Ipswich Middle School
October 7, 2022
Ipswich Middle School
Sean Fitzgerald, Assistant Principal
Our mission is to create a nurturing community where students are encouraged to develop confidence as lifelong learners with the awareness and flexibility necessary to adapt to a changing world. We strive to bring out the best in every student and adult in our learning community.
Email: kmcmahon@ipsk12.net
Website: www.ipsk12.net
Location: 130 High Street, Ipswich, MA
Phone: (978)356-3535
Welcome October and Fall
Tiger Tales Book Groups
Reminder - No School Monday for Indigenous Peoples' Day
Reminder - No School Tuesday for Students for District-Wide Professional Development Day
Grade 6 Museum of the Americas
Spring MCAS Results
September Tigers of the Month
Washington DC and Ecology School
Ecology School is scheduled for April 25-28, 2023. A parent night will be held in November.
The 8th grade trip Washington DC and Philadelphia is scheduled for June 6-9, 2023. A parent information night will be held on Wednesday, 10/19 at 7:00 p.m.
IMS Intramural Basketball
CLICK Here to Register for MS Sports
Intramural Basketball is open to all students in grades 6-8. Registration is now open until Sunday, October 23.
A rotation of games will be held most days after school from 2:30 - 3:45. Detailed schedules will be available on or before Friday, October 28.
Please note - Basketball is a popular sport! We will create the team rosters and game schedules based on the number of students registered as of 10/23. If you do not register by the deadline, we will accept student names for a waitlist in the order they are received. To be added to the waitlist, email Victoria Feger at vfeger@ipsk12.net. We will try our best to get all waitlisted students assigned to a team. Thank you for understanding.
There is a one-time annual fee of $50 for all intramural sports, including intramural basketball. Therefore, if you paid for interscholastic field hockey or cross country, you still need to pay the $50 intramural fee. If you paid for intramural tennis, you do NOT need to pay another fee.
Roar is a mentorship opportunity for middle school students and run by high schoolers. The goal of this program is to create a space for students to express themselves, talk about middle school, and anything else the students may have on their minds. We will play games, eat snacks, and talk. Meetings are scheduled every other Thursday from 1:30-2:30. Our first club meeting will be Thursday, October 13th. Anyone and everyone can join. We are excited to see you there!
If you have any questions about participating in ROAR, please email us at:
Hannah Queen 26queenh@ipsk12.net
Rose O'Riordan 26oriordanr@ipsk12.net
Bobby Haltmeier 26haltmeierb@ipsk12.net
Maggie Carlberg 26carlbergm@ipsk12.net
Here is our signup form:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSei_vNK7jnn5nrCJjaLCDTq5q9mo73I22VGDqpgE90c6zSdZg/viewform?usp=sf_linkWalk and Roll to School Day - New Date
Art Club Change
Mrs. Stewart is collecting newspaper for art projects. She would appreciate any donations.
School Council 10/11
Kindness Club
Girls Who Code
New Information regarding the Bus to the YMCA
The YMCA has let us know that they have had to change their policies about middle school students arriving after school. The middle school is still able to offer students a free ride to the Y after school, however the Y is only able to offer a free pass for a week. After that week, students will have to purchase a youth membership or a pay a guest fee.
Youth Membership guest fee is $5/day or $22 per month.
Teen Membership (age 14-18) guest fee is $8/day or $27/month.
Scholarships are available from the Y.
Complete this form to give permission for your child to take the van to the Ipswich Y.
Please contact Sean Fitzgerald with any questions at sfitzgerald@ipsk12.net
Upcoming Important Dates
Monday, 10/10 No School, Indigenous Peoples' Day
Tuesday, 10/11, No School, District Professional Development Day
Tuesday, 10/11 @ 6:30, School Council Meeting
Wednesday, 10/19 at 7:00 a.m., Walk and Roll to School
Wednesday, 10/19 at 7:00, Grade 8 Washington DC Parent Meeting
Friday, 10/21, First Trimester Progress Reports mailed home
Friday, 10/28, IMS Global Play Day
Monday, 10/31, Halloween
Covid Guidelines from Nurse Reed
Ipswich Community News
Ipswich Travel Basketball
Ipswich Travel Basketball registration is open for the 2022-23 season!
Sign up today! www.ipswichtravelbasketball.com
- Who: Boys and Girls Grades 4-8
- When: Registration is open now until October 15
- How much: $275 per player. $60 for complete uniform (shorts and jersey, if needed).
Families with multiple players receive a $50 discount per child
** Finances are NEVER a barrier to play. If you require financial assistance please reach out to the league treasurer at itb@mail.com. We want all kids to play!
Evaluations are scheduled for mid October. Practices begin Nov. 1. The season runs from early December - Mid March.
For any questions please email itb@mail.com
Sign up for basketball today!