Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ September 9, 2019
Computer Club
Calling all 5th - 8th graders!
Come to Dr. Meltzer’s room 517 (Computer Lab) to get a permission slip before our first meeting. Or have your parents sign up at here.
Activities: Be introduced to several coding languages such as Scratch, JavaScript, and Python. We will also explore different types of computer hardware such as makey-makeys and microbits. Also, come with your interests and ideas and we will find out what we can learn from each other.
2019-20 meets from 3:20 pm - 4:15 in room 517 (Computer Lab)
Date Thursdays:
September 12th & 26th;
October 10th-24th;
November 7th & 21st;
December 5th & 19th;
January 9th & 23rd;
February 6th & 20th;
March 12;
April 2nd & 16th;
May 7th & 21st.
Filmmaking Club
Calling all 6th - 8th graders!
Come to Dr. Meltzer’s room 517 (Computer Lab) to get a permission slip before our first meeting. Or have your parents sign up here.
Activities: We will learn the basics of cameras, microphones, and software with the ultimate goal of telling your own stories. We will learn how to tell stories using a variety of filmmaking techniques including stop-motion, animation, and special effects. Filmmaking can be an individual or team activity, so invite your friends to join. Hope to see you there!
2019-20 meets from 3:20 pm - 4:15 in room 517 (Computer Lab)
Date: Most Mondays throughout the year. This is through Winter Break
September 16
September 23
September 30 - NO CLUB
October 7
October 14 - NO SCHOOL
October 21
October 28
November 4
November 11 -NO CLUB
November 18
December 2,9.16
Calling all Puzzlers!
Do you like doing puzzles and playing games? Then you should come and check out Puzzle Club! Puzzle Club is offered to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. We meet after school on Mondays from 3:20-4:15. We do challenging puzzles and play a variety of games! See Madame Grambo or Mrs. Riley in room 101 for a permission slip or check the virtual backpack!
Please contact riley@ogschool.org or grambo@ogschool.org if you have any questions.
K-2 After School Yoga Club
- Improve concentration
- Build self confidence
- Increase flexibility & strength
- Improve balance & coordination
- Calm the mind
From the Nurses
Kindergarten & 6th grade parents,
The Illinois State School Code Health Law, Section 665, requires that a child have a complete “Certificate of Child Health Examination,” including mandated immunizations, upon entrance into Kindergarten and 6th Grade. The physical examination can be administered within the 12 months previous to the child’s entrance into school.
1. Immunizations are to be in compliance with age
2. Health history signed by parent or legal guardian
3. Physical examination signed by MD, APN, or PA.
4. Due by October 15, 2019. Failure to provide physical with immunizations may result in exclusion from school. Please reach out to Nurse Judy (K) or Nurse Callie (6th).
Social Emotional Learning K-5
Check out these amazing videos our 4th and 5th graders made! Dr. Meltzer used his magic & the green screen to help us make movies for our K-3 students. 5th grade made a movie for K-1 and 4th grade made a movie for 2nd and 3rd grade. Our 4th and 5th grade role models create videos to review our Learner Skills.
We've been playing games to improve our:
- Focus
- Listening
- Use our Self-Talk
& soon we will practice Being Assertive (asking for what you want or need in a calm and respectful way).
Mindfulness is also a focus this year. K-3 parents, ask your child about a Candle Breath or a Balloon Breath. We focus on breathing to bring our mind to the present moment, regulate our emotions and improve our focus.
4th and 5th grade began using Socratic Seminar for classroom discussions. I don't talk, but the students discuss the importance of listening with attention. One student said, "When you realize your friend isn't listening, you start to feel worthless." We discussed how being a good listener helps improve our relationships and later will lead to increase our resilience!
Have an amazing week! Thank you for sharing your children with us!
Mrs. Kiefer
Social Emotional Learning Teacher K-5
Band News
Symphonic Band
Morning rehearsals are in full swing for Symphonic and Jazz bands. Please make sure to let either director know if your child has to miss for any reason. Lessons have begun for Symphonic Band. Students will need the Essential Technique Book 3. Please see the lesson schedule below.
Also, this week during lessons, the 8th grade band students will prepare for the LHS football game on Friday the 20th. Please make sure to bring your flip folder of football music.
Concert Band
Mr. Farris has asked that students bring their yellow book from last year as well as the Red Essential Elements Book 2 to rehearsals. Lessons are in full swing! Parents, please help your child remember to bring their instruments on their lesson day also.
