RCHS Newsletter
5/16/23 Final Newsletter for the 22/23 School Year
Fellow Jags,
RCHS has had such an amazing year. We have exceeded previous benchmarks and grown even further into our excellence in academics, activities and athletics.
We are getting ready to celebrate the Class of 2023. We included a few highlights listed below.
- As a Class they have received over $14M in Scholarships
- Our Jaguar spirit will be blanketing the nation with Jags heading off to 43 states and 4 countries.
- We have our highest number of Boettcher scholars in school history this year.
- We have maintained excellence with nearly 30 National Merit Scholarship Qualifiers.
- We are the only high school in Douglas County to be awarded the John Irwin by CDE.
- We are the only high school in Douglas County to receive the CDE Growth Award.
- We have the highest number of students enrolled in AP courses in Douglas County.
- We gave the highest number of AP exams in Douglas County.
- We maintain the highest average SAT score in Douglas County.
- Over 100 clubs and activities
- Class of 2023 over 40,000 community service hours logged
- Well over $100,000 raised to help many different charities
- Students competed at local, state and national competitions representing RCHS
- Record number of student athletes participating in athletics
- Record 22 Athletic teams plus making it to the postseason
- Several teams participating in State finals and finishing top 3
- School records broken in many sports
I want to take this opportunity to thank our dedicated students, their supportive parents and a staff that I could not be more proud of.
One of the areas I am most proud of is how our students, staff and parents all support each other during the most challenging times. Taking care of each other during the most difficult times truly exemplifies the Jaguar Spirit and I am proud to be part of this community.
I wish you all a wonderful summer and I look forward to welcoming our returning and new Jags to the friendly confines of The Rock Canyon Jungle in August.
Jaguar Proud,
Andy Abner
Rock Canyon High School
Upcoming Dates
- 5/16 Senior Honors Night - 6pm (Invitation Only)
- 5/17 Senior Clap Out - 9am
- 5/17 Senior Graduation Rehearsal - 3:30pm
- 5/18/23 Graduation - 9am (School Closed)
- 5/22-5/25 Finals (Grades 9-11)
- 5/25 Last Day of School (9-11)
- 5/26 Teacher Work Day (No School)
***RCHS's last day for serving lunch will be 5/19/2023.***
RCHS Yearbooks
If your student has not yet purchased a yearbook, books for purchase will be $100 cash and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. *No checks will be accepted for purchases.
2023 Summer School
Registration is now open for Summer School 2023!
We are very pleased to announce that DCSD, through the use of ESSER funds, will be able to offer free summer school to all DCSD 9th-12th grade students seeking to retrieve credits and/or otherwise get back on track toward graduation.
If you are interested in summer school please have your students reach out to their counselors to sign up for the appropriate courses.
- Credit Recovery courses are being offered both in-person (English, Algebra and EES/Biology) and online through Edgenuity (multiple offerings).
- In Session II (July 10-28), RCHS is also offering PE for initial credit for current 9th - 12th graders and Algebra Boot Camp (July 24-28) for incoming freshmen only needing an Algebra refresher to take Geometry or higher in the fall.
- A fee is attached to these offerings.
Please click on this link to find out more information.
Nominate a teacher for the 2024 Colorado Teacher of the Year
Do you know an exceptionally dedicated, knowledgeable, and skilled K-12 teacher? Nominate them to apply for the 2024 Colorado Teacher of the Year award by Monday, May 15.
Each year the Colorado Teacher of the Year Program honors an outstanding K-12 classroom teacher. The selected teacher will automatically become Colorado’s nominee for the National Teacher of the Year Program.
To nominate a teacher, visit the Colorado Teacher of the Year webpage. Once nominated, the nominee is invited to submit their application by Thursday, June 2.
2023-2024 Lend A Hand School Supply Drive kicks off on Monday May 15, 2023!
DCSD Foundation
The Foundation for Douglas County Schools is coordinating the 2023 Lend A Hand School Supply Drive this summer, with the goal of collecting, purchasing, assembling and distributing backpacks and school supplies to DCSD students. This school supply drive is in its 13th year and distributes between 1,200 - 1,800 backpacks annually. In addition to the backpack distribution, the Foundation for Douglas County Schools is excited to support our DCSD teachers with donated supplies for their classrooms. Please visit and share the information found on our website with your students and families. The Student Request link for an age appropriate backpack goes LIVE on the website on Monday May 15, 2023. Look for a program email this week that will include flyers, posters and program information to share.
***23/24 RCHS Bell Schedule***
Congratulations to the Senior Class of 2023
Rock Canyon High School
5810 McArthur Ranch Road, Highlands Ranch, CO 80124
Website: https://www.rockcanyonjags.com/
Location: 5810 McArthur Ranch Road, Highlands Ranch, CO 80124, USA
Phone: 303-387-3000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RockCanyon/
Twitter: @RockCanyonHS