Parents and Families Newsletter
August 2022
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Dear Parents and Families,
At the end of summer, some students are excited to go back to school, and some are a little less enthusiastic. Regardless of how your child is feeling, there are a few activities and tips that can make the transition back to school easier and less stressful.
PBS Kids
Meal Planning
with Kids
Emotional Self-Care Routines
Remember, you can always have web pages translated to your native language by adding the Google Translate Extension for android or Apple devices.
Don’t forget to fill out a quick survey to share any information or suggestions you might have for the next newsletter. We value your input!
Understanding Educational Equity (Virtual) - November 11, 2022 (9:00am - 11:00am)
The TEA English Learner Support Division is excited to host three virtual statewide events this upcoming school year. Families will have an opportunity to attend watch parties hosted by schools or watch virtually from home on a smart device. Our first event will focus on what educational equity looks like to meet the language and academic needs of your child. Check with your child’s school to see if they are hosting a watch party for this event. Registration coming soon!
Association for Migrant Educators of Texas (AMET) Conference
2022 Statewide Parental Involvement Conference, December 8-10, 2022
Interested in learning more about how to support your child’s learning journey to meet academic standards? Come learn about impactful practices happening in districts, schools, and classrooms and be the spark for change in your child’s school. This in-person conference for educators and parents will take place in beautiful Frisco, Texas and registration is open!
Websites for At-Home Learning For Students
It can be frustrating when a great resource later requires a fee, but you will never experience that issue when using the Public Broadcasting Service which is solely dedicated to providing free and factual resources. Check out the resources below for a variety of games, articles, videos, and more for your child.
Target Skills:
Listening and Reading
Recommended Grade Levels: PK-2
Create your own worksheets to practice handwriting at all levels.
PBS Learning Media - English Language Arts
Target Skills:
Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening
Recommended Grade Levels: 1-12
Find videos, articles, and activities for all levels.
Target Skills: Reading
Recommended Grade Levels: 6-12
Learn about the latest news relevant to teens.
Starting School
Identification Process and Language Programs
As you register your child in a Texas public school for the first time, you will be asked to fill out a Home Language Survey for each child in grade prekindergarten through grade 8 (or by the student in grades 9-12). Remember this is to begin the process of ensuring that your child receives the support that he/she might need as their English and literacy skills grow.
For more information about the identification process for emergent bilingual students, please watch the Process for Serving English Learners video in English or Spanish.
If your child qualifies as an emergent bilingual student, the school will contact you about the services and type of language program that they recommend.
If you would like more information about the types of language programs available for emergent bilingual students, please watch the program overview videos at the bottom of the Parents and Families page.
We want to ensure that you, as a parent, feel confident and knowledgeable about the services and programs that your child participates in. Fill out this survey to let us know how we can improve and expand awareness of bilingual learning to families across Texas.
Getting ready for school can be stressful and frustrating, so talk - or sing - it out with your child using some of the suggestions below to help school mornings run smoothly and prepare for school and work at night.
This is the way…we get dressed!
Ever struggle to get your pre-K or kindergarten student dressed for the day? Try singing the “Get Dressed” song with them to help make the activity fun and to start the day off cheerfully. Using songs about activities will help expand their vocabulary and improve their articulation skills.
Plan out breakfast
To help mornings run smoother , consider preparing breakfast meals in advance. First, talk with your child about their favorite breakfast meals and have them write out the grocery list. You can work together to prepare a number of breakfast meals that are quick to prepare and eat before school. Try some breakfast ideas like sheet tray pancakes, breakfast tacos, or overnight oats.
Evening recap
Between sports, jobs, and homework; it’s a surprise that you ever see your teenager. Even when the family schedule allows you to eat together as a family, it may be hard to get your teenager to say more than a few words. Don’t panic! If your teenager struggles to share about their day, try some of these funny conversation starters for teenagers.
In the 2nd month of exploring the 8 types of self-care from the Daily Caring article, let’s explore emotional self-care by identifying true feelings then processing those emotions. Practicing emotional self-care “involves respecting boundaries, forgiving others, seeking laughter, being vulnerable, having self-compassion, and allowing yourself to feel grief.”
During the month of August, try incorporating one of the following ideas to help identify and process your emotions.
You could start a journal when you are experiencing strong emotional responses. Don’t worry if you are too busy to write it all out, you can always try an audio or video journal.
If you need something more active than journaling, turn on some of your favorite music to sing and dance out your struggles.
Invite family or friends over to listen or watch a favorite funny show and laugh out all those struggles.
If you missed last month’s physical self-care tips, check out the July Newsletter.
Starting off on the right foot
Starting a new school year is an exciting and scary time not just for the children, but for parents as well. You might have less time with your child once school starts back, so take the time now to set up new habits and an open dialogue with your child. It will start them off on the right foot, and remind them that you are there to support them if they struggle.
If you would like to access the previous Parent and Family Newsletters, click below.
July Newsletter Highlights
Find out what to do if your child has changed school, help your child develop some practical skills around the house, and get some tips for physical self-care routines.
June Newsletter Highlights
Learn about ways to keep your child engaged both mentally and physically. Also, check out numerous websites for local and digital adult English classes.
May Newsletter Highlights
Visit the Goodwill Community Foundation for free courses about various technology programs.
January Newsletter Highlights
Visit findhelp.org to find food assistance, help paying bills, and other free or reduced cost programs, including new programs for COVID by entering your zip code.
November/December Newsletter Highlights
Visit findhelp.org to find food assistance, help paying bills, and other free or reduced cost programs, including new programs for COVID by entering your zip code.
Subscribe to the Site
Stay informed about the resources and support available by subscribing to TEA’s Txel.org web portal. Click on the Subscribe Today!
Supporting English Learners in Texas
TXEL.org is a web portal that provides information and resources that are relevant, accessible, and impactful to support educational leaders, teachers, parents and families, and community partners to ensure the academic success of the State’s English learners.
Contact us at: https://www.txel.org/contact/
Email: EnglishLearnerSupport@tea.texas.gov
Call: 512-463-9414
Visit: tea.texas.gov