SVHS Green and Gold
Dr. Cohen's Newsletter to the SVHS Community
March 27, 2022 Edition
NEW: SVHS Student and Family Resources Page
REMINDER: Free, On-Demand Online/Virtual Tutoring Available for All Students, K-12
New Partnerships with FEV Tutor and Tutor Me Education
Beginning on January 25, 2022, all students will have access to free tutoring and 24/7 Homework Help to support success in their current courses/grade level, through two new approved tutoring providers, FEV Tutor and Tutor Me Education. As part of comprehensive strategies to mitigate learning disruption associated with the pandemic, all students will have access to these virtual tutoring services through their MCPS Google Account, using Clever. Some students will also be referred directly by their local school.
NEW: Upcoming Mandatory MCAP Testing
Dear Seneca Valley High School Community,
Per Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) mandates, students must take the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) assessments to satisfy graduation requirements.
During the Spring testing window, April 4th – June 3rd, students will take the exams for the courses they are currently in (English 10, Algebra, NSL Government, and Biology). We will provide updated information about testing in the future weeks.
On Tuesday, April 5th and Thursday, April 7th students will take the English/Language Arts (ELA) exam. We will go on Spring Break and upon return, we will resume ELA10 testing on Tuesday, April 19th and Thursday, April 21. Students in grade 10 will take the ELA 10 exam. Students will be informed through their English classes about their testing and each student will receive emails of their specific testing locations prior to testing.
Parents please remind your child(ren) to report to their assigned location on time on their assigned dates. If testing, they should bring headphones and sharpened pencils. All students regardless of testing status, should come to school with a charged MCPS Chromebook and charger. All students should arrive to school by 7:40 am and should follow the bell schedule for those days.
If you have questions or concerns regarding testing, please reach out to Kisheena Wanzer (Kisheena_J_Wanzer@mcpmsmd.org) and Michael Kim (Michael_T_Kim@mcpsmd.org).
NEW: Update from MCPS
Here are five things to know for Thursday, March 24. They include important COVID-19 reminders, including guidance for the return from spring break; information about mental health and crisis resources; a reminder to complete the Antiracist Audit survey, opportunities for out-of-school time activities and tips for pedestrian safety.
Spring Break Begins Monday, April 11
Remain Vigilant: The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Not Over
Returning from spring break free from the effects of COVID-19 and the ability to complete the school year without quarantine learning or reinstated restrictions requires us to remain vigilant. It’s up to all of us. Please continue to follow the successful mitigation strategies that have reduced COVID-19 in our community.COVID-19 Testing:
Testing at Home: On Monday, April 18, families are asked to test all MCPS students using MCPS-provided rapid take-home test kits and report positive cases via our online form. If the test is positive, stay home and follow quarantine and isolation guidelines. If your child has COVID-19 symptoms or is sick, stay home. The same guidance is for staff who also are receiving the take-home test kits. Test on April 18 and report any positive cases.
Reminder: COVID-19 symptoms are fever with a temperature of 100.4 or higher, sore throat, cough, difficulty breathing, diarrhea or vomiting or loss of taste or smell. Use this helpful student health checklist.
MCPS will distribute COVID-19 rapid take-home test kits between March 28 and April 6.Directions for Use:
VIDEO: Directions for use of COVID-19 rapid test kit
Learn more at this website and review the flyers:
English / español / 中文 / français / Português / 한국어 / tiếng Việt / አማርኛ
(Reminder: these are nasal (nose) rapid test kits; please refer to the directions included in the kits prior to use.)Other Important Ways You Can Help
Testing in Schools: Say Yes to the Test
MCPS has in-school random testing for asymptomatic students and rapid testing for students who show COVID-19 symptoms. Parents must give permission for this testing by completing this form.
Learn more about in-school COVID-19 testing.Vaccinations: Individuals 5 and older are eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccination. They are free, safe and readily available. The vaccine is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself and to keep COVID-19 from surging in the community. MCPS hosts vaccine clinics every weekend. Learn more.
Mental Health and Crisis Support and Online Resources
MCPS has online information to support students and families seeking mental health and crisis support resources. Every school has a student support team that includes a counselor, a school psychologist, a pupil personnel worker and a school nurse.Resources:
Pedestrian Safety: Safe Routes to Schools Program
Student safety is one of the most important jobs we all have, in our neighborhoods, and near schools. Safety should be a priority for everyone. We want children to get to and from school safely. Here are few helpful reminders:
Tips for: Walkers / Riders / DriversAre You Looking for Things to Do When School is Not in Session?
