1 (choose this date or October 15)
October 19
Red Ribbon Week poster contest posters due! (optional)
October 22
Walking Rosary at OLSS after the 11 AM Mass
October 23-27
Red Ribbon Week - Stay tuned for more details!
October 23
8th grade visit to St. Joseph's Academy
Blue Angel Open Fundraiser at the Yards (Pickleball and Golf!)
October 26
School Board Meeting 7:30 AM
***PCA Color Run Fundraiser***
We are starting to prepare for our annual Fund Run. Fundraising starts November 6, 2023 with our run taking place on November 17, 2023. This year we will be having a Color Run, where all students will run at a designated time on the half day.
All proceeds from this event will be used to purchase new playground equipment for our school!
Click here for volunteer opportunities:
***Diocesan Safe environment program***
***OLSS Play Groups - october and november***
10/20-10:00 Pumpkin Playgroup at Fletcher Park, Marsh Landing. We’ll have pumpkins for the kids to explore and a Halloween snack! (Bring bathing suit or change of clothes for littles) *RSVP mandatory
11/15-8:30 Mass at OLSS followed by a walk to Dunkin and the PV Library!
*RSVP to Caroline at MCKennedy87@gmail.com
Hope to see you there!
***bishop kenny admissions site***
Bishop Kenny's new Admission site is up and running!
Click here for important admission information: https://www.bishopkenny.org/admissions
The steps to the process are as follows:
- Visit us! Attend OPEN HOUSE ON NOVEMBER 5, schedule a tour, register for Crusader for a Day!
- Gather Documents. The following documents are required for the application to be considered complete: birth certificate, 7th and 8th grade report cards to date, Immunization record (DH 680). Additional documents: Baptism, First Holy Communion, or Confirmation certificate, if applicable.
- Apply Online. The application will open on October 25 and the deadline is January 17.
- High School Placement Test. All 9th grade applicants are required to take the HSPT as part of the admissions process. The link to register for this test will be sent in the confirmation email once the application is submitted. Two testing dates will be offered on December 2 and January 20 – students may only take this test once.
- Interview. An interview may be required as part of the admissions process.
- Admissions Decision. Students will be notified of their decision by the end of February.
- Enroll!
***New HSA consolidated SIGN-UP link!***
Our Home School Association (HSA) is excited to announce our new consolidated SignUp link for our active HSA volunteer opportunities!!
All volunteer opportunity sign-ups, all in one place!!
Sign-Ups will be added throughout the year, so please check back frequently!
***SUN SAFETY FACTS - WEEK OF october 16***
Learn the facts, win the trivia contest, and win prizes!
-We all have melanin, which is the pigment in our skin. Melanin gives our skink, eyes, and hair their color. All sin needs protection from UV rays, but those with lighter skin are more susceptible to burns, skin damage, and other serious skin conditions.
-When the sun’s rays start to damage our skin, our skin makes more melanin to absorb and deflect the sun rays. Some people make melanin in patches or freckles or all-over suntan.
-Freckles and suntan develop to help protect our skin from getting damaged from the sun.
-When your skin can no longer protect itself from UV rays, it beings to burn. Sunburns can be painful, hot and can even blister or swell. It is important to take care of your sunburn to ensure your skin can recover in a healthy, safe way.
October's virtue of the month is: STUDIOUSNESS. Studiousness is seeking knowledge to grow closer to Truth.
Saints of the Month:
grades PK-2: St. Albert the Great
grades 3-5: St. Thomas Aquinas
grades 6-8: St. Edith Stein
If you would like more information about the Virtues in Practice Program, you can visit the website: https://www.nashvilledominican.org/apostolate/evangelization-and-catechesis/virtues-in-practice/
***Parent Volunteer Points Opportunity***
August to December dates: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0b49a5a923a57-thehappiest2#/
January to May dates: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0b49a5a923a57-thehappiest3#/
You can earn one volunteer point for each slot you attend.
***Lunch and Recess Duty Sign-Up Link***
As a reminder, 2 Lunch Duties (1 in the Fall and 1 in the Spring) and 2 Recess Duties (1 in the Fall and 1 in the Spring) are required of each family.
Thank you so much!
***Father Daughter Dance at OLSS - Save the Date!***
**SCHOOL CALENDAR - 2023-2024**
Job openings at PCA and PCAP
PCA is looking to hire additional substitute teachers. Interested candidates can apply at: https://hr.dosafl.com/careers/?gnk=job&gni=8a7887ac72e8b12001734da464d555d7
PCA is also in need of an Extended Day Assistant. This is a part-time, after school position.
Palmer Catholic Academy Preschool (PCAP) is looking for a substitute teachers. If you are interested, please apply at: https://hr.dosafl.com/careers/?gnk=job&gni=8a7887ac89759241018998c97e677cf7
Palmer Catholic Academy Preschool (PCAP) is looking for a part-time paraprofessional for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to work in the infant room. Please apply at: https://hr.dosafl.com/careers/
Middle School and High School Youth Ministry
SJP II Mom's Ministry Updates
Two of our PCA moms help run the Mom's Ministry at SJP II in Nocatee. Here is a link to the ministry updates!