East Haven High School
Weekly Newsletter: September 10th, 2023
Family-School Relationship Survey
Dear Families,
Our district values your feedback! We are asking you to take a brief survey to tell us about your experience with East Haven Public Schools. To ensure we continue to provide high quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners and prepare them for college and career, we need your feedback.
The survey is available now. It will close on Friday, September 29th. You will be able to take the survey online at home, or when you come to your school’s Back to School Night.
Please click here to access the survey.
We thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses. If you have any questions about the survey administration, please don’t hesitate to contact East Haven Public Schools Coordinator of Family Engagement, Julie Church at jchurch@east-haven.k12.ct.us.
Thank you,
East Haven Public Schools
Queridas Familias,
¡Nuestro distrito valora sus comentarios! Le pedimos que responda una breve encuesta para contarnos sobre su experiencia con las Escuelas Públicas de East Haven. Para garantizar que sigamos brindando experiencias de aprendizaje rigurosas y de alta calidad que satisfagan las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes y los preparen para la universidad y la carrera, necesitamos sus comentarios.
La encuesta ya está disponible. Cerrará el viernes 29 de septiembre. Podrás realizar la encuesta en línea en casa o cuando vengas a la Noche de Regreso a Clases de la escuela de su alumno. Por favor haga clic aquí para acceder a la encuesta.
Le agradecemos de antemano sus atentas respuestas. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la administración de la encuesta, no dude en comunicarse con la Coordinadora de Participación Familiar de las Escuelas Públicas de East Haven, Julie Church en jchurch@east-haven.k12.ct.us.
Escuelas Públicas de East Haven
Last Chance for Senior Portraits
Seniors - your LAST CHANCE to get your senior portrait taken for the yearbook will be on Monday 9/11 at EHHS in the Auditorium between 8:30 am - 11:00 am. Any questions please email Mrs. Gardner or Mrs. Wright.
2024 Yearbook On Sale Now For Lowest Price Of The Year
Yearbooks are now on sale! Purchase before 9/22 for the cheapest price - $65. After this date the cost of the yearbook will be $80. Go to www.jostensyearbooks.com to purchase.
Purchase An Ad For The Yearbook Now
Seniors & Senior parents/guardians, please click on the link for all information about the yearbook--buying ads for your graduating senior, buying a yearbook, etc. There are due dates of things as well. Any questions please reach out to Mrs. Gardner or Mrs. Wright. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12WmCBjpFvtcBY-7gqMcrTCnoDEDmhMBiM5wIIoWYvT8/edit?usp=sharing
From The School Nurse, Mrs. Raffone
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As a reminder, any student that requires a medication, as needed medications/inhalers, or emergency medications that need to be kept at the nurse's office, or inhalers/epi-pens that are carried by students must have an order from the doctor to be given by the School Nurse. The parent/guardian must bring the medication to the nurse, along with the order signed by their doctor and parent/guardian.
Also, to all 10th grade parents/guardians, please have students turn in their updated physicals with the immunization sheet attached by September 20, 2023. Please schedule a physical for your child if one was not recently done. The School Based Health Center may be able to schedule a physical sooner if you are unable to get an appointment prior to this date. You can reach the clinic at 203-468-2367. Per the state of Connecticut, a physical is required during their 10th grade year and students will be excluded from school without one. Any questions, please contact me at 203-468-3271.
Thank you,
Mrs. Tara Raffone
School Nurse, RN, BSN
UConn College Advising Corps Returns To EHHS
Seniors and Senior parents/guardians! Meet this year’s College and Career Adviser Ms. Reagan. She is coming to EHHS from the UConn College Advising Corps, a national program focussed on helping students explore military, trade, career, and college pathways. Knowing your options and being prepared is the first step towards success! She will be meeting with senior students throughout the year to offer application and financial aid assistance, general advice, and more. If you have any questions or concerns please email her at rwoitowitz@east-haven.k12.ct.us. Encourage your students to schedule meetings with her through this link: https://calendar.app.google/zbeiZuzb5UavrR3U9.