Beginning Band
Attention 4th grade parents! This Wednesday, September 11th, is the Beginning Band Parent informational meeting in the Band room. (Room 100), starting at 6:30 pm. Please come and hear how music can benefit your child’s life! Enter by the old Junior High office doors (Door 16).
There will be a representative from Music and Arts to discuss the instrument rental program. Due to time constraints, Beginning Band enrollment will close after 9/27. Don’t miss out on the fun!
Oak Grove Gala '20
FEBRUARY 29, 2020
Our biennial Spring Gala is OGSEF’s biggest fundraising initiative and we need the support of our community, parents, faculty and students to make it a great success. Plus, it is a great opportunity to network and socialize with your community…not to mention a ton of fun! The event features food, drinks, entertainment, auctions and more. This is an event you will not want to miss!
to miss!
More information on the event and tickets will be posted soon on www.ogsef.org.
Oak Grove Wrestling News
This past weekend, Head Wrestling Coach Chris Duenas attended the Wrestle Like A Girl Coaches Clinic in Pendleton, Indiana. Wrestle Like A Girl is a non-profit, organization which focuses on "empowering girls and women through the sport of wrestling to become leaders in life." Olympian Tela O'Donnell and World Medalist Katie Kiebel hosted coaches from IL, IN and TN to discuss how to better grow & support women's wrestling, NCAA emerging status, health/nutrition, psychology and many more topics.
According to NFHS (National Federation of State High School Associations), female participation in wrestling has increased 250% over the last ten years. Illinois has the 5th highest female participation in wrestling. The NCAA is considering giving "emerging sport" status to women's wrestling. Currently, there are 28 programs across D2, D3 and NAIA. The University of Providence is the only D1 program for wrestling.
The Oak Grove Wrestling program is a IESA, no-cut, coed program open to all 5th-8th graders. The season will begin in December and finishes in early March. Informational meetings TBA. Contact Head Coach Chris Duenas (Duenas@ogschool.org) with any questions.
PTO News
OGS Yard Signs!
The new OGS yard signs are available for sale until September 22nd (while supplies last). Signs are $35 each and support the Student Council and PTO. Contact the PTO at PTO@ogschool.org, if you are interested in purchasing one.
Stuck On You Fundraiser
Has your student already misplaced a water bottle or sweatshirt? Or maybe you need some bento boxes for lunches? Purchase labels, bento boxes, lunch bags, gifts, and more at StuckOnYou.com. For every purchase you make, Oak Grove PTO receives a portion of the sale. Please check out the link for more information. https://www.stuckonyou.us/affiliate/fundraiser/OAKGROVEPTO. Our fundraising code is: OAKGROVEPTO.
Team Green - Recycling Reminder
This year, the OG News will include a tip on how you and your student can reduce, reuse and recycle. Let’s all join "Team Green" to make OGS and our homes a more earth friendly place. This week’s tip: Choose reusable containers for lunch items - Bento boxes, reusable plastic containers and cloth or silicone bags are just a few options to decrease lunch room waste.
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
Are you still trying to get your morning routines back into working order after a summer of fun? Try one of these strategies to help make your mornings, and your student’s morning, as smooth as a fresh jar of Skippy!
Is everyone getting enough sleep? Start here. Perhaps going to bed sooner is the answer to wait up perky and ready to take on the day.
What can you prep the night before? Try packing lunches the night before, choosing the breakfast menu, organizing the backpacks, or laying out the clothes they will wear the next day so there is less time making decisions and more time doing the tasks.
Would making a morning routine chart help? Have a picture chart with all the items that your student needs to do at the start of their day: brush teeth, comb hair, wash face, get dressed, etc… Talk through all the steps with your student and have them put the images in the right order so they can start checking off their own to do list.
Have you tried an “When...Then…” approach? When you get dressed and eat breakfast, then you can play/read/build for 5 minutes. Perhaps they’ll be more efficient if they are earning back free time.
For more suggestions and further explains of these four, here is Bryn Huntplamer’s article on How To Establish a Morning Routine for Kids That Actually Works.
For New Families with 8th Graders
We work closely with Libertyville High School to ensure that our Oak Grove students are prepared to make the transition. On our 8th grade website, there are links to help OG families receive information that is shared by the high school. As a reminder, the upcoming PSAT is scheduled for Saturday, October 19th at LHS. For more information about this assessment, click here.
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120