Digital Filmmaking Guide
Villa Maria College Library
The complete list of databases available can be found on our website.
Articles not available in full text can be requested through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
Contact the library for help with ILL.
Off-campus access to most online databases requires a username and password. Drop by the library to get this information.
Online Databases
Search for Books, eBooks, Print Journals and DVDs
Books in the standard collection may be borrowed for three weeks. Books placed on reserve by your professor will have a shorter loan period. Books not available from the library can be borrowed through AcademicSHARE or Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
Contact the library for help. To find items held by Villa and other libraries, try WorldCat.
Don't forget your Villa Maria College ID card to check out books!
Find current and archived journals in the South Room in the library. Print journals can be borrowed for one week. Some additional titles are also available for single issues and archives.
- American Cinematographer
- Communication Arts (see CA's website for additional news articles and resources)
- Post Magazine
Online Encyclopedias
Additional Resources
Experimental Television Center
"The Center was founded in 1971, an outgrowth of a media access program established by Ralph Hocking at Binghamton University in 1969; today, the Center continues to provide support and services to the media arts community."
"The website includes filmmaking articles on how to take a story idea from script to screen, including articles on script writing, producing, film finance, shooting, editing, directing, marketing, distribution and how to build an audience."
Independent Feature Project (IFP)
"The Independent Filmmaker Project (IFP) champions the future of storytelling by connecting artists with essential resources at all stages of development and distribution."
"MovieMaker magazine is the nation's leading resource on the art and business of making movies and the world's most widely read independent film magazine."
"Established in 1972 to address the under representation and misrepresentation of women in the media industry, Women Make Movies is a multicultural, multiracial, non-profit media arts organization which facilitates the production, promotion, distribution and exhibition of independent films and videotapes by and about women."
Professional Organizations
Smitty Abel-Smith, MLS, MFAW
Email: sabelsmith@villa.edu
Website: http://www.villa.edu/academics/library/
Location: 240 Pine Ridge Road, Buffalo, NY 14225
Phone: (716) 961-1864