Panther Press
September 17th, 2022

March 30, 2023
Upcoming Events
April 4: Caverly Screening-No Pre-K Classes
April 7: Early Release
April 12: PTO Meeting @ 6:30 PM in Lothorp Library or virtually
April 13: Primary Celebration of Learning @ 6:00 PM
April 17-21: Spring Break: No School
April 26: 5/6 Celebration of Learning @ 6:00 PM
May 4: Chorus and Band Concert @ 6:00 PM
May 6: PTO Golf Tournament
May 10: Lothrop PTO Meeting @ 6:30 PM in Lothorp Library or virtually
May 11: 1-2 Concert @ 6:00 PM
May 19: Early Release
May 24: 3/4 Celebration of Learning @ 6:00 PM
June 2: 6th Grade to Boston
June 9: OV Awards Night
June 10: OV Graduation
PTO Lip Sync Battle
A huge thank you to the Lothrop PTO, families and community members for working together to provide a fabulous return of the Lip Sync Battle! Participants were still talking about it yesterday in the building.
PTO Golf Tournament
The PTO will be holding a golf tournament on May 6th. If you are interested in registering, please see the information below and click on the button to access a printable form.
Lothrop PTO Needs Volunteers
A huge shoutout of thanks to the current volunteers and officers of the Lothrop PTO. Lothrop Learners are supported well by the PTO each year.
In April there will be a number of officer positions up for nomination on the PTO Board and they are always in need of members to help out with fundraising efforts and organization of events.
Monthly meetings are organized according to the pleasure of the Board and can be held fully virtual or a combination of virtual and in-person.
If you are interested in becoming a member or an officer, please reach out to the team through Lothroppto@rnesu.org
Mud Boots or Extra Shoes
As the snow melts, we are left with VERY wet playground and fields. If you are able, please send mud boots or extra shoes with your child each day until everything dries up. Thank you!
Happy Numbers
Lothrop has purchased a license for 2023-2024 for Happy Numbers. We will have access this year to begin using the program. Students can access this resource at home and at school. Look for your student's class code in their teacher's newsletter.
We are piloting this year and seeing how we can get the suggested 45 minutes a week into our schedules. Anything that you can do at home will be a huge benefit!
Illness and Attendance
In an effort to assist families who are navigating illness and absences, the school nurse has put together the following guidelines. Please reach out to Melanie Parker, School Nurse if you have any questions or concerns.
Please keep your child home for at least 24 hours if they have:
1. Fever over 100.0 F (without Tylenol or Ibuprofen)
2. Vomiting
3. Diarrhea
Please also keep them home if they have:
4. Unidentified Rash
5. Uncontrolled Cough
{If your child requires Tylenol or Ibuprofen in the morning, it may be best to keep them home for the day.} If you are unsure of whether to send your child to school or not, please feel free to call the school and ask.
If your child has been absent for 10 days or more, the school nurse will be calling each additional day that your child is not in school. Absent days will be excused if:
a note from a medical provider is received or
a parent has spoken with the school nurse.
Girls on the Run
Volunteer to be a Girls on the Run coach for Lothrop School this spring! The impact of a Girls on the Run volunteer coach is as boundless as it is beautiful. The Girls on the Run programming is an after school program that uses a research based curriculum to empower, increase self-worth and spark joy in its participants.
Our 10-week season begins the week of March 27. Our team will meet twice weekly for 90 minutes each session to connect, move, learn and have FUN! Not a runner? Haven’t coached before? No problem! Girls on the Run VT (GOTRVT) provides training, easy to follow lesson plans, supplies and support from GOTRVT for a transformational season.
Visit gotrvt.org/coach to learn more or sign up to volunteer. Questions? Contact GOTRVT at Info@girlsontherunvermont.org or 802-871-5664. Ready to register? Sign up here.
Lothrop PTO
Hannaford Helps Schools
Thank you for participating in the Hannaford Helps Schools Program in 2022.
We are excited to announce supporters raised: $ 180 for Lothrop Elementary School by purchasing participating products at your assigned Hannaford store location, redeeming Hannaford Helps Schools coupons received at checkout and choosing your school!
Registration for the 2023 Hannaford Helps Schools program is now open. Register today!