Almond Thursday Word
Message from the Principal
Dear Almond Families,
It has been a pleasure to work with your students this week while Mrs. Matteroli is at a conference in New York. I’m sure she will have lots of information to share with you and the staff when she returns.
Last weekend’s Walkathon was a HUGE success from all reports. Thank you to all the families that participated! We value the community-building aspect of the event, as well as the fund-raising. It sounds like everyone had a great time!
Today we had our annual earthquake drill. I’m so proud of all of the Almond students. Not only did they Drop, Cover and Hold On as instructed, they also evacuated quickly and quietly. We practice this drill often so that if we ever do have an emergency during school hours, we will know exactly what to do. This is a reminder for us all here in the Bay Area to renew our emergency plans at home as well as at work and school. Here is a great reference to consider from the Great California Shakeout. And finally, I just learned about an app called MyShake that is designed to give even a few seconds warning that an earthquake is coming. It is out of Berkeley and just went live today.
Have a wonderful weekend!
~Karen Wilson
Halloween Carnival next Friday!
Come one, come all to the Almond PTA Halloween Carnival on Friday, October 25, from 3:30 - 5:30 pm!
We’ll have all the favorites: Games, decorations, music, food, pumpkin-carving contest and the ever-popular Cupcake Walk.
The kids love it, and the proceeds benefit our school.
The carnival is run by student and parent volunteers - Please contact Marcsi Elovson (mkratochwill@yahoo.com) to volunteer or sign up here.
We especially need volunteers for the set up and clean up crews.
Put it on your calendar now...and we’ll see you there. Parent costumes are optional, but always add to the fun!
Almond Annual Pumpkin Carving/Decorating Contest
Calling all Pumpkin Artists!! The Annual Almond Pumpkin Carving/Decorating contest is coming up quickly. If you would like to participate, bring your carved or decorated pumpkin to school on Friday Oct. 25th by 8:30am. The pumpkins will be on display on tables outside the Multi all day and the prizes will be awarded for the most creative pumpkins. Good luck!
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)?
Parties are filling up fast and we want you all to be there. If you didn't get a chance last week during the Walkathon Silent Auction to sign-up for parties, now is your time. Do it before it is too late and they are all sold out!
* Mother / Son Sports Night: Sign Up Now!
* Father / Daughter Dance: Sign Up Now!
(Any special adult who loves your son or daughter is welcome to attend either party!)
* Bollywood Garba Night:Sign Up Now!
* Self-Defense Class:Sign Up Now!
* 80's Orangetheory Fitness Class: Sign Up Now!
You’ve contributed $2M! Thank you!
We’re making good progress towards our 2019-20 goal of $3.4M. Your donations are funding teachers and staff who are making a difference for your student every day.
We are grateful for the 79 volunteers who helped us reach out to our district families during our LAEF Phonathon. You did a fantastic job promoting LAEF and explaining the importance of 100% participation.
If you have yet to make your annual donation to LAEF, Donate or Pledge today and help fund teachers at your neighborhood school this school year. The suggested donation is $1,200 per student or $120/month per student. Every donation of any amount is appreciated.
Important Dates
Wed, 10/23, PTA General Meeting, 8:30, multi
Fri, 10/25, Halloween Carnival and Pumpking Carving Contest, 3:30-5:30
Mon, 10/28, Vision screening for grades K, 2, 5
11/4-11/8, 6th graders at Walden West Science Camp
Mon, 11/11, NO SCHOOL
Wed, 11/13, PTA Board Meeting, 8:30, conference room
Mon and Tue, 11/25-26, Parent/Teacher Conferences, NO SCHOOL
Wed-Fri, 11/27-29, Holiday, NO SCHOOL
What’s Next in the Community Engagement Process for Facilities
On September 25th and October 5th, the Community Engagement for Facilities Project Team (“Project Team”), led by MIG, hosted charrettes at Blach and Egan, respectively. With active engagement of a diverse cross section of our community of over 200 people on September 25th and over 250 on October 5th, participants at small group tables went over previously considered solutions for facilities and introduced new ideas. We thank each and every participant for their engagement in the process as equal stakeholders and their help in providing insight into discerning a solution to this complex issue.
At LASD’s regularly scheduled board meeting on October 28th, MIG will report on the charrettes and discuss the upcoming November workshops with the LASD Board.
Please join us for one of the upcoming Workshops
(Each workshop will have the same format, so please only attend one)
Saturday, November 2, 9:30-11:30am
Egan Junior High School Multipurpose Room
100 W. Portola Ave.
Monday, November 4, 6:30-8:30pm
Blach Intermediate School Multipurpose Room
1120 Covington Rd.
Participants in the workshops will have a chance to discuss, evaluate and weigh public support for the community-generated ideas from the charrettes. MIG will then organize and summarize the results, which will be presented to the LASD Board in January.
For more information visit our Community Engagement on Facilities page. Please email communityengagement@lasdschools.org with any questions.
MVLA Parent Ed Speaker Series - Vaping - 11/14 at LAHS
The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series presents:
Bonnie Halpern-Felsher
The Vaping Crisis: What Is It Doing to Our Kids?
Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019 - 7:00 - 9:00pm | LAHS Eagle Theatre | 201 Almond Ave., Los Altos, CA
Join us as Dr. Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, Professor of Pediatrics at Stanford University, discusses the harmful impacts vaping has on the minds and bodies of adolescents.
Dr. Halpern-Felsher will provide an overview of current tobacco/nicotine products, including vapes, Juuls and other pod-based systems, which are more commonly used among teens than combustible cigarettes. Drawing upon on-going research, Dr. Halpern-Felsher will address why adolescents are drawn to using these products, dispel common misperceptions held by both adults and teens, and share effective, evidence-based strategies that parents, caregivers, and teachers, can leverage to help prevent and reduce the use of these addictive products.
To register for this free event, go to https://mvla2019-20-bonniehalpern-felsher.eventbrite.com
Sponsored by Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF), MVLA High School Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF), and Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.