Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School -- November 30th, 2023
In this Advent of expectation
draw us together in unity,
that our praise and worship
might echo in these walls
and also through our lives.
In this Advent of expectation
draw us together in mission,
that the hope within
might be the song we sing,
and the melody of our lives.
In this Advent of expectation
draw us together in service,
that the path we follow
might lead us from a stable
to a glimpse of eternity.
A Note from Mrs. Longden
Looking up the word advent in multiple dictionary sites, I came across many words used to describe what is meant by advent. On Sunday, we will begin the Advent season. This is the season that comes right before the Christmas season. Similar activities and preparations sometimes cause us to lose track and recognize that each season has great spiritual opportunities.
Here is what I found for the word advent:
The arrival of a notable person, thing, or event.
From the Latin word “Adventus,” which means coming or arrival.
The arrival and appearance of something having great importance.
And a few more:
Arrival, appearance, coming, beginning, start, onset, approach, incoming, inception, dawn, genesis, commencement, entrance, dawning, birth, debut, ingress, morning.
May your Advent be filled with great anticipation and meaning for the season.
Mrs. Longden
As we come closer to Advent, the preparation time for the coming of Christ’s birth, I will leave you with the words of Mother Teresa, as she leads you closer to Jesus.
“I worry some of you still have not really met Jesus — one to one — you and Jesus alone. We may spend time in chapel —but have you seen with the eyes of your soul how He looks at you with love? Do you really know the living Jesus — not from books but from being with Him in your heart? Have you heard the loving words He speaks to you?”
~Mother Teresa
Have you allowed Jesus to look at you with love today?
What does it mean for you to let Jesus see you in the painful and shameful places of your heart?
Have I seen with the eyes of my soul how Jesus looks upon me with love?
When have I heard the loving words Jesus speaks to me?
Where do I fail to trust the Lord?
Great to be Grateful
December Virtue - MEEKNESS
Saint: Bl. Anthony Grassi
Aspiration: Come Holy Spirit, increase in me the Gift of Fear of the Lord.
Meaning: Serenity of spirit while focusing on the needs of others.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, Be King of my heart, especially when I am frustrated or angry. In those moments give me the grace to use all my emotions for the good.
Scripture: Ephesians 4:26
Opposing Trait: Giving in to anger and losing one's temper when working or playing with others.
Ways to Cultivate: Remain calm; allow others to go first; wait without complaining
Looks Like/Sounds Like: When you get upset, count to 10 before you react. "I will wait until you are finished." Walk away when you are angry instead of fighting. Remain calm. Wait without expecting people to notice your patience.
Family Folders
This week in Family Folders:
They will come home tomorrow, Friday, December 1st
*Report Cards
*1st Trimester Tardy Letters
*Out of Dress Code Coupons (for students who collected pledge money for Glow Walk)
*Cookie Fundraiser Information
*Holy Trinity Parish and School Volunteer Appreciation Event
Kewaskum School District No School
Kewaskum School District does not have school on Friday, December 1st.
If you did not receive your bus times, please reach out to the school office.
Advent begins on Sunday, December 3rd
Information was sent home in Family Folders a couple weeks ago.
Our school theme this year will revolve around the
Jesse Tree.
We will begin with a prayer service on Monday,
December 4th . Classes will have scripture and prayer
meetings in the hallways that go along with the
bulletin boards created around the Jesse Tree. The
Jesse Tree will introduce hundreds upon hundreds of
years of God’s story through His beloved people. We
will have reconciliation for our 2nd -8th graders as well.
Advent Wreath Challenge—have an advent wreath in
every families’ home. Send in a picture and we will
post it on our bulletin boards.
Holy Trinity School will be helping the Kewaskum
Food Pantry by collecting different items needed for
our community.
Where does the Jesse Tree come from?
In the early European Catholic Church, the visual image of Jesus’ family tree became very popular. Jesus’ family tree was drawn onto medieval manuscripts, embroidered onto fabric, and put into stained glass windows. Some of these images are still preserved today!
This lineage of Jesus is known as Salvation History.
By reading a passage from Scripture every day and hanging a corresponding ornament that relates to the Scripture passage, we see the big picture of God’s plan to reopen the gates of Heaven that culminated with the birth of Jesus.
Today, the Jesse Tree has turned into a hands-on way to prepare our hearts for Christmas by following in the footsteps of the people who make up Jesus’ family tree.
WHY do a Jesse Tree during Advent?
God prepared the Jewish people for the coming of Jesus by sending prophets, kings, and holy men and women. Through their lives, these Jewish men and women foretold of the coming of the Messiah and how God would save His people from sin.
Today, kids can still relive this period of preparation for the coming of the Messiah during the season of Advent.