From The School Counseling Department
Counselor assignments:
Last names A-D: Ms Renee Seufert: rseufert@east-haven.k12.ct.us
Last names E-L: Ms Emily Massaro: emassaro@east-haven.k12.ct.us
Last names M-Re: Ms Michele Madonna: mmadonna@east-haven.k12.ct.us
Last names Ri-Z: Ms Gretchen Coup: gcoup@east-haven.k12.ct.us
9th grade Transition Counselor: Ms Carley Vesneski: cvesneski@east-haven.k12.ct.us
Schedule Changes:
Student schedules were finalized in June during the Add/Drop period, so the only changes that will be honored at this time will be done by QR code (posted around the building and in front of Guidance) and will only be considered for the following reasons:
- Instructional-leader approved level changes
- Dropping an elective for a study hall (if sufficient credits are met)
- Adding a class in place of a study hall
If you have any questions, please use the list below to contact your counselor.
Save the Date:
Save the date for our Exploring Financial Aid Night on Wed, Oct 4th at 6:00 pm via Zoom. Barnum Financial Group will be providing the speaker. Pre-registration required. More info to follow!
SAT and ACT:
Seniors who are interested in retaking the SAT or taking the ACT for college admission purposes, please note the test dates and deadlines below and register on sat.org or actstudent.org.
SAT Test date: Oct 7, 2023
Registration deadline: Sept 7, 2023
Late registration deadline: Sept 26, 2023
SAT Test date: Nov 4, 2023
Registration deadline: Oct 5, 2023
SAT Test date: Dec 2, 2023
Registration deadline: Nov 2, 2023
ACT Test date: Oct 28, 2023
Registration deadline: Sept 22, 2023
ACT Test date: Dec 9, 2023
Registration deadline: Nov 3, 2023
Club Information/Meetings:
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
FBLA Meeting on Wednesday 9/'13 after school in W324, Mr Devany's room. Be sure to bring a friend. Stop by even if you can't stay long.
“People begin to become successful the minute they decide to be.” – Harvey MacKay
Drama Club
The first meeting for Drama Club is September 20th at 3:30 in E114! Find out about what the club is like and what our plans for the year are!
Yearbook Committee
The first yearbook meeting will be on Monday 9/11 in W103. All are welcome!
Kindness Club
Any student that is interested in joining the Kindness Club should either email Mrs. Pompano at mpompano@east-haven.k12.ct.us, stop in her office which is room S322 OR join the Kindness Club Google Classroom by using code shqaakx. You can also start following us on Instagram @ehhskindnessclub. New members are always welcome!
From Our Science Instructional Leader, Mrs. Pompano
Welcome back from the EHHS Science Department! Please follow what is happening in Science classes grades 6-12 on Instagram @ehpsscience_pompano. We are looking forward to a great year!
Fair Haven Community Health Center
Partner With The Parent-Faculty Organization Now!
Attention parents/guardians:
This will be the East Haven High School’s Parent Teacher Organization's (EHHS PFO), second year as a group. Last year we had a blast hosting the Harlem Wizard basketball team play against the school & members of the community! We also hosted a teacher appreciation at the end of the year.
The PFO is ready for the new school year! The group has been brainstorming new events for the students and teachers. There may be a scholarship awarded to a student this year. That is why we are looking for new members to help us make this all possible!
We’re planning on attending the town’s fall festival on Friday, 9/8 & Saturday, 9/9. Feel free to stop by and see us!
See our membership form attached below or linked here to join this fantastic group!
Any questions, email us at ehhspfo@gmail.com and follow our Facebook Group @EHHSPFO.
We look forward to another great school year!
The Members of the EHHS PFO
EHHS Going Cashless For Athletic Events
In an effort to streamline the ticket purchasing process and to align with the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC), East Haven High School has transitioned to a digital process to purchase tickets to our events.
As such, EHHS is no longer accepting cash for athletic event tickets. We are now utilizing the fully digital GoFan platform. Downloading the app will allow for easier access to home games and many away venues and all playoff events as well.
Please see the image below with a QR code for the East Haven link.
Senior citizens 65 and older are free. Ticket prices are now $6 for adults and $3 students.