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The Roadrunner Report
Yokayo Elementary School
Home of the Roadrunners
August 2023
Email: dmilani@uusd.net
Website: yokayo.uusd.net
Location: 790 South Dora Street, Ukiah, CA, USA
Phone: 707-4725690
Facebook: facebook.com/yokayopta
School Hours: 8:00am-2:16pm
WEDNESDAYS are an early release day. School is from 8:00am-1:25pm.
Children cannot learn if they are not at school!
Yokayo's Mission
The mission of the Yokayo Elementary School community is to instill the appreciation of knowledge. The ability to effectively communicate, problem solve, collaborate, create, and innovate will support a rigorous, standards-based curriculum. The character traits of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship (TRRFCC) will be steeped within our foundational learning. Our community will provide a nurturing environment committed to achieving excellence.
MS. MILANI'S PRINCIPAL NOTE: Welcome Back to School!
I am excited for the start of a new school year, it has always been one of my favorite times of the year. We will be having an event a month where parents and students will have an opportunity to come onto campus.
Over the course of the pandemic, we have learned a great deal about safety on campus. At this time, parents will be allowed on campus during school based activities and if you are volunteering in the classroom. There is a new volunteer protocol and form for all activities where you will be working with or transporting students. We will not have parents on campus throughout the day to pick up or drop off students. We are taking more security measures like improving fencing and restricting access points.
Communication, like every year, is the key to our success. It is vital that you log into the Aeries Parent Portal and update, or for new students, to create your student's information account. This information is how you will receive important information from Yokayo Elementary and UUSD. Teachers will reach out to you by email, phone, or by other means in order to keep you connected to your child's classroom. Please reach out as soon as you have any issues, concerns, or positive feedback.
Our schedule will remain the same as last year. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday students will be in school from 8:00-2:16 and on Wednesday's from 8:00-1:25. Campus will be open at 7:30 to allow students the chance to play and socialize prior to class beginning. Please do not drop them off prior to 7:30 because there will be no active supervision on campus. It is important that students are on-time every day. As always, if your child is absent from class please call the office at 472-5690. Absences and frequent tardies will be followed up by Brandy Spurling our new Attendance Secretary or our Family/Community Liaison Glen Robles. This year we have an Attendance Handbook for Parents and Students. This will help outline attendance regulations and give you a better understanding of the guidelines. This will be sent home the first week of school. In order for students to learn, they must be at school.
The Yokayo Community welcomes and values your positive energy and dedication to excellence in education. We look forward to continuing to build our partnerships with parents. There are many ways to stay connected and involved. Yokayo's PTA is a strong group of dedicated individuals who would welcome and appreciate your time and input. We also have our English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) meetings that you can attend for information.
Please download our Yokayo Elementary School App. It will send notifications and keep you up to date with school events. Our Roadrunner Report will be sent out monthly. Weekly classroom bulletins will be provided by each classroom teacher. You also have access to our Parent Handbook that contains all information related to Yokayo. All of this information will be found at our main hub of communication, the Yokayo Elementary Website at https://yokayo.uusd.net/.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, positive feedback, ideas, or concerns you have. Contact our Site Secretary, Michelle Arnerich, at 472-5690 if you would like to make an appointment with me. You can also email me at dmilani@uusd.net. Your involvement with our school makes your child's educational experience that much stronger. I am looking forward to a successful school year!
Dana Milani