This week at the pool...
8/6 - 8/12/2018
Last Ladies Night Next Week
Hurry up and RSVP to for our last Ladies Night of the season on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 7-10 p.m.!
Bring a friend, an appetizer, salad, or dessert, and your enthusiasm for an evening floating under the stars like member Grace Eisenhuth (at right)! BYOB too. Soft drinks will be provided.
The fee is $5 for pool members, $7 for non-pool members. (Non-member attendees need to be guests of a pool member who is present at the event.)
We need a minimum number of 15 members and guests for this event to occur!
Next Water Dance Fitness Classes
- Monday, August 6th
- Monday, August 13th
That's our instructor (at left), Miriam Lasar, rollin' along to the music!
The classes are being offered at no charge to KMSC members and for $5 each to nonmembers.
We'll reimburse those payments to any nonmember who subsequently joins the pool by the end of the summer!
We also have a new special deal on tap now for all our trial members who convert to full membership -- full access to the pool until we close for the season if you pay off the first half of your share now.
For the rest of this offer, please contact our membership director, Amie Wohlfarth, at ,
Fun Under the Lights for Our Teens
At right (L-R), Elijah, Julie, Amber, Erick, Tabby, and Carlos.
Many thanks to Amie Wohlfarth for hosting!
Your Dues Dollars at Work!
President's Message
The first week of August is done...and over the next couple of weeks, some of our staff will be heading off to college, some for the first time!
Please be sure to thank them for their work this summer and to wish them well the next time you are at the pool.
A special thank-you to our operators, Becca, Dylan, Tess, and Laursen.
Btw, there are three bicycles that have been sitting on our clubhouse porch for at least two summers. I suspect that they were nicked and then abandoned there, and at this point the original owners would have outgrown them. We're getting ready to donate them to a worthy cause, so if we're mistaken and they belong to your kids, please contact Mary Crowley IMMEDIATELY at because she'll be hauling them away next week.
Also, our board's next meeting is Aug. 30th, 7:30 p.m., poolside when we'll be talking about what worked and what didn't this summer, how we used your dues dollars to spiff up the place, and more. Please join us -- we need to hear from our members!
We also have two vacancies on the board. Are you interested? Please let the chairman of our nomination committee know, Len Wagman, at
- Cynthia D. Brandt Campagna
President, Kemp Mill Swim Club 2017-2019
Raft Nights Are the Best!
Pool Fun Planned for the Coming Weeks
Swim team activities have come to an end for the summer! Here’s how you can spend all weekend, every weekend at the pool in the next weeks:
Sunday, August 12th – Yard Games at the Pool - 3:00-4:30 p.m. (see previous description).
Sunday, August 12th - Pizza Night at the Pool – 5:00-7:00 p.m. We need some pool members to help us run the last Pizza Night at the Pool on Aug. 26! To help out, please go to this Sign-up Genius to volunteer. Thank you!
Sunday, August 12th – Raft Night – 5:00 closing (see previous description).
Tuesday, August 14th – Ladies Night -7:00-10:00 p.m. The pool closes to non-party goers at 8:45 p.m. Cost: $5.00 for pool members, $7.00 for guests. Bring and salad, appetizer or dessert to share. Soft drinks will be provided. Bring your own wine or beer. Door prize raffle. No free coupons accepted. Need at least 15 people to have event. Wanted: 1 or 2 ladies to plan and host this event. Two guest passes for the hostess or hostesses. Contact Sherri Spritzer at
Sunday, August 19th – No Pizza Night at the Pool.
Sunday, August 19th - Raft Night – 5:00 closing.
Sunday, August 26th – Last Yard Games at the Pool of the season - 3:00-4:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 26th - Last Pizza Night at the Pool of the season – 5:00-7:00 p.m. (see previous description).
Sunday, August 26th – Raft Night – 5:00 closing.
Sunday, September 2nd – Last Raft Night of the season - 5:00 p.m. to closing.
Monday, September 3rd - Labor Day. Pool closes for the season – at 6:00 p.m. Come celebrate the end of summer and help stack the deck chairs at the end of the day.
About Us
From June 16th through September 2nd we open:
- Mon.-Thurs., 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
- Friday 12, noon to 9:00 p.m.
- Sat./Sun., 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
To stay on top of all our events this summer:
Make sure has your email address for the weekly emails!
And join the Kemp Mill Pool group on Facebook.
We also post on Pinterest, Google+, S'more and Instagram, Next Door, and as @KempMillPool on Twitter.
Or just check for our messages in the Twitter feed on the Kemp Mill Swim Club website.
Lounging Dads:
Have you recognized any of the lounging dads? Let us know!
Editor: Mary Crowley
Photos this week are by Mary Crowley, Sherri Spritzer, and Amie Wohlfarth.
Location: 11805 Stonington Pl., Silver Spring, MD, United States
Phone: 240-389-5672
Twitter: @KempMillPool