Venetia Valley Voice
Family Newsletter - October 2022
Principal's Message
We are well into the new school year and moving along nicely. Your children have all participated in our beginning of the year assessments, empowering our teachers to work towards meeting your specific child's needs. Students in 2nd through 5th grade have completed their Fountas and Pinnell assessments while our students in TK through 1st grade have completed their foundational assessments. Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) assessments have also been completed school-wide and our middle school students will be completing their MAP Growth Assessments by the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) in the coming days.
It's been a busy month and we are looking forward to the fall. Our Family Center and Community Liaison have been working diligently to offer various activities for our families and their students, all of which you'll read more about below in this month's newsletter. As always, we appreciate your continued support and faith you put on all of us to ensure we are giving your children an exceptional educational experience!
In Partnership,
Principal Quesada
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October At A Glance
Events that Happen Every Week during the Month
- Tuesdays - Food Pantry from 3:15 - 4:30 PM in front of the school
- Wednesdays - Citizenship Classes in the MPR from 5 - 7 PM
- Wednesdays are Early Release Days. Students are dismissed at 1:15 PM for Special Day Classes (SDC), 1:35 PM for TK/Kindergarten, 1:40 PM for Middle School and 1:45 PM for 1st - 5th Grade.
Week of October 3-7:
- Happy Yom Kippur Day!
- Coffee with the Principal/Chat at 9 AM in our Family Center!
- School Site Council Meeting at 4:30 PM in our Family Center
FRIDAY, 10/7:
- Community Closet in the Family Center from 3:30 - 4:30 PM
Week of October 10th - 14th:
MONDAY, 10/10:
- Indigenous People's Day - School is in session!
- San Rafael City School Governing Board Meeting at 6 PM
TUESDAY, 10/11
- 5th Grade Parent Night - Walker Creek Information Meeting at 5:30 PM in the MPR
- Safe Routes "Bike, Walk'n Roll" to School Day during the AM arrival
- Festival Latino Community Event from 4 - 6 PM
THURSDAY, 10/13:
- English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting from 9:30-11 AM in the Family Center
Week of October 17th - 21st: Parent/Teacher Conference Week
MONDAY, 10/17:
- No School for Students - 1st Day of Conferences
TUESDAY, 10/18
- 2nd Day of Conferences - Minimum Day/Early Release at 12:50 PM (12:20 PM for SDC)
- Open House at Terra Linda High School for 8th Graders! Flyer coming soon!
- 3rd Day of Conferences - Minimum Day/Early Release at 12:50 PM (12:20 PM for SDC)
THURSDAY, 10/20:
- 4th Day of Conferences - Minimum Day/Early Release at 12:50 PM (12:20 PM for SDC)
- Families for Safer Schools Workshop (drug prevention and awareness for parents) from 5-7:30 PM in the MPR.
FRIDAY, 10/21:
- Last Day of Conferences - Minimum Day/Early Release at 12:50 PM (12:20 PM for SDC)
SUNDAY, 10/23
- Beautification Day at V.V./Mitzvah Day from 9 AM - 12 PM
Week of October 24th - 28th:
MONDAY, 10/24
- SRCS Governing Board Meeting at 6 PM
Week of October 31st
MONDAY, 10/31:
- Happy Halloween! Costume Parade at 3 PM!
PTA Election Update!
We are now looking to hold a special election for PTA Treasurer as we had no candidates nominated for the co-treasurer vacancy. Anyone interested in becoming our PTA Treasurer is encouraged to contact Ms. Sheila Ramirez at SRamirez@srcs.org or Ms. Pilar Sanchez at PSanchez@srcs.org. Once we receive a nomination or nominations, we will hold a special election to fill the vacant treasurer role.
Latino Festival - Wednesday, 10/12
Join us on Sunday, October 23 at 2pm for our first FREE family concert!
special location: Marin Center Showcase Theater in San Rafael
This Halloween Spooktacular is designed to get ghosts and goblins of all ages in the Halloween spirit! From Beethoven's 5th Symphony to favorite tunes from Star Wars and Coco, this concert will be a real treat. Costumes encouraged but by no means required!
FREE open dress rehearsal in Mill Valley on Wednesday, October 19 at 7:30pm.
Click on a date for free registration
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 at 2pm (Marin Center)
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 at 7:30pm (Mill Valley)
More info available on our website.
Hope to see you there!
Athletic Field In Full Use
Halloween Celebrations - Monday, 10/31!
Family Center Update
Hello Dear Venetia Valley Families,
I can't believe we are already in October, how fast time flies. From the first day of school when we were all getting ready for the new school year, to our back-to-school night and soon our parent-teacher conferences. Either way, it has been a pleasure to see how this year feels more normal seeing families at school. Thank you to all who have been participating in the activities we have provided for you. We hope you continue to join us.
And, Thank you to all the parents and guardians who have been coming to volunteer in different ways here at VV. It is so great to see our community support each other.
As a reminder, there are some important back-to-school forms in the Aeries Parent Portal that you are required to review and complete. Please click on the link below and follow the instructions.
If you already have an account, log in and fill out the forms. If you do not have an account set up, click on “forgot password” and follow the instructions.
Upcoming Events:
Food Bank distribution happens every Tuesday from 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Families, remember that bags of food are handed out every Tuesday in front of the school. Feel free to stop by if you need this service.
Citizenship Classes- Every Wednesday from 5 pm to 7 pm
Know the citizenship process, study for the exam, receive help with your N-450 form, and much more. For questions please call the family center.
Charla w/ Mr. Q- Thursday, Oct. 6 from 9 am to 10 am. Family Center
The Charla with Mr. Q is an opportunity for families to ask questions or share concerns about things that are happening in Venetia Valley. Learn about services or events happening in our community.
School Site Council - Thursday, Oct. 6 from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm in the Family Center
The common goal and focus of this elected body is to support student success. The SSC does this by developing and monitoring the implementation of the school’s plan known as the Single Plan for Student Achievement
Community Closet- Friday, Oct. 7 from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm in the Family Center
Walker Creek Parent Info. Night- 5th Grade Families Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 5:30 pm in MPR
Families join us for this informational night on details about the 5th-grade trip to Walker Creek in January.
Safe Routes International Walk to School Day- Wed, Oct. 12 from 8 am - 8:45 am
Parents, please encourage your students to Walk, Bike, or Skate to School. Every walker or roller will receive a really attractive button for their backpack! If you live too far, drive PARK, and let them WALK to campus. Walking and Biking is good for their health, it reduces pollution and traffic, and it’s a Good Time! Students who participate in the walk or roll to school challenge have a chance to win prizes.
Festival Latino- Oct. 12 from 4 pm to 6 pm at Venetia Valley
Join us for our 2nd Annual Festival Latino here at Venetia Valley. There will be food for sale, entertainment, community partners giving out information, and much more. See you all here.
Let’s Talk Parent Workshop- Thursday, Oct. 20 at 5:30 pm in the MPR
Parents and Guardians, join us to learn and understand substance abuse in Marin County and how it is affecting our kids. We will also learn strategies on how to prevent our children from using these substances. We will have childcare and snacks.
VV Beautification Day/Mitzvah Day - Saturday, Oct. 22 from 9 am to 12 pm
Families are encouraged to contact Ms. Pilar Sanchez at PSanchez@srcs.org if you're interested in joining our partners from Rodef Shalom in helping us beautify our campus. We will be pulling weeds, cleaning the grounds and other light yard work throughout the campus. We hope to see you on Saturday, 10/22!
Venetia Valley Costume Parade- Monday, Oct. 31 at 3 pm at the Field
This year we will be hosting a costume parade for students who would like to participate. We will also have alternative activities for students who wish not to participate. More details to come.
Community Fridge- Bay Marin Church parking lot at 150 N. San Pedro Road
The Community Fridge is open 24/7 for families to come and grab what they need! If you wish to donate any food, this is also a place where you can donate by placing your food in the community fridge.
Want to contact us? Here's how:
Family Center Hours
Monday to Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Direct line: 415-496-0226
Kristal Garcia - Family Advocate - kgarcia@srcs.org
Erick De La Rosa- Family Advocate- ebeltran@srcs.org
Sheila Ramirez- Family Center Director- sramirez@srcs.org
Family Center Hours
Monday to Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Direct Line: 415-496-0226
Cell: 415-424-3778
Follow us on social media: Facebook and Instagram @ventiavalleyTK8 and follow Mr. Quesada on Twitter @PrincipalPaulQ.
Venetia Valley TK-8 School
Venetia Valley is a community school where students, families and staff are celebrated for who they already are and are supported in every way to become all that they aspire to be.
Nuestra Declaración de Misión
Venetia Valley es una escuela comunitaria donde los estudiantes, las familias y el personal son reconocidos por quienes ya son y son apoyados en todos los sentidos para convertirse en todo lo que aspiran a ser.
Email: aquesada@srcs.org
Website: https://vv-srcs-ca.schoolloop.com/
Location: 177 North San Pedro Road, San Rafael, CA, USA
Phone: 415-492-3150
Twitter: @PrincipalPaulQ