Family Newsletter
July 14, 2023
A Note From Dr. Hooks
Dear Hyde-Addison ES Families,
Please be reminded that we will be hosting a virtual Q and A session for families new to Hyde-Addison on July 21, 2023, at 10:00am. You may use the link below, to join. The link is also available on the Hyde-Addison ES website.
Data Highlights
Kindergarten – 2nd grade students take the DIBELS assessment annually, which measures baseline phonics skills and progress to guide instruction.
DCPS Early Literacy Goals:
85% - 100% of K-2 students will score on or above benchmark by June 2023 (EOY), as measured by the DIBELS assessment.
- Hyde-Addison ES Achievement: At the end of the 2022-2023 school year, 96% of students were on or above benchmark, an 11 percentage point increase from the previous school year, exceeding the district goal and average.
- The DCPS average was 78%.
- Hyde-Addison ES Achievement: At the end of the 2022-2023 school year, student subgroups saw up to a 37 percentage point increase, from the previous school year.
0% - 7% of students in kindergarten will be well below benchmark by June of 2023, as measured by the DIBELS assessment.
- Hyde-Addison ES Achievement: Only 1 kindergarten student (2%) ended the school year well below benchmark, "exceeding" the district goal and average, which was to remain below 7%.
- The DCPS average was 13%.
Please feel free to email hyde.addison@k12.dc.gov, with any school specific questions.
Kindest Regards,
Dr. Calvin Hooks, Principal
Hyde-Addison Elementary School
After School Activities for SY23-24
After Care
Champions is one of Hyde-Addison ES's partners and provides aftercare services. More information about their program can be found on the school website.
Champions registration for the fall of 2023-24 is now open! To secure a seat for your child and avoid being added to the wait list, please ensure your child is fully enrolled as soon as possible by emailing the following completed documents to: ch002523@discoverchampions.com
Before you receive a start date, your child's file will need all of the completed documents:
Important Information for Families
Billing Schedule Reminder: Your bill is charged based on the schedule which is due every Wednesday of each week. The last day is Wednesday to make any changes.
1 Week Until the New-to-Hyde Family Q&A
School Supply Lists Now Available
If your family is in need of assistance purchasing school supplies for your child, please email hyde.addison@k12.dc.gov to share your child's name and the grade level they will be in so we can ensure every child has equitable access to materials.
Family Newsletter Features
When you receive the family newsletter by email on Fridays, as well as most other school-wide correspondence, you have the option to click and view the newsletter in a web browser. Viewing the newsletter in a web browser enables automatic translation into over 20 languages as well as provides the option for increased visibility with high-contrast settings and increased font sizes.
Family Newsletters will continue to be archived on the Hyde-Addison website (https://hydeaddisondc.org/home) throughout the year for your reference.
Tell us a little bit about your child!
Kids Ride Free Cards- Sign Up
DCPS Calendar and Student Attendance
Athletic Teams (students in 4th and 5th grades)
Last school year, DCIAA allowed Hyde-Addison to compete in girls and boys track (spring season) as well as girls and boys cross country (fall season). Once DCIAA informs us of what teams Hyde-Addison will compete in SY23-24, we will share that information.
There is no cost to families for a child to be on a DCIAA team. All students who wish to compete on a DCIAA team must complete a participation packet every school year which includes a physical by a medical professional. Additionally, the medical forms must be completed within 365 days of the end of the athletic season.
Universal Health Certificate (UHC). Students with certain medical conditions may also need to complete an Asthma Action Plan or an Anaphylaxis Action Plan
This school year, all forms must be completed and submitted for each student in advance of trying out for a team. We encourage you to go ahead and schedule your doctor appointment to complete this over the summer if your 4th or 5th grader may be interested in playing sports.
Preparing for SY23-24
Please don't forget to follow us on Instagram @hydeaddisonpta
Happy summer from the Hyde-Addison PTA!
Happy summer from the Hyde-Addison PTA! We're excited to connect with new families and welcome back returning families for the 2023-24 school year.
The Hyde-Addison PTA is dedicated to supporting the school mission to provide an excellent academic environment and foster a strong, inclusive community. There are no dues or fees, and we welcome participation from all Hyde-Addison families! We have many exciting events and initiatives in the works and look forward to a more normal school year. Stay tuned for opportunities to volunteer on our brand new committees!
If you're new to Hyde or haven't already, we hope you'll take a few minutes this week to download Konstella, a virtual platform for Hyde-Addison families. More info on Konstella is in the flyers below.
If you have any questions or suggestions for things you'd like to see this school year, please don't hesitate to email us at
pta.hydeaddison@gmail.com or share your thoughts in the All Families chat on Konstella!
Summer Reading
Summer is a great time to have some fun while raising academic skills/readiness by reading, reading, and reading! Here are some special summer programs to keep you and your student going!
- Keep a record of 3 books you read this summer and receive a free book of your choice from Barnes and Noble through the Summer Reading program.
- Looking for some fun and low-key activities to do this summer that support literacy learning? Check out these great suggestions from Reading Is Fundamental (RIF).
DC Public Library Summer Literacy Gameboard
DC Public Library has a Discover Summer gameboard for students! This year's prizes include Nats baseball tickets, a free Wendy's frosty, and more! It officially starts this Saturday, June 17th. The library is also sponsoring free museum days across the city and special events at library locations.
This year there is one gameboard for all ages, so the whole family can participate! While signing up online enters participants for raffles, you can also just use the gameboard and return it to any DC Public Library by August 31st for prizes (while supplies last). If anyone has participated in the last few years, they most likely have an account already online and it just needs to be updated.
Here's the website link: https://www.dclibrary.org/discover-summer-2023
Recurring Meetings and Upcoming Key Dates for SY23-24
July 21, 2023: New-to-Hyde Virtual Q&A
August 3, 2023: Grade Level Specific Open Houses
August 22, 2023: Class placements will be communicated on or before this date
August 23, 2023: Teacher introductions will be emailed on or before this date
August 25, 2023: Sneak Peek in classrooms
August 28, 2023: First day of school for K-5 students
August 31, 2023: First day of school for PK students
First Tuesday of the Month: LSAT Meeting (Beginning in October)
Fourth Tuesday of the Month: PTA General Body Meeting on Zoom
Last Friday of the Month: Equity and Anti-Racism Task Force Meeting on Microsoft Teams (beginning in August)
Stay In Touch
Email: hyde.addison@k12.dc.gov
Website: https://www.hydeaddisondc.org
Location: 3219 O St NW, Washington, DC 20007
Phone: 202-282-0170
Facebook: facebook.com/hydeaddison/
Twitter: @DrCalvinRHooks