MCPS has gathered a list of in-person, live and on-demand opportunities that are available to elementary and secondary students on days when school is not in session. Some of these activities are not affiliated with MCPS. If you are interested in any of those programs, please contact those organizations directly. Upcoming dates: Thursday, March 24 (early release day), Friday, April 1 (early release day) and spring break, which begins Monday, April 11 and runs through Monday, April 18.Families Are Encouraged to Complete the Antiracist Audit Survey
The survey closes on March 31. Please take the time to fill out the survey. It is easily completed on a mobile device or computer.
The survey is anonymous and available in seven languages.
English / español / 中文 / français / Português / 한국어 / tiếng Việt / አማርኛ
Other Important Things to Know
NEW: SVHS MSP Students Making a Difference
NEW: Summer School 2022 - New Website!
Find information about Summer School opportunities on our new Summer School Website, listed under the "Quick Links" menu. Contact Kisheena_J_Wanzer@mcpsmd.org with any questions.
· https://sites.google.com/mcpsmd.net/summerschoolsvhs/home
Important Dates:
· 3/24 - Regional Summer School Registration Opens
· 4/4 - Seneca Valley Summer School Registration Opens
NEW: Summer Rise hosts wanted
Interested in preparing the next generation for the workforce and growing your talent pool? Consider hosting a rising @MCPS 2022-2023 juniors or seniors through the Summer RISE program where you can meet student(s) in your industry from July 5th-29th. Visit www.MCPS-SummerRISE.org.
NEW: Updates from the College and Career Center
NACAC College Fair Field Trip Opportunity for Juniors - April 6
The 2022 NACAC Montgomery County College Fair will take place at Adventist HealthCare Fieldhouse in Boyds, MD. There will be over 275 colleges and universities exhibiting! Registration is required for all attendees.
Interested Juniors will have the opportunity to attend the fair as a school field trip on Wednesday, April 6, from 9:45am - 11:15am. The cost for students for this field trip is $4.00 to cover the cost of transportation.
Moving Forward College & Career Readiness Series for Juniors
Juniors, let's start planning! We enthusiastically invite you all to participate in the following workshops to get a head start in planning for life after high school! Once registered, a zoom to link will be sent to you 2 days before the workshop and 1 day before the workshop again.
Unless noted, all workshops are from 11:30 am - 12:00 pm.
Thursday, April 7 - College Essay Writing
Thursday, April 21 - Tips on Common Application
Tuesday, April 26 - Intro to Financial Aid and Scholarships
Click here for the flyerCollege Admissions Decisions & Results - Seniors
Already received admissions results and/or scholarships? Please update your Naviance accounts! Need help? See Mr. Nalda in the College & Career Center, Room 2113.
How to add and update admission decisions/results in Naviance (video)
How to add scholarships in Naviance (video)
U.S. Service Academy Summer Programs
Juniors (students in the Class of 2023) who have an interest in learning about opportunities to attend a U.S. Service Academy for college are encouraged to apply to participate in a summer program. Each Academy’s summer program provides a week-long immersion into the academic, military, and social life of that Academy. The Academies are ranked among the top undergraduate public universities in the country. The U.S. Naval Academy also offers a Summer STEM Program for rising 9th-11th graders. (Click here for more information)
Upcoming Scholarships
- March 29 - Georges Lieber Essay Contest on Resistance - 1st-$1,000, 2nd-$500, 3rd-$300, and two Honorable Mentions-$200; 9-12 grade; in 2,000 words, you are encouraged to raise questions, single out issues, and identify dilemmas involving resistance; essays may be written in the formal or informal tone, but most importantly, an individual voice should be evident; see link for full details and guidelines.
- March 31 - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority - Eta Pi Zeta Scholarship - awards of up to $1,000; senior; min 2.5 GPA; accepted to a 2- or 4-year college or university; proof of community service hours; personal essay; two letters of recommendation due by March 29 (provide recommenders with this link to submit); transcript.
- March 31 - Legacy of Life Scholarship - 2-$5,000, 2-$3,000, and 6-$1,000 awards; senior; write an essay or produce a video convincing others to register to be organ, eye and tissue donors; winners must attend a "Donation 101" training and participate in one WRTC-approved event in the community.
- March 31 - David Ebrahimzadeh Scholarship - 1-$1,000 award; senior; accepted into a college or university; for students who are seeking a degree in real estate, or have a passion in real estate; submit a 500-word essay about real estate.
- March 31 - Look Back Give Back Scholarships - awards of $5,000, $2,500, and $1,500; senior; resident of MD; Black or African American; min 2.0 GPA (unweighted); demonstrate financial need; community service and/or Extra-curricular activity involvement; accepted to a two year or four year college or university ; letter of recommendation from school counselor; 300-500 word essay.
- March 31 - Tzu Chi USA Scholars - $1,000 awards; senior; min 3.0 GPA; based on (proven) financial need, academic achievement, and community involvement; family tax returns; 2-5 page autobiography; 2 page essay about Tzu Chi; 2 letters of recommendation; official transcript.
- April 01 - Esperanza Education Fund Scholarship - awards ranging from $5,000-$20,000, depending on financial need; senior; must be born outside the U.S. or have two parents born outside the U.S.; must enroll full-time in the fall; in 2021, your family's total income (before taxes) was less than $100,000; recipients selected based on hard work, resourcefulness, perseverance in the face of adversity, academic achievement, and commitment to one's community.
- April 01 - Sherry S. Hintz Scholarship - up to $20,000 per year (up to four years); junior or senior; min 3.0 GPA; have lost a parent or primary guardian to breast or ovarian cancer; resident of Montgomery County, Maryland; demonstrated financial need; involved in a school, community, or athletic activity, ideally in a leadership position; wish to attend college; Statement of Goals essay sheet; FAFSA Student Aid Report (seniors); Family Financial Need Statement (juniors); transcript; Academic Recommendation Form; Leadership Recommendation Form; see application for mailing instructions.
- April 01 - Lockheed Martin Vocational Scholarship Program - up to 150 awards of $5,000 each; senior; plan to enroll part- or full- time at a U.S. accredited vocational technical school, trade school, two-year community college or state college; pursue an associate degree, credit-bearing certificate or an industry-recognized credential in one of the specified fields of study; see link for eligible fields of study.
- April 01 - Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship Program - up to 200 awards of $10,000 each; senior; U.S. citizen; min 2.5 GPA; demonstrated financial need; come from an underrepresented group or underserved community (see link); planned 4-year degree enrollment, full-time in the following majors: Aerospace Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics; interest in a paid internship with Lockheed Martin following their freshman, sophomore or junior year of college (note: the internship is not required to receive a scholarship, and scholarship recipients are not guaranteed an internship).
- April 01 - WISER Scholarship for Higher Learning - 2-$1,000 awards; senior; documented learning and/or accessibility needs; demonstrate leadership through community service; letter of documentation of learning or accessibility challenge(s); application form, including short answer responses (typed or recorded) and signed certification statements; letter of recommendation.
- April 01 - Naval Officers’ Spouses’ Club of DC Scholarship - senior; a dependent child of an active duty, activated reservist, retired from active duty, or deceased United States Navy (USN) service member; attend a two- or four-year undergraduate college, a visual or performing arts school, or a vocational/technical school as a full-time student; essay; transcript(s); signed Privacy & Publicity Statements (signed by applicant and sponsor); High School Information Sheet; teacher letter of recommendation from a teacher.
- April 01 - College Prep 365 Scholarship - multiple awards; senior; US citizen; min 3.2 grade point average; two letters of recommendation; transcript; essay (300-500).
- April 01 - Cathay Bank Foundation Scholarship Program - 20-$1,000 awards; senior; min 3.0 GPA (unweighted); plan to attend a U.S. Accredited 4-Year College/University or Community College in the state of California, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Texas, or Washington; household income at or below the Low Income Level (if selected, must provide 2020 or 2021 tax return for verification); Recommender Form from a Community Service Advisor; official transcript.
- April 01 - Kao Kalia Yang Scholarship - 5-$5,000 Renewable awards; senior; blood descendants of Hmong race or ethnically identified as Hmong American (with a citizenship or as a permanent resident); min 2.0 GPA; attend a four-year college or university full-time in the fall; household income at or below the Federal/State/County Low Income Level (Must be able to show 2020 or 2021 tax return should applicant be selected for award); Recommender Form from a Community Service Advisor; official transcript; online interview (if selected as a finalist).
- April 01 - Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund - 10-$5,000 awards; senior; United States citizen or US Permanent Resident (holders of a Permanent Resident Card) AND direct blood descendant of a Taiwanese citizen; min 3.0 GPA (unweighted); household income at or below the Federal/State/County Low Income Level (Must be able to show 2020 or 2021 tax return should applicant be selected for award); 3 References; official transcript; all awardees must submit a short YouTube video; see link for details.
- April 01 - AFA’s 2022 Teens for Alzheimer's Awareness College Scholarship Essay Contest - multiple awards up to $5,000 (grand prize); senior; U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident; enter a four-year school in the fall; write an essay (1,500 word maximum) describing the impact of Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia-related illness on themselves, their families or their communities, and what they have learned from it; transcript.
- April 01 - Dorothy Marvil Scholarship - 9-$1,000 awards; applicants must be a member of Educational Systems Federal Credit Union; senior; min 2.75 GPA; under the age of 21; award can be used to attend a four-year university, community college, technical college or trade school.
- April 01 - Rosemary Brinkley Business and Finance Scholarship - 9-$3,000 awards; applicants must be a member of Educational Systems Federal Credit Union; senior; min 2.75 GPA; under the age of 21; enroll in a business or finance curriculum; award can be used towards earning a degree in business, finance or a related field at a four-year university or community college.
- April 01 - Flavorful Futures Scholarship - $5,000 award; senior; U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident; min 2.5 (unweighted) GPA; enroll part-time or full-time study at a 2-year, 4-year, college, university, trade or vocational school.
- April 04 - AFSA National High School Essay Contest - 1st Place: $2,500, trip to DC, and Semester at Sea. Runner-Up: $1,250 and scholarship to attend National Student Leadership Conference; 9-12 grade; submit an essay of 1,000-1,250 words on the strategies and tactics U.S. Foreign Service Officers and American peacebuilders are employing to build successful partnerships with other world and regional powers and with local actors in the chosen current situation.
Click here to see the SVHS Scholarships Page for more opportunities.
This Week's College & Career Visits - Career Center (Room 2113)
RSV Pools, Inc. (summer jobs) - Tue March 29 @ 11:20 AM - 12:10 PM
Stop by anytime during lunch if you would like to learn more about seasonal jobs at RSV Pools, Inc.
Albright College - Wed March 30 @ 10:22 AM (Period 4)
United States Air Force Academy - Wed March 30 @ 11:59 AM (Period 6)
University of Essex (United Kingdom) - Thu March 31 @ 9:59 AM (Period 3)
Interested in potentially attending college in England? Come to this presentation to learn more!
U.S. Navy - Recruiter Visit - Thu March 31 @ 11:20 AM - 12:10 PM
Stop by anytime during lunch if you would like to learn more about the U.S. Navy
Upcoming Events
MC Scholarship Series 2022
Students and families are invited to join us for information about scholarships and financial aid. All sessions begin at 6pm. Click Here to Register
April 6: Using Scholarship Search Engines
May 18: Montgomery College Scholarship Programs
Click here to see the SVHS Homepage for more upcoming events
NEW: IB Spotlight
MYP Personal Project update: Our 10th graders are working hard on completing their product for their MYP Personal Project by Tues., April 5th, the week before Spring Break. After they complete their product, the students will organize and curate their evidence, and reflect on their learning in their final report. Here is a calendar of important dates for the MYP Personal Project.
MYP Personal Project Spotlight: Sahana Audhithan, a 10th grader at SVHS, is collecting data on the mental health of SVHS students through an anonymous Google form. She will then analyze the results and write a report on her findings and recommendations. Please encourage your students to complete the survey to support Sahana’s MYP Personal Project! The QR code is below and also can be found at a higher resolution here. Great job, Sahana!
IB Diploma Program and IB Career-related Programs:
Is your student a rising junior in several IB courses? If so, they should consider the full IB Diploma – seen as the Gold Standard Preparatory Program for colleges. Students build an immense toolkit that will help them in college and beyond.
Feedback from IB Diploma Alumni:
- “My peers struggle to write papers in college, but because I did IAs* in all my classes and the EE (Extended Essay), I do not have the same challenges, as I have the skills I need.” (*Unlike other external assessments, like Advanced Placement, IB scores are a combination of authentic internal assessments (IAs), graded by SVHS teachers and moderated by IB, completed throughout the year and externally assessed exams in May.)
- “Don’t listen to others – it is very doable!”
- “ I got an abundance of credits… I have sophomore standing.”
Is your student in a career pathway and in at least one IB course? Then, the IB Career-related program may be for them.
Visit the SVHS IB Website for more information at: https://sites.google.com/mcpsmd.net/svhsibprograms/home or contact Ms. Ezerski the IB DP/CP Coordinator with your questions.
REMINDER: Dads on Duty - We would love to have you join the team.
Attention Seneca Dads. If you are still interested in participating in Dads on Duty and you have completed the volunteer training module and COVID attestation form, please consider signing up for a slot using the form below. We still need your support. The dads who have been coming in have reported having a great time while also seeing real evidence that they are making a difference.
Dads on Duty at Seneca Valley HS: Dads on Duty Sign-Up (signupgenius.com)
To access the online volunteer training and COVID vaccination attestation, use this link: Support Guide [Volunteers and Contractors: Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect] - Google Docs
Seneca Valley High School
Email: marc_j_cohen@mcpsmd.org
Website: www.senecavalleyhighschool.com
Location: 19401 Crystal Rock Drive, Germantown, MD, USA
Phone: 240-740-6400
Twitter: @SenecaValleyHS