Band Buzz: September 4, 2022
Falcon Band and Color Guard
From the directors
Our Next Game is Friday 9/9 at Veteran's Memorial
Our game this week is our first home game! It is at Veteran's Memorial stadium, which is next to Clear Creek High School.
CCISD Veterans Memorial Stadium
2305 East Main Street
League City, TX 77573
If you are volunteering to ride a bus, you will not need a ticket as a parent chaperone. If you are arriving at the game on your own, you can order your tickets through GoFan at this link: https://gofan.co/app/events/641084?schoolId=TX17681
Still Need to Order Game Meals?
Some of you ordered contest meals (Saturdays in October) but not game meals (Friday evenings before the football game). If you would like to order game meals, then please do so at this link. The deadline is Tuesday September 6th.
Handy with a video camera? The band needs your help!
Make Us Your Charitable Organization!
Amazon Smile
To have a portion of your Amazon purchases go towards the band, shop through smile.amazon.com and select select Clear Lake Falcon Band Booster Club as your charity.
Please help contribute towards the band every time you shop at Kroger. Enroll in their Community Reward program and select Clear Lake H.S. Falcon Band Booster as your charitable organization.
Mattress Fundraiser on Saturday, September 17!
Our main responsibility for this fundraiser is to advertise it to the community. If you would like to help us advertise by placing a yard sign in your front yard or would like a poster to hang at your business, church, or any other group gathering area, please have your child pick one up from the band office following school or rehearsal on Monday
All hands on deck for our marching contest on October 1!
We are hosting a marching competition on October 1!
All hands are going to be needed to pull off this event, so begin thinking about what areas you can help in, please!
We are hoping to raise $8,000 plus on this event.
We are going to need a setup crew starting at 7 AM, bus and truck parking crew, ticket/box office crew, ushers, Airgram sellers, Band Check-in, Warm-up monitors, ushers/ concourse monitors, Adjudicator hospitality and press box monitor, and finally clean up crew. Those jobs will be in addition to our regular volunteers needed for other contests.
I also need someone to be in charge of the event and band volunteers.
Thank you!
Sam Draper
Check Out the Band Buzz Blog and Photo Gallery!
We also have a photo gallery of our band and color guard. Check it out here!
Have pictures you want to contribute to the gallery? Submit your pictures by following the link below:
Parents who like to contribute photos, should follow the following steps:
- Set up a Google account, if you don't already have one
- You don't need a "@gmail.com" account, you can set up a google account with an already existing email account like @ccisd.net or @yahoo.com
- Next, email webmaster@clhsband.org with the email address associated with your google account
- We will then provide access to our photo album where you can upload unlimited photos
- If you encounter issues, please email webmaster@clhsband.org
Kanch Weerasinghe
FBBC Webmaster
Tickets are already on sale for the Homecoming football game on Friday, October 7th
There are already big plans in the works for Homecoming weekend, including at the football game. If you are planning to attend the Homecoming football game at Challenger Columbia Stadium that night and you are NOT volunteering to help move band equipment or chaperone on the bus, you may need to order tickets sooner rather than later as there is a risk they may be sold out closer to the date. (Volunteers who ride the bus and move equipment are included with the band's entry that night.)
You can get more information about Homecoming tickets and special Homecoming events on the Anniversary website: https://clearlakehighschool50thanniver.godaddysites.com/
Buzz Contributions
If you would like to contribute to the Band Buzz, please contact the appropriate committee or board member. They can send fully edited information to the following e-mail address: VP@clhsband.org . The deadline for submissions is midnight each Wednesday night.
Thank you,
Rebecca Garland
(2nd VP Communications)