Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ March 6, 2017
Oak Grove Wrestling
This past Saturday, The Oak Grove Wrestling Eagles competed in the 2017 IESA Sectional for the chance to compete at the IESA State Wrestling Finals at Northern Illinois University. The Eagles went into the weekend with five wrestlers competing for their shot at State. All the Eagles wrestled tough and were relentless all weekend.
In the end, Chase Baczek(8th) placed second at 112 pounds. Chase is the Captain of the team and has been a 4 year Oak Grove Wrestling Eagle. Antonio Kelly(5th) placed second at the 65 pound class. This is Antonio's first season wrestling and has a bright future in the Oak Grove wrestling program.
The Oak Grove "Dynamic Duo" will compete this Friday and Saturday amongst 24 other qualifiers to see who will become an "All-State" wrestler and call themselves "The Best in the State of Illinois".
Intramural Co-Ed Volleyball
Who: 4th - 8th grade boys and girls
When: March 20-23 from 3:30-5:30 pm
Where: Patt Gym
Cost: $10 per student (Pay on RevTrak)
Intramural Sports Permission Form
Questions? Contact Mrs. Edelson at edelson@ogschool.org or Mr. Izenstark at izenstark@ogschool.org
Track and Field 2017 - Save the Date
The season begins April 3rd and is open to boys and girls in 6th-8th grade.
Questions? Contact Coach Edelson at edelson@ogschool.org
8th Graders - LHS Pom and Cheer Tryout Information for 2017-18
Oak Grove Honor Society
Spelling Bee News
Eighth grader Marilyn Yu represented Oak Grove at the Regional Spelling Bee last week. She won the bee with the word "hydraulic". Marilyn now moves on to the county bee in March. Good luck to Marilyn and a big congratulations from your Oak Grove family.
The Principals Read!
PTO News
Variety Show
Signs ups are this week for any 5-8th grader interested in trying out for the variety show. They will be in the Junior High cafeteria during lunch hour on Tuesday, March 7th and Wednesday, March 8th. You will receive your information packet when you sign up.
Important upcoming dates for the show:
- March 20th: Emcee tryouts for 8th graders interested, 3:30 - 4:30 pm (sign up in Mrs. Mahoney's room)
- March 21st & 22nd: Tryouts
- Friday, April 21st - The show!
We are looking forward to seeing all the talent that Oak Grove has to offer!
The 2nd and 3rd grade social will be at the Just for Fun Roller Rink in Mundelein on April 13th, 2 - 4 pm (an early dismissal day). There will be a short skating lesson at the beginning for those kids that don't know how to skate.
Mother Daughter Tea
Thanks to Katrina Treutelaar for organizing such a special night for the 5th grade girls and moms. Thank you to all the 5th grade mothers and daughters that attended this years tea! This is just one of the great traditions the PTO sponsors for the Oak Grove students. A very special thank you to Mindy Warren of MW Designs for the beautiful invitations, place cards, logo design and all the finishing touches that made it so special. Also thank you so much to Kimberly Scardino, Dr. Lisa Knoz, DDS, and the PTO for the donations for the amazing gift bags each girl received this year! And last, but not least thank you to Junior High office staff, Susan Gilbert and Kathy Azzato for all of their help as well!
Father Son Night
A huge thank you goes out to Kirsten Willis for organizing the 5th grade father son night. Thanks also to Denean Gorman, Stacie Nevins, Renee Muehling, Christy Swanson and Laura VanLyssel for helping, to Dr. Patrick Kennedy for the donation of toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss and to Oswaldo Suarez for rearranging rooms.
Fannie Mae
Many thanks to Cristina Buelow and Carlene Lichter for their work on the spring Fannie Mae fundraiser!
Curriculum Corner
Spring is coming and so is testing season. Testing season started last week with the CogAT assessment in grades 3 & 5. Mrs. Jackson will be coordinating make-ups for those students who were absent. The next assessment scheduled is the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) for students in grades 5 & 8 on March 14th and 15th. This is the second year for the updated science assessment since the implementation of the revised science standards. Parents of students in these grades will be informed about the specific testing date next week.
When we return from spring break, students will have a week to get back into the school routine and then PARCC testing begins. Don’t forget that students in grades 3 through 8 will need working headphones for the audio portion of the English - language arts assessments.
In Memoriam
The entire Oak Grove community mourns the loss of one of our own, Alyssa Rose Gillespie. Alyssa was an 8th grade student, the daughter of Steve and Kim, and the younger sister of Tyler. Alyssa loved tap dancing, soccer, and scouting. She was a very spiritual young lady and loved going to Bible camp.
She was beloved by everyone she met and will be greatly missed by her classmates and the entire Oak Grove staff.
Rest in peace, sweet Alyssa. We miss you.
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120