Glen Acres Elementary School
May 23, 2021
Field Day 2021
Calendar For the Next Couple of Weeks:
Monday, May 24, Day 1, School Spirit Day: Wear Spirit Wear or Wear Green
Tuesday, May 25, Day 2, ELA PSSA's Grades 3-5
Wednesday, May 26, Day 3, ELA PSSA's Grades 3-5
Thursday, May 27, Day 4, ELA PSSA's Grades 3-5
Friday, May 28, Day 1, School Spirit Day: Wear Spirit Wear or Wear Green
Monday, May 31, NO SCHOOL- Memorial Day
Tuesday, June 1, Day 2, MATH PSSA's, Grades 3-5
Wednesday, June 2, Day 3, MATH PSSA's, Grades 3-5
Thursday, June 3, Day 4
Friday, June 4, Day 1, School Spirit Day: Wear Spirit Wear or Wear Green
We are going to have an end of the year outdoor celebration on 6/10 at 9 AM, rain date 6/11. My apologies for the date change! We heard EHS is having graduation on 6/9. Thanks for your patience. We are still working on details. However, each 5th grade student will be able to bring 2 guests pending we do not have rain on both days. If it rains both days, we will have a ceremony inside and send parents the link to join. Guests should arrive at 9 AM. The ceremony will start at 9:15 AM. We will tell you where to park and where to go outside when we get closer to the event.
6/11: Yearbook signing for fifth graders. Cyber and Remote students are welcome to attend. We will let you know the time.
Please see the attached flyers below.
Celebrating Diversity
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
During the month, we spend additional time recognizing the contributions and influences of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans to the history, culture and achievements of the United States.
Jewish American Heritage Month
During the month, we spend additional time recognizing the contributions and influences of Jewish Americans to the history, culture and achievements of the United States.
GAE Renovations
Dear Glen Acres Families,
Glen Acres will be going through a three-year renovation project that will begin in the spring of 2022. Due to the renovation of the school, there will be many changes to Glen Acres that has caused the school district to make decisions about where to place our students throughout this process. The kindergarten hallway and one section of first grade will be demolished in the initial stage of renovation which causes Glen Acres to lose four classrooms. The school district considered several possibilities and has concluded the best option is to have our kindergarten program at Fern Hill Elementary School for the next three years.
The school district believes this three-year plan will be an effective way to keep our kindergartners from the construction areas. We have placed other school’s kindergarten classrooms in alternate buildings due to renovations that have happened in the past.
We will be having a follow- up meeting with our 21-22 Kindergarten families on 5/18. In addition, moving forward, we will continue to keep the community updated about GAE renovation plans.
Thank you,
Sara M. Missett, Ed.D.
Director of Elementary Education
Ms. Donna Ryan
Glen Acres Elementary Principal
As you know, the PSSA is given in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. All grade levels will take the Math and English/Language Arts. Fourth grade also participates in the Science exam.
Cyber and Remote GAE students will be taking the test at Glen Acres. If All students should report to school between 8:30 and 8:40 AM. If you are a cyber or remote family, please drop your child off in the front of school outside the Main Lobby Doors. Please pick up your child by 11:30 in the same area. Due to parking constraints, you will not be able to wait for child during testing. Remote students will test with their homeroom class and they will be spaced 3 feet apart. Cyber students will be placed in rooms spaced 3 feet apart. Students will need to wear a mask during testing. Feel free to send your children in with a water bottle and an independent reading book to read if they finish early. They do not need to bring in anything else unless they received a calculator from school. If your child has received a school calculator, they should bring it to school with them. If you do not have a calculator from school already, one will be provided.
Students who are scheduled to opt out will be learning in a separate area and they will be provided with educational asynchronous assignments via Schoology. If you would like your OPT out student to do the assigned work from home and report to school at 11:30, they may do so. It will be coded as an excused tardy. If you are opting out and you would like for your child to learn from home until 11:30, please send Mrs. Theresa Weaver, tweaver2@wcasd.k12.pa.us, our attendance secretary, an email stating that is your intended plan.
Testing Dates:
ELA (grades 3-5)- May 25-27, Make- Up Dates 6/3 and 6/4
Math (grades 3-5) - June 1-2, Make-Up Dates 6/3 and 6/4
Science (4th only) - June 3 & 4, Make-Up Dates 6/7