Mrs. Iseler's K.E.S. Principal Post
Holiday Concert -Save the Date!
Kohler’s Holiday Concert is fast approaching and the students have been working hard with Mrs. Kukla to put together a fantastic show!
We look forward to seeing you in person on December 21st!
4K-2nd Grades CRAZY CAROLS at 1:30 pm
Kohler Memorial Theater
PBIS Focus December Newsletter
Please check out our PBIS NEWSLETTER for details! Thank you to Mrs. Cornielsen for putting together all this great info!
We are looking forward to our next assembly in January. In November had a great PBIS celebration with David Stokes (Eva Stokes's dad) regarding the Wildlife in Our Backyard!
Need more information on PBIS or school counseling supports: check out Mrs. Multer's newsletter (December link) and her website.
Brr...Winter is coming.
As December rolls in so does the winter weather!
Please ensure your child has all winter gear! Our weather has begun to get colder. Students will go outside unless the windchill factor is below zero. All students should be dressed for the weather: boots, hats, mittens, snow pants and warm coats. If students do not have snow pants they will be required to stay on the blacktop.
Please make your arrangements in advance and that your child is fully aware of what to do in case school closes early. Ensure that your child knows where they are to go if school closes early: Will they go home with a classmate; an older sibling; or a relative? Have you made prior arrangements with this individual to be on “standby” for these occasions?
Parent Night-Save the date
Holiday dress up days !
Holiday Message and wishes from Mrs. Iseler
Newsletter Requests & where to find past newsletters
All newsletters are archived on our district website as well for your convenience at: https://www.kohlerpublicschools.org/schools/elementary-school/e-newsletters-archive/.
In Kohler Kindness-Jacqueline Iseler
Mrs. Jacq. Iseler (pronounced "Jackie Ice-ler").
Kohler Elementary Principal
District Curriculum & Assessment Coordinator
Email: iselerj@kohler.k12.wi.us
Website: https://www.kohlerpublicschools.org/schools/elementary-school/
Location: 333 Upper Road, Kohler, WI, USA
Phone: 920-803-7206
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kohlerschools/