A Garden of Learners
November 2023
Please read through the entire newsletter for important information and updates
Woodland's Winter Concerts
Kindergarten: 9:30 AM
First Grade: 10:20 AM
Second Grade 1:30 PM
All families are invited.
If your child has a morning concert, it is important that they finish their school day. Please do not sign your child out if they have a morning concert.
Social Emotional Newsletter from our Social Work interns
Using our pick-up/drop-off line prevents us from crowding Johnston Drive and makes plenty of room for the buses and traffic to get out.
We want to be good neighbors and keep our drop-off/ pick-up safe. Please use the pick-up/ drop-off line instead of parking along Johnston Drive. We need your help in getting the line to move faster, please:
- The pickup/drop off line is not the time to deliver messages to the staff; please call the office with any important information.
-Pull up when directed by a staff member
- Only the first three cars at the cones should load/unload; letting your child out near the middle/back of the car line is not safe
- Make sure the student is ready to exit the vehicle
- For Safety, Please do not let students out on the driver's side; they should be exiting the vehicle's passenger side where our staff members are.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Morris School District's Digital Backpack
Please check the digital backpack for flyers with important community information.
Dismissal Form
Bookmark this link.
The form will lock each day at noon. If you have any last-minute dismissal changes (after 12PM), please call the main office at 973- 292- 2230.
Please remind your child that respectable behavior is expected each day on the school bus. Mrs. Stonebrink will be using " Ride with Pride" to reward students who have good bus behavior.
Character Education at Woodland- The Wildcat Way- From Mrs.Stonebrink
The Wildcat Ways are specific behavior traits we will focus on over the 2023-2024 school year. Each month, Woodland students will do their best to practice that month's Wildcat Way to better maintain a positive school climate and culture. This month, the Wildcat Way is Sportsmanship.
In compliance with New Jersey state law, students and staff participate in fire drills and security drills.
New Jersey State Law 18A:41-1 requires all schools to hold at least one fire drill and one security drill per month as part of our overall school preparedness.
Each month, we will conduct fire and safety drills at school. Parents are notified via email at the conclusion of each safety drill.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Please pack your child a healthy snack and a refillable water bottle each day.
Elementary Social Work Program
Main Office
The Morris Educational Foundation (MEF) works year-long in collaboration with the Morris School District community to bring resources to all students and all schools. Together, we help everyone Imagine the Possibilities - and make it a reality.
This includes funding for annual Cultural Arts programming, classroom grants as well as literacy programs and resources to name a few. We rely on our donors to make this all possible and during this season of giving, we ask for you to consider a gift at bit.ly/MEFgift to help us continue our impact for the ‘23-24 school year.
Click here to learn more about the MEF's impact. The Morris School District is an amazing place, and the MEF is proud to be its partner for over 30 years. We hope you will join us this school year to Imagine the Possibilities!
Important Dates
November 22nd, early dismissal
November 23rd and 24th - School Closed- Thanksgiving Break
December 5th- Picture Day Retakes
December 11th- 14th- Penguin Patch Holiday Shop
December 15th- Holiday Concerts at Woodland
December 22nd- Early Dismissal
December 25th- January 1st- School closed for holiday break
January 2nd- Students return to school
Katina Thelemaque, Principal
Email: katina.thelemaque@msdk12.net
Website: https://www.morrisschooldistrict.org/district
Location: 21 Johnston Drive, Morristown, NJ, USA
Phone: 973 292 2230