Hannum Happenings Parent Edition
May 10, 2022
Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday May 10 (day 3): 5th Grade Open Gym and Parent Mtg. 6:00pm
Wednesday, May 11 (day 3): Enjoy the day!
Thursday May 12 (day 4): Enjoy the day!
Friday May 13 (day 5): 4th/5th Grade Spring Concert 1:30
Monday May 16 (day 1): Enjoy the day!
Tuesday May 17 (day 2): SHIELD testing
Late Spring Concert (4th and 5th Grade)
4th and 5th Grade Dismissal
5th Grade Parents
2022-2023 Beginning Band Registration (for current 4th graders)
May 17 4:00pm, 5:00pm, 6:00pm and 7:00pm
also on
May 18 at 9:00am
The meetings will be at Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School. If you have questions please contact the OLHMS school office.
End of Year Dates
5/25: Growth Parade (more info on this to follow)
5/27: 5th Grade Recognition
6/1: Field Day K-5. K-2 am. 3-5 pm
6/2: Grades 3-5 Awards Day. 9:00-10:30
Kindergarten Celebration 2:15
6/3: Grades 1 and 2 Awards 9:00-10:00
Last Day of School. 11:30 dismissal
D123 Summer School Registration is going on NOW!
Drop Off and Pick Up Reminders
2/3 Doors: Please be patient and wait in line when dropping off your students. Do not cut in front of another car so you can drop your child off.
4/5 Doors: Please do not pull up going Eastbound on 99th Street and walk your children across this very busy street. Pull up far enough if you want to watch your child until they get in the building. If you don't you will block everyone else trying to drop off their kids.
D123 Pre-School and Kindergarten Registration NOW OPEN!
CoVid Updates
*Masking is now STRONGLY RECOMMENDED but not required for all students, staff and parents. If students take the bus for band or any other reason, they are still required to wear a mask.
*Positive cases will still need to quarantine for 5 days. After 5 days they may return but will need to be masked for an additional 5 days.
SHIELD Illinois
Our last day of SHIELD testing for the year will be Tuesday May 24th
News from your Hannum PTA
Upcoming Dates:
5/18 and 5/19 - Spring Book Fair (volunteer sign up coming out soon)
5/19- Kindergarten Open House
5/27 - 5th Grade Recognition
6/1 - Field Day (sign up coming out soon)
*If you would like updates on Hannum PTA events:
-"like" Hannum PTA on Facebook
-sign up for Remind text message alerts by entering 81010 and texting the message @hannumpta1
5th Grade Spotlight
Hannum Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hannum
Location: 9800 S Tripp Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @d123hannum
Mrs. Anne Marie McGovern - Principal
Email: amcgovern@d123.org
Website: d123.org/hannum
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @McGovernAnne