Chestnut Street Parent Newsletter
November 2022
#RamPride #RamFam #RamCulture
Things to remember for November:
Please be sure to revisit this newsletter throughout the month for updates!
- The district's Early Dismissal and Safety Drill will take place on Friday, November 4th! Chestnut students are dismissed at 2:35 PM.
- The UPK Parent Interest survey for the 23-24 school year opens November 1st!
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTC) will be held in person on Monday, November 7th from 5:30-9:00 PM and Tuesday, November 8th from 8:30 AM-2:30 PM. Please check TeacherReacher for the appointment time that you scheduled. TeacherReacher appointments will be strictly followed.
- Our next Parent and Family Engagement Meeting will be held on Monday, November 14th at 2:15 PM. We will review and discuss the upcoming lessons on Erin's Law. See below for more information.
- The November PTA Meeting will be held on Monday, November 28th at 7:30 in the Cornwell Avenue Cafeteria.
- There is no school for students on Tuesday, November 8th for PTC and Election Day, Friday, November 11th for Veteran's Day, Thursday, November 24th, and Friday, November 25th for Thanksgiving.
- Our first field trip of the year will be to Tanglewood Preserve on Thursday, November 10th!
- We will be learning about persistence over the next few months. You might hear your child use phrases like, “I think I can, hang in there, keep at it, you can do it!” Please encourage them at home and check out the bottom of this Newsletter for more information on our work with the Habits of Mind.
- 1st Quarter Report Cards will be distributed on Friday, November 18th.
- Book exchange has begun in STELLAR class! Be on the lookout for your child's library book selection. Be sure to read it with them each night. It must be returned the following week when they have STELLAR class. Enjoy!
General Things to Remember:
- If your child will be absent, please call Nurse Angela before 8:30 AM at 516-390-3155
- Kindly ensure your child has a full change of clothes in the classroom.
- If there will be a change in your child's afternoon transportation, please write a note or email to the teacher. For last-minute changes, please call Mrs. Ventura or Mrs. White before 2:00 PM. 516-390-3150
- Please select your child's daily lunch order on the printed menu by circling or highlighting the choices and return it to school ASAP. The link for the menus is below. Please note, at times the item listed on the menu may not be available and your child will be offered an alternative option.
Thank you, WH EPTA for the awesome pumpkins for our Fall Festival!
Conversation Starters
Sight Words
Concentration: Make two sets of word cards and play “Concentration.”
- Go Fish: Make two sets of word cards and play “Go Fish.”
- Make the words using play-dough or clay.
In Reader's Workshop...
We will continue our We Are Readers Unit and Interactive Read Alouds will model and reinforce good reading habits, concepts of print, and academic vocabulary development.
Guided Reading groups will begin and your child will come home with books to read with you. Please be sure to practice reading those books with your child and then return them to school.
The paper books from Reading A-Z from our weekly Sight Word study can remain in your home. Practice reading and rereading those as well!
Use RazKids or Epic to find a digital library of age-appropriate books for your child to read at home! The links to both are below.
Some strategies to try at home when you are reading with your child:
Fiction - Retell the story in sequence- beginning, middle, and end. Include characters, setting, problem, and solution.
Non-Fiction - Discuss what you learned from the text. Look at pictures, labeled diagrams, maps, bold words, captions, table of contents, and/or the glossary.
- Use a Reader Finger - Point to words and pictures with your finger.
- Read from left to right.
- Use picture clues.
- Make a picture in your head.
- Make predictions about what will happen next.
- Identify letters and sight words you know.
- Find a little word or chunks of letters to make a sound in your bigger words.
- Blend the sounds to figure out an unknown word.
- Get your mouth ready to make the first sound.
- Read it again.
- Find sentence patterns.
- Look at punctuation marks.
In Writer's Workshop...
Some of the 'Non-Negotiables' that you can expect from your child's writing in Quarter 1 include:
Use more than one color when drawing
Use real-life, appropriate colors
Figures have shapes for body
Sketch matches the “label” (word, letter, etc.)
In Math Workshop...
Students will answer the essential questions below. Be sure to ask your child these questions!
- What is counting and how can it be used?
- How do we measure things?
- Why do we measure things?
Students will work on the following skills:
- Counting and representing quantities
- Comparing and ordering quantities
- Understanding length
We are also using ST Math to support deep conceptual understanding via personalized learning. You must use ClassLink to access ST Math. The link is below.
Password: abc