Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ March 11, 2019
Save the Date
K-5-Bingo for Books!
Wednesday, April 24
6:30-7:30 in the Elementary Cafeteria
The book fair will be open from Monday, April 22 through Thursday, April 25. This event will run during the book fair's evening hours. Prize winners will receive book fair cash. Winners can take their prize money to the book fair and pick out their prizes! Buy one and get one!
We want to learn more about your culture or a country that you love! Please consider hosting a booth. The deadline for signing up will be Friday, March 15th.
Student Council
SEL Club
For sixth grade-eighth graders already involved in the SEL Club or those who would like to join us, we are moving to lunch time! Due to our busy after school schedules, we will meet this spring during our recess and lunch times. Any junior high student is welcome to join us!
On Wednesday, March 13, bring your lunch and join Mrs. Evans in room 108. Sixth grade will meet from 11:45 - 12:20 and 7th and 8th grade will meet from 12:30-1:05. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Evans.
Spelling Bee Update
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
Last week grades 3 and 5 took the CogAT assessment. For students who were absent during any of the testing days, make-ups will take place this week.
Tuesday, 3/12, will be the Illinois Science Assessment for grades 5 and 8. This test will take approximately an hour and will be administered on their student devices. If the devices come home Monday night (tonight), please make sure they are charged and ready to go for testing Tuesday morning.
As a friendly reminder, when students come back from spring break we will be taking the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (formerly known as PARCC) the week of April 8th - April 12th. All students in grades 3 through 8 will need working headphones or earbuds to complete the reading portion of the assessment. To access practice tests that model the technical format of the assessment, click here: https://parcc.pearson.com/practice-tests
Lastly, we encourage students to get a good night sleep prior to their testing dates, eat a nutritious breakfast, and to get to school on time! Thank you for your support at home.
Variety Show Sign-Ups This Week
Sign-ups for all interested 5th-8th graders are this Monday and Tuesday during lunch hours. Interested acts will be given a form with the tryout date and time, rules and permission slip. Important dates for the Variety Show are:
Signups: March 11th & March 12th - During lunch hours.
8th Grade Emcee Tryouts: April 4th from 3:20 - 4:00 in Mrs. Mahoney’s Room. Sign up sheet is by her door.
Tryouts: April 8th & 9th - You will be assigned a time when you sign-up.
Pictures: April 16th from 3:20 - 5 - You must be FULL costume ready.
Dress Rehearsal: May 1st & May 2nd from 3:20 - 6pm
The Show: May 3rd at 4 & 7pm
Meet the Candidate Night Reminder
The PTO will be hosting a ‘Meet the Board of Education Candidate Night’ on Thursday, March 14th at 7pm in the Elementary Gym. Please email any questions for the candidates to pto@ogschool.org. All questions must be submitted in advanced and emailed by the end of the day today, Monday, March 11th.
Fannie May
Many thanks to Cristina Buelow and Carlene Lichter for their work on the Spring Fannie May fundraiser!
6th/7th Grade Social
About 100 6th and 7th grade boys and girls attended the free social sponsored by the PTO on Thursday morning at Skyzone. The kids had a great time. Thank you to Liz Howard for organizing and running this fun event.
Conference Dinner
The PTO hosted a dinner for our wonderful teachers during conferences. Thank you to Lisa Perrone, Jen Sahagian & Krista Sorensen for coordinating and serving the dinner. Thank you to Elizabeth O’Neil for organizing the desserts and to our amazing eagle bakers for the treats - Blanca Pereira-Garcia, Jennifer Davis, Diane Powers, Lyndsey Casey, Sarah Palmberg, Julie Perry, Laura Reutzel, Aayshah Mirza, Mary Crain, Sammy Virk, Dana Huennekens, Anne Gordon-Rebmann, Kate Byers, Stephanie Huffman, Laura Psimaras and Francine Klotz.
International Foods Week
Marla's Lunch has organized a festive week of international fare for our elementary and junior high students during Multicultural Week, the first week of April. Mediterranean, Italian, Indian, Chinese and Greek cuisine will be served family style. Students will be able to sign up for these lunches through Marla's website. Please visit Marla’s website, https://marlaslunch.boonli.com/login, and order by noon on Monday, March 25 to take part in this festive week. Other meal options will also be available that week.
Daddy/Daughter Dance
Daddy/Daughter Dance pictures will be delivered to homerooms this week. You can also view and order candid photos by following this link: https://bellajacksonoriginals.pixieset.com/g/guestlogin/oakgrove2019/?return=%2Fg%2Foakgrove2019%2Fformals%2
We need your pictures! All school related events are welcome. When uploading, please comment on the picture with your child's grade and school event, if possible. We'll be collecting them through June, so save the link to add more later in the year. Thank you for sharing your 2018-2019 memories!
Mrs. Mahoney Makes the Daily Herald
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120