Hometown School Newsletter
October 18, 2022
Bencik's Buzz
Hometown Families:
It is hard to believe that October is almost over. October 31st is a half day of attendance. Students will be dismissed at 11:30am. As we begin November next week, we will look to celebrate our Veterans for their hard work and dedication to their country. In today's take home is the flyer for our Veteran's Day event. We hope you and your family will be able to join us.
Drug Free Week
Our student council is hosting a drug free week. The flyer attached will have the different days listed for dress. Please have your children dress for the rest of the week.
Cheesecake Pick-up
Just a reminder that cheesecake pick-up will be tomorrow, Wednesday, October 26th from 2:30-3:45pm in the MPR room.
Students will be able to come in costumes for our half day on Halloween. Please make sure the costumes have easy access to go to the bathroom. We will have a parade for students and parents to view outside weather permitting. If we have bad weather, we will have the parade in the gym. After the parade, teachers will have Halloween activities for their classrooms. If you child would like to bring non-eatable items to pass to the class they may do so. We will not have parents running activities this year.
Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Please send in decorated pumpkins on October 27th. We can't wait to judge them! The winner will receive a prize.
Thankful Leaves
We would love to know what your family is thankful for. Attached are the leaves for you to write down things your are thankful for. They will be on display on our PTA bulletin board.
Leaf Raking
Our district will host the Leaf Raking event on Saturday, November 12th from 9-12. If you are interested in volunteering to rake or know of families that need their homes raked, please see the flyer or email the district has sent with details.
Bilingual Parent Advisory Council Invite
Dear D123 English Learner Program Families,
Please join us for a “Snack and Chat” gathering, to learn more about our Bilingual Parent Advisory Council (BPAC) and its role in supporting our students and their learning. You will also have the opportunity to meet other parents from our school district and share your ideas for this school year.
Date: Thursday, November 3, 2022
Location: District 123 Administration Center 4201 W. 93rd St. Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Time: 11:30 a.m.--1:00 p.m.
Please RSVP Anne Coffman, Interim EL Director by November 1: 708-423-0150, ext. 4297 or acoffman@d123.org
Please take the Survey
How has D123 formed meaningful learning partnerships with parents, families, and the broader learning community? School District 123 values the learning partnerships that are formed between our families, students and staff. Each year District 123 strives to ensure that all members of the learning community are able to connect with classrooms, and the school system in valuable and meaningful ways.
District 123 has intentionally created opportunities for connection including:
- Meet & Greet Opportunities
- School Open Houses
- Family Conferences (In-Person, Virtual, and Telephone)
- Remind, Seesaw, and Email Communication Tools
- Individual Classroom Curricular Newsletters
- Principal Tuesday Take Home Communication
End of the day reminders
Please remind your older children if they are picking up a younger sibling they should walk straight to get them and not stop off anywhere. We do not want our younger grades waiting for their older siblings. Students should not be stopping at the park after school without an adult. At the end of the day, students need to go home to check in with family and then may return to play in the park.
Veteran's Day
Please join us for the Veteran's Day assembly. See the flyer for details.
Collection for Military
Please send any items to the office for our military. If your families would like to send cards to our soldiers please send them to the office as well.
PE News
Thank you for all the family’s that reached out during Parent teacher conferences. The PE teachers are always open to phone calls or emails if you even have questions or concerns. In the next month your child will be working on football lead-up skills as well as hula hoop skills, throwing, spooky games and the parachute. The olympians of the month for September were: Isabel Serrano, Aubree Armstrong, Maci Jackson, Blake Haehnlein, Isabella Rodriguez and Maya Aguinaga. The weather is changing so please remember your child has PE class everyday and gym shoes are required.
Grade Level Newsletters
Please make sure you look for any of the information your grade level has handed out. Newsletters should be coming home by the end of the week for November.
Family Bingo
We are looking forward to hosting Family Bingo on Friday. Please RSVP to reserve your spot to play. The flyer is attached.
Pre-K Parents
When picking up and dropping off students for the day, please park on Kolin Ave. and not in the parking lot. The parking lot is for our staff or anyone with a pass.
Arrival Procedures
Please make sure students are not walking through the parking lot when arriving at school. Students should be using the pathway as to stay safe. Vehicles are pulling into the lot and we want everyone safe. Also, as you are standing with your child please remember we have little ears listening. Profanity is frowned upon.
Arab American Family Services
Hometown Grade Spotlight: Kindergarten
K is for Kindergarten and oh what fun these little ones are having each day. Life in Kindergarten is full of Fundations, math, reading stories, science, social studies and a whole lot of fun. Each day, students are welcomed by Mrs. Amy Gomez and Mrs. Brenda Sweetser. These five and six year olds have learned how to share, work together and help their friends. They are learning how to write their names,learning their letter names and sounds, and how to write and read numbers. They are excited for some upcoming events including a field trip, a Thanksgiving feast and maybe a visit from the Grinch! Life in Kindergarten is never boring… and the laughter from their rooms warms the hearts of everyone here at Hometown School.
Hometown Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hometown
Location: 8870 S Duffy Ave, Hometown, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @d123hometown
Principal Hometown School
Email: abencik@d123.org
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @AmandaBencik