ILTexas Keller K8 News
One way that we would like to ask our parent partners to help is to help ensure that Zoom links or Zoom ID numbers are not posted on any social media platforms. For virtual security purposes, if you notice any of this information posted, please notify a staff member right away.
We would also like to make you aware that some of the tech platforms that your students are using may be experiencing some technical difficulties at this time. Unfortunately, this has caused a few delays that have been outside of our teachers' control. These delays include, but are not limited to, posting some assignments, attaching instructional videos, and occasional delays in sending emails. Please know that we are aware of these glitches, and our IT department is working on resolving those issues as soon as possible. In the meantime, we apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. Thank you.
Please download the document below from our coaching staff! ***STRONG MINDS***STRONG BODIES***STRONG CHARACTER*** Don't miss the great workouts planned for you by our coaching staff!
Chromebook Information
Having Issues with the Chromebook?
We will get back with you as soon as possible.
- Students are not to peel off any of the labels that were on the Chromebooks when they were distributed. There is a $5 charge if the red and white asset tag label is removed from the Chromebook or the charger.
- Students should not place any stickers or decorations on the Chromebook.
- If your student's Chromebook came in a case, it must remain in the case.
- Chromebooks should not be drawn on. This includes pencil, crayon, and markers.
- Please keep food and beverages away from the Chromebook.
- If a Chromebook is damaged by a student, fees will be assessed.