Las Positas Updates
12/1/23 Volume 3 (18)
Hello December!
Happy Friday,
Welcome back from Thanksgiving break. We hope you had a wonderful time spent with family and friends. All staff are working incredibly hard to ensure your children are proud of all they have accomplished in 2023!
This month we will focus on the IB Learner profile 'Balanced'
The IB Learner Profile Balance aims to develop learners who are balanced. Our goal is to allow students to discover and understand the importance of balancing different aspects of their lives. Focusing on the intellectual, physical and emotional in order to achieve well being for themselves and others. We would like for our students to recognize their interdependence with other people and with the world in which they live.
Have a great weekend!
IB Learner Profile 'Balanced'
Chilaquiles 12/5/23
Chilaquiles 12/5/23
Lost & Found
Unclaimed Lost & Found items
There are tons of unclaimed items that are Lost & Found.
Please come take whatever is pleasing to you. We will be donating unclaimed items to Goodwill in December.
La Habra Family Resource Center December Calendar
Calendario de deciembre para el Centro de Recursos de La Habra
Winter Reading Challenge
La Habra Public Library December Calendar
Tips on cooking together
Consejos en como cocinar juntos
Having Balance
Parents attending Cooking Class
Smiling with GLEE in 1st grade. Special guest this month in the classroom is "Marshmallow Twinkle!"
December Art and Expression in TK
Important Dates:
Wednesdays - Early Release (8:10 -1:20)
Thursdays - Think College Gear
Fridays - wear Las Positas Gear/colors (blue & orange)
- 12/2 Tamale Festival
- 12/5 - Cooking Demonstration (Chilaquiles) 8:30am at Imperial Middle School Library
- 12/5 - Coffee with the Principal 8:30am (library)
- 12/6 - Report Cards go home
- 12/7 - Lion of the Month Awards
- 12/8 - Hearing and Vision Screening
- 12/12 - Cooking Demonstration 8:30am
- 12/15 - Holiday Event 5pm- 6:30pm
- 12/19 - Cooking Demonstration 8:30am
- 12/22 - 1/5/24 - NO SCHOOL WINTER BREAK
Other Important Information
This year, all students will receive free meals.
Office Hours:
Open 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM (Essential Business, Please). We are working on offering an Office Reception Window. Thank you for your patience.
Las Positas Elementary School
Email: maguilera@lahabraschools.org
Website: https://www.lahabraschools.org/laspositas
Location: 1400 Schoolwood Drive, La Habra, CA, USA
School Calendar: 2023-2024 Las Positas School Calendar
Phone: 562.690.2356
Twitter: @laspositaslions
School Counselor Mr. Do - website