Covington Connection
August 13th, 2021
Covington School Information
This message contains will find important information on our upcoming supply drop off, Public Health guidelines, and daily procedures.
Have a great weekend and we are looking forward kicking off the school year on Wednesday, August 18th!
School Supply Drop Off
If you cannot make it during the day, we also will have the option of coming to the building from 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. to drop off supplies in the classrooms. Please note though that not all staff will be in the building for the evening option.
Mandatory Guidelines Provided by the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health
The current Illinois Department of Public Health guidelines:
Require use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) indoors at all times
Require social distancing of 3’ be observed as much as possible
Require an increase in schoolwide cleaning and disinfection
Note: All public and nonpublic schools in Illinois serving prekindergarten through Grade 12 students must follow these guidelines
Important Notes
Children with any of the following symptoms should not be sent to school - headache, nausea, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose, cough, unexplained body aches, unusual fatigue, a new loss of taste or smell, vomiting, stomach ache and/or fever
Temperature checks will be performed upon entering the building
Non-symptomatic sibling(s) of any students that live in the same household should also not be sent to school
For the safety of your child as well as the safety of all others in our school community, please do not give your child any medicine(s) for symptoms caused by illness prior to sending them to school
Pick-Up and Drop-Off Map
Students walking to and from school should utilize crossing guards.
Staff members monitoring student drop off at the designated grade level doorways enter the building at 8:25 a.m. Students arriving after 8:30a.m. must enter through the Main Office.
Students being dropped off by car at Door 2 will enter Door 2 and walk to their designated grade level door.
Students walking to school will line up by their designated grade level door
Traveling east on 92nd St past 52nd Ct is not permitted during drop-off times.
52nd Ct. is one way north from 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m
Morning Arrival
There are groups of lines that are painted on the blacktop and sidewalk areas for each classroom around the perimeter of the building. There is one set of lines per class and each of the lines in the group are spaced at 3 feet apart.
During a morning with weather that cooperates:
Students arrive between 8:10 A.M. and 8:25 A.M. and should go to their assigned line in their classroom grouping
Grade 2 and Grade 3 students line up on the blacktop near Door 5
Grade 4 students line up on the north blacktop nearest Door 6
Grade 1 and Grade 5 students line up on the south blacktop
Grade Kindergarten, PTP and EC students will line up along an assigned sidewalk in front of either Door 6, Door 7 or Door 8
At 8:25 A.M., classroom teachers will walk their classes to their entry doors
Teachers will then take the student’s temperature when entering the building
During a morning with inclement weather:
Students will go directly to their entry door
Grade Kindergarten - Door 7
Grade 1 - Door 9
Grade 2 and Grade 3 - Door 5
Grade 4 - Door 6
Grade 5 - Door 8
Students will line up outside of their classroom with socially distanced spaces that will be located on the floor
Students that are dropped off at Door 2 will follow the same procedure of having their temperature taken as they enter Door 2; after this, they should line up with their class at either their outdoor or indoor assigned area (weather dependent)
If an adult plans to accompany their child to the line, we ask that the adult wear a mask.
In order to keep group numbers as low as possible, if you plan to stand on the outskirts of your child’s grade level lines until they enter the building, please limit adults to one per student.
Afternoon Dismissal
To avoid large crowds, we will continue to utilize a staggered dismissal - KDG, Grade 1 and Grade 2 at 3:20 P.M. and Grade 3, Grade 4 and Grade 5 at 3:25 P.M.
Classroom teachers will walk his or her class to the assigned lineup spaces
When a parent or guardian arrives to pick up the student, the teacher will dismiss him or her
Students that will be walking home on their own will let their classroom teacher know, once they are on their line
At 3:30 P.M., students not picked up, are taken in the building
Please adhere to all of the social distancing practices for arrival
Lunch and Recess
Our first lunch block is 11:00 A.M. - 11:50 A.M. for Grade 3, Grade 4 and Grade 5; our second lunch block is 11:55 A.M. to 12:45 P.M. for our Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2
When weather permits, we will be having Lunch and Recess outdoors
When indoors for lunch, we will have a staggered lunch schedule. This means that one grade will be eating lunch at a time but will also allow two grades to be in there at once if extra eating time is needed
When having Lunch and Recess outdoors, students can bring a blanket or towel to sit on. It will come home each day for washing.
When outside for lunch or recess, students do not need to wear their masks off but still must practice social distancing
When having indoor Lunch, each grade will have their own assigned lunch time
We will continue to practice social distancing of 3’ between all students
Children will always wash their hands prior to eating their lunch
Masks will remain on until the child is seated at their spot and ready to eat
Cleaning will occur in between each Lunchtime rotation
Hallway floors will be marked with stickers to help with social distancing.
Children will wash their hands a minimum of four times throughout the school day. Additionally, there will be hand sanitizer placed throughout the building for easy access.
Children are encouraged to arrive at school with their water bottle filled for the day to lessen hallway traffic.
Please label your child’s water bottle with a permanent marker to ensure that if lost, it can be returned
Covington Elementary School
Website: d123.org/covington
Location: 9130 S 52nd Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-1530
Twitter: @d123covington
Mr. John Wawczak - Principal
Email: jwawczak@d123.org
Website: d123.org/covington
Phone: 708-423-1530
Twitter: @MrWawczak