F.AVE School Closure Update
March 13, 2020
Updates for School Closures
F.AVE Families,
I want to start by saying thank you for your patience and understanding as we work out details for the coming days. I will try to communicate proactively, just know that things are still rapidly changing. Here's F.AVE's school-specific information that might help you and your families plan for the next 10 days.
Our teachers are using the first three consecutive days of closure to finalize plans for remote learning. Beginning Wednesday, March 18, students will begin receiving assignments from teachers. Completing the work is optional and students will not be introduced to new learning, but will be assigned practice or extensions that review skills and concepts that have been taught this school year. If our closure exceeds 10 days, we will communicate further instructional plans for our students. Check out https://www.csdecatur.net/site/Default.aspx?PageID=4216 for CSD updates.
Karen T. Newton
F.AVE Principal
Food Services for Students
The Nutrition Department will provide all students the option to pick up two meals a day from Decatur High School beginning Wednesday, March 18. This will allow our staff time to get the necessary food deliveries to begin this service. Our goal is to make sure all of our students continue to have access to food during the extended school closure. These meals will be a cold breakfast and shelf-stable lunch. The program is open to all City Schools of Decatur students. We are unable to extend this meal service to siblings who are not CSD students, parents/guardians, or the general public. Meals will be available for pickup daily 9:00am-11:00am. Students may only pick up two meals (one breakfast and one lunch) per day and may not purchase additional meals. The CSD student must be present to pick up their meal. All meal prices will remain the same as a typical school day and all approved free and reduced lunch applications will be honored. It is unclear whether this is something our students will take advantage of; we will evaluate this program throughout our closure to determine if participation is high enough to continue or require modifications.
Need Items from F.AVE?
F.AVE will be open to families on Monday, March 16, 2020 for medication pick from 10 AM-1PM. If this time frame does not work, please contact our school nurse, Marla Dubyak at mdubyak@csdecatur.net to set up a time that works for you.
Instructional Items
Wednesday March 18, 2020 parents may come to the school to pick up any items out of their child's locker, musical instruments, instructional packets and/or check-out a device. If you do not have a computer at home that your child can access for about an hour each day, please sign up here for checkout. This will give us an indication of how many folks to prepare for.
In order to limit the number of people who are at the school, we have developed staggering times to report. Teachers are not required to be at the school during these times and students will not have access to the classroom. We will have a centralized location to pick up things, except items in lockers.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
3rd grade-Last Names A-M 11:00-12:00
3rd grade-Last Names N-Z 12:15-1:15
4th grade-Last Names A-M 1:30-2:30
4th grade-Last Names N-Z 2:45-3:45
5th grade-Last Names A-M 4:00-5:00
5th grade-Last Names N-Z 5:15-6:15
If the scheduled time does not work for you, then 6:15-7:00 is your report time.
Contact Information
Email: knewton@csdecatur.net
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/fave
Location: 101 5th Avenue, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404.371.6680