They can learn the incredible history of the Jewish people which is often filled with hardships and troubles, but constantly hopeful that their God had not abandoned them.
Through the Jesse Tree, children today can walk through Salvation History that culminated with the arrival of a little Baby at the first Christmas.
Christmas Concert News
The Christmas Concert will be on Thursday, December 21st at 1:00 P.M. and 5:30 P.M.
Our 3K and 4K students who are here in the afternoons will be performing at the 1:00 performance as well as the 5:30 performance.
Concert Dress - Dress nicely - Christmas Mass Attire
Holy Trinity Parish and School Cookie Fundraiser
Home and School is planning a Cookie Fundraiser
**We are asking for each family to please make/buy 2-3 dozen cookies for the event. Cookies can be dropped off at school on Friday, December 15th.
Kewaskum Christmas Parade
Holy Trinity will have a float in the Kewaskum Christmas Parade! Thank you to our volunteers who helped put the float together. If you are interested in walking along with the float and have not contacted Katie Breuer you still can. See the Facebook families post.
On December 3rd, if you are walking, meet in the Regal Ware parking lot by 4:30. Look for the float that is themed with the game Trouble. A picture of the float will be posted on the Facebook Families page on Friday so you know what it looks like. If you can not find the float on Sunday, please send a message on the Facebook families page and they will find you in the parking lot.
The Parade will begin at 5:00 P.M.
Cookie Hunt
Holy Trinity is participating in the Kewaskum Cookie Hunt on Sunday, December 3rd. Be sure to stop by if you are participating in the hunt.
Thank you to Julie Rosbeck for making the cookies we will be handing out!
$crip/Raise Right Dazzle Days are here! Two weeks of bonuses on eGift cards AND physical gift cards. From today until December 8, over 75 brands will be on bonus! This Christmas season, take your holiday spending further while raising more funds toward your tuition. Shop bonuses on brand for all your holiday shopping. Plus, watch your email and Facebook for surprise daily flash bonuses. See which brands are on bonus in the app or online at RaiseRight.com. Earn extra money on every day items like Kwik Trip -- on bonus to 9% and Kwik Trip Grocery -- on bonus to 15%. Purchase gift cards to restaurants like Pizza Ranch, Applebees, Dave and Busters, TGI Fridays, Texas Roadhouse and Red Robin. Don't have an account yet? Follow the easy steps to get started at RaiseRight.com/m/StartEarning. Holy Trinity's enrollment code is 4C5B12214796.
Please contact the school office if you have any questions. Thank you to everyone who buys Scrip and supports this great fundraiser!
The last day to order Scrip for guaranteed delivery before Christmas is Monday, Dec. 11. All orders are due by 8 am to the school office. After December 11, we will still have some Scrip available, based on what we keep in stock. Please call the school office at 262 626-2603 if you need gift cards on short notice. Thank you to everyone who uses Scrip! We appreciate your support of this important fundraiser for Holy Trinity School.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, December 1st - Mass
Sunday, December 3rd - Advent Begins
Sunday, December 3rd - Kewaskum Christmas Parade
Wednesday, December 6th - Mass (Grades 4K, 5-8)
Friday, December 8th - Mass (Immaculate Conception)
Wednesday, December 13th - Mass (Grades 4K, 1-4)
Friday, December 15th - Mass
Wednesday, December 20th - Mass (Grades 4K, 5-8)
Thursday, December 21st - Christmas Concert 1 PM and 5:30 PM
Friday, December 22nd - Mass
December 23rd-January 2nd - Christmas Break
Wednesday, January 3rd - School Resumes
Calendar of Cash
November 16 - Natalie Knorr
November 17 - Helen Lauters
November 20 - Wendy Hespe
November 21 - Sandra Gitter
November 22 - NA
November 23 - NA
November 24 - NA
November 27 - Becky Krueger
November 28 - Langdon Piwoni
November 29 - Jeff Watzlawick
Volleyball Camp
See the info attached
Wildcat Basketball
December 1st - Home game against Holyland Black
December 8th - Away game against Shepherd of the Hills
December 15th - Home game against Holyland Orange
January 5th - Away game against Holyland Black
January 19th - Home game against St. Matt's
January 26th - Away game against Holyland Orange
February 2nd - Home game against WCHSA 1
February 9th - Away game against St. Matt's
February 16th - Home game against Shepherd of the Hills
February 22nd - Away game against WCHSA 2
Volunteer Appreciation
All volunteers connected with Holy Trinity School and Parish: Please see the attached.
Building a Culture of Vocations
This event is free and open to the public! Registration can be found on our website here.
See the attached picture for more information.
Kettle Moraine Symphony
Altar and Server Guild Meetings
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide a high-quality education, and to guide children in living the Catholic faith.